Domain Invasion boost ended earlier today in FFXI

Domain Invasion boost ended earlier today in FFXI.

Did you get anything decent out of it?

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Nothing exceptional. Odyssey boots from Quetz and an Iris from Naga Raja.

My only jobs are BRD GEO and WHM so I guess what jobs you have has no bearing on what you get.

I've been desperate to get a pair for my BLU but I haven't seen anyone shouting for an Escha-Ru'Aun run and I'm afraid of trying to set one up.

dont be a fag, ask your linkshell for help or join one if you somehow havent yet. you wont get shit done if youre afraid of basic communication

Not him but I'm thinking of quitting because of the necessity of other players. I got into this because everyone told me it was a single player MMO.
I worry about getting bullied for being new. I haven't interacted much with anyone on my server beyond this one guy I met while exping in the desert but everything I read about FFXI's community has me afraid of being bullied for not having the best kind of gear.

I think you should be more worried about being bullied for being a weak faggot.

>Did you get anything decent out of it?
No, because I'd rather private server :^)

See this is what I'm talking about. I wanna gear up and be more useful but I can't solo shit with my trusts and everything solo I read about involves the best gear.
What's the point if I'm just gonna get called a fag? I should've stayed with FFXIV.

If anyone's on Phoenix and needs a Linkshell, send a tell.

Doesn't matter what gear you have or what job you play, the most important thing is that you're looking to do stuff. Everyone in the LS will help you out, regardless of what it is you need done.

>AA Elvaan
You can unlock her now as a trust?


Yep. She made taking down Belphegor a breeze because she's a PLD/WHM with an absurd amount of HP.

If he uses Sleepga II, she'll be the first to wake up due to taking damage and wake up the rest of the party. She's pretty great.

I'm gonna work on getting the rest now so I can see how they play together.

I'd just steer clear of MMOs for a single player adventure, friendo. FFXIV won't sate your hunger there.

>solo-oriented MSQ that constantly grinds to a halt when it inexplicably forces shitty 4-man dungeons and 8-man trials which are either brain-dead easy or a confusing mess where other players bumrush it without explaining mechanics

>mid-end and high-end content that requires you to read a guide or watch a video before you even attempt it lest you risk wiping the entire group and if you don't, the party collapses anyways out of frustration from a single wipe despite no consequences for failure

>soloing for fun is only possible with PLD, WAR, RDM, maybe SMN, and the healers: everyone else is utterly fucked and has no self-sustain whatsoever

>nothing on the overworld that tests your solo skills outside of A-rank hunts, which depending on your server, will ignite some gay little witchhunt if you're caught not shouting its position for the entire world to congregate to

There's PotD at least but
>only job that has even remotely a possible chance at all 200 floors is RDM, and its based entirely on luck

Elvaan are best. All other races are less than the dirt Prince Trion steps upon

Altana bless the papacy

You can solo Ambuscade Normal with Sparks/Bayld+1 gear and trusts. You can solo most of delve with shit gear and trusts. You can solo the base skirmishes with shit gear and trusts. Noticing a pattern?

No, you won't be busting out new dynamis in welfare gear, but you CAN gear up to the point where a group will take you with minimal effort.

RoE Intermediate quests will give you a bunch of great gear for a fresh 99 too.

But if I queue for ambuscade I take like 15 minutes to beat the boss.
Won't people be upset at me for holding up the line?

Amen to that.






So next boost after Domain Invasion is a campaign for BCNMs, any chance they'll have worthwhile drops?

If it's the same as the last one, here's what to expect out of it.

Tempted to spam it for the job cards, but the drop rate isn't too pleasing.

Seems like it will be a good chance to make money at least.

Battle of the Outlands.

Between Adoulin and Aht Urhgan, which was the better journey abroad?

Aht Urhgan for the old memories and the old friends
Adoulin for the new ones.

What websites do you guys use for all your FFXI information and discussions? I remember killingifrit

You really need to stop worrying so much. Fuck 'em. They can't tell who it is. All they see is pages going up in flames.

I used to post and participate a lot on Allakhazam

These days I just browse FFXIAH and use BGWiki.

Used to:
>BBCode Linkshell forums

>FFXIclopedia, because even though it's outdated I'm not playing on retail right now
>Private server Discord

I swear, I can never find a good Gearswap LUA.

The one I have for BLU is perfect, but the SCH ones I keep running into are just bizarre.

Who puts all the Job Abilities on F1-F12, but doesn't include a single way to swap between Idle sets or Nuking modes? What the hell?

Whats a good controller to use to play XI?

honestly, anything as long as you find it comfortable and can configure it.

I was able to set up my DS4 for those days where I was just grinding away and friends were asleep/afk. It worked pretty well, but configuring it at first was confusing. I'm not sure what I did but I eventually got it to work.

Should I play this or FFXIV?

I've never played an mmo btw.

What are the chances of people still playing this after the return campaign is over? I won't have time until newyears.

I'm I made a linkshell during the free login period and recruited people from here and others I met ingame.

So far none of them have stopped playing.

I can't speak for everyone else, but so far it looks like I've got a decent group together for doing stuff.

>I've never played an mmo btw.
Don't start

There is an event on atm that doubles all trusts HP, make the most of it.

Yeah, I know.

But she's got a good +400 HP over Amchuchu, which has lead to her surviving a lot of things that Amchuchu had problems keeping up with.

I'm still trying to re-learn the trusts, trying to figure out what works best under what condition.

Did anyone actually ENJOY Abyssea?


Depends what you want from an MMO.

Some user in a previous thread said so, at least.

Some user was wrong and/or lying.

Is there a roleplay server?


Yeah, go to Asura.

Talk to Apocarypse, he's in charge of the main RP Linkshell on the server.