Name the most disappointing video game you have ever played

name the most disappointing video game you have ever played.

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Mass Effect 3

well most recent was Evil within 2

Duke Nukem Forever probably. Had to force myself to finish that one.

Pokemon Sun & Moon


Rome 2

Aliens Colonial Marines

Supcom 2

fug squeenix

This was a real kick to the dick. I really hate "only the ending was bad" meme too, the entire game was shit aside from MP.

Final Fantasy 11-15

I literally can't think of a single redeeming factor about this game.

Oblivion, Fuck you Todd and your E3 presentations.

Owlboy. You're not even the owl boy the title implies.

Fable 2, I was so let down.

This and also Zero Time Dilemma.

No man's sky.

It was supposed to be the space exploration game I've been waiting for my whole life and it was just so disappointing.

People say it's way better with the updates, but I don't really get it myself. They added some really cool features with the planetary classifications and biomedical, and base building was kinda cool for a few minutes, but ultimately it just took a grindfest and turned it into a massive grindfest.

It would have been really cool to have one of those monster freighters and some sweet ass ships but to charge well over 100 million units (some were as high as 400 million) is fucking preposterous. Who the fuck has the kind of time to grind for that much dosh? Sure you can farm for it in your base, but guess what? In order to be able to farm enough to even make a dent in that cost, you need to grind to get the materials just to build the fucking farm.

The exploration itself held my interest long enough, and the space combat was okay enough for me, but the grind just fucking wrecked it for me. People say it's wide as an ocean but deep as a puddle, but really it's just grind so that you can grind some more.

Monster Hunter 3



Honestly it was (and remains in my view) a fantastically crafted game with absolutely fuck all interactivity to it as a game. The world content that made the 3D GTA games so good just isn't there even after the billion patches.

Fable 2

>No man's sky.
how didn't you see it 100 miles away? you have only yourself to blame.

Final Fantasy 7

To me it is just so boring. I got the PS4 version and I had to stop playing after Cloud got out of that weird dream world because I was just so bored. I didn't care about any of the characters, the combat was slow and boring, the setting was bland, and besides like maybe 2 tracks the music was forgettable. I know JRPG's are not my favorite type of genre of games but never before has a game made me so bored out of my mind.

The last of us

Chronicles of Pern: Dragonriders. By a large margin.

I don't get this, Fable 2 was awesome.

Maybe it's because I didn't hear about it until years after it came out, but I had some serious fun with that game.

Tied between Mass Effect 2 and Halo 2

dark souls 1
didnt live up to all that hype Sup Forums was pushing which then spread to the rest of the impressionable retard portion of gamers

pisspoor graphics
mediocre gameplay
giant bossfight gimmick failing to impress anyone over the age of 12

This, good movie but shit game

I'm still mad.

Mass Effect 2

>Fallout 4

Gran Turismo 2

Amnesia the dark descent

Its just not scary, I don't get it

>bossfight gimmick

The Fantastic 4: The Movie for the GCN. It taught me videogames can be bad.

World of Warcraft. They casualized that game beyond belief, which led to the destruction of the entire MMO genre. A lot of us oldhead EQ players thought WoW was gonna be the new generation of MMORPG. It was, but in the entirely wrong way...

Honestly I knew that there was only going to be SO much variety before it all started to look similar, but that really wasn't what killed it for me. I had fun with the exploration aspect, I really did.

Being stuck in a shit starship and wanting to get a bigger/better one but not having enough units, so then in turn having to search and grind for materials is what killed it for me. I found myself harvesting 200 leaves from a rare plant to make one of eight panes of glass needed to build a greenhouse so I can spend hour after hour farming geknip at 100k credits an hour to buy a ship that costs 48 million credits. Maybe you're right, maybe that's what I should have expected instead but I honestly didn't even see that particular issue coming.

Age of Wonders 3


Fallout 4


Cuphead is pretty shit tbqh, the literal meaning of artificial difficulty.

They took an already pretty shallow action RPG and watered it down even further. They also tried to cram jokes anywhere they would fit, though TLC started that trend so I can't lay that exclusively at the feet of 2.

DMC1 is a better game

I could probably see where you're coming about world, characters and pace
But the music is awesome. I'm sorry to announce you have shit taste

Dragon Age II

Brink. How did it all go so wrong?

sorry but i do my research

Borderlands. It was going to be so cool and stylish and fun. Like Guy Ritchie directs Fallout, but with gunplay from an id game with 17 Brazilian guns; and it ended up being a shit console port of Hellgate: London complete with enemies that won't die even after you've shot them so much the lead poisoning ought to have killed them by now and a story told mainly in text format like its still 1987.

name a time the research was wrong

How did you find this disappointing?

I liked this track and maybe Aerith's theme but that's about it.

Metal Gear Solid 5

assassins creed 3, well ac2 was good and thought it will be better

It didn't have the spirit and fun of the first Gran Turismo, which if you're old enough will remember was the most ground breaking video game of the decade in any genre.

You're not really this shit at games are you, user-kun?

Starfox Zero
I'm still mad

I remember why I hate Square Enix now.

Easily dark souls 2, I even got the LE of that piece of shit.

Not even Underneath the Rotten Pizza or Spooky Theme in Shinra HQ?
The best music comes later in the game though. In retrospect that's prolly why it was forgettable to you

The Movies

desu, Skyrim. I keep hearing people hype it up, even back in it's hayday, and I can't seem to enjoy more than eight hours of this game without dropping it.

giant sized bosses are a gimmick

so is the loud ass clopping noise, when you walk... the footstep sound effects.
it holds over 90% of the games so called "immersion" together.
if you remove this stupid sound, the entire feel of the game is totally killed. this is a very asian and very cheap production tactic

speaking of which, the entire game is just a "nothing special as fuck" gameworld with cut and paste enemies and literally nothing else.
absolutely zero production value


SimCity 2013

Persona 5. Morgana and story parts got in the way too much for the game to be enjoyable. So many wasted days for no reason. Music was great tho.

Fallout 4

Yup. Spore

God, I wanted to love Etrian Odyssey V so bad, and I did enjoy it all the way up to the final post-game boss. Even Ur Child looked better than this. Music was pretty mundane too. I guess that's what EOV gets for coming out right after Persona 5.

How on God's earth is Halo 2 the most disappointing? The only valid complaint is the cliff hanger but Bungie literally ran out of time and cliff hangers are pretty common for middle part of trilogies

Max Payne 3

Silent hill 3

Most of the games that disappointed me the most I never played, usually sequels to games that I loved, but could smell the shit from a mile away and as a result never touched, games like Dragon Age 2 or Max Payne 3.

There are however 2 games that are disappointing on the basis that they were only good, instead of amazing. It's a different kind of disappointment, the feeling of wasted potential.

God dammmit MGS4 and Dark Souls 3.

Breath of the Wild

Got a few:
>Halo 3
Overhyped myself, plus it just wasn't as good as the previous 2 IMO
I truly don't understand how this game was getting 10/10 scores. It's just plain boring, it's drab, and the side characters are annoying.
>Fallout 3
I was already a fan of the series before 3 came out. I expected Fallout in 3D, but got a shitty Oblivion mod instead. The story isn't interesting, the world is too compact and theme-parky, and the characters aren't believable.

Borderlands the Pre-Sequel

Fallout 4 and Dawn of War 3 (during beta)

Final Fantasy Tactics
I thought I was underwhelmed by FF7, but holy moley

Diablo 3

>he had hope for NMS

Oh God, I'm so sorry user. I wrote that one off before they even finished the initial pitch.

raven squad


Assassins Creed III

Fable 2 is beyond cosy, it’s a disappointing game but I’ll love it till the end of time
Now fable 3....

Unreal Tournament 3

Dragon Age Inquisition really let me down.

Fallout 4

Two Worlds