Is it just me, or are Gunslinger and Royal Guard completely and utterly useless? All I do is switch between Swordmaster and Trickster. The situation where I would want anything else just doesn't exist. Especially Royal Guard. Am I missing something here?
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nice bait
Royal Guard is fucking broken once you figure out the just block/party timing
Gunslinger is good for crowd control, Royal Guard is better against bosses, also Trickster is pretty useless until you reach level 2.
Trickster is my favourite, Sword Master is pretty damn stylish, Royal Guard can be useful but I never used Gunslinger even once. Guns aren't very useful for much in my opinion.
>Royal Guard completely and utterly useless
Just don't be a scrub, that should fix it.
>Am I missing something here?
Many things. Swordmaster and Trickster are certainly the more obviously good styles, but every style is great and the optimal one for any given area tends to vary heavily (even if royalguard is the overal best style in the game once you get how it works)
>Why gunslinger is good
Charge pistols and shotgun do a shitload of damage for how safe they are, as does mashing shoot and syle with pistols, gunstinger, and basically anything spiral does
Artemis goes from a petty mediocre weapon to crowd control god. I would never want to fight leviathan without this thing.
Guns in general are a lot better than you might think once you realize how important it is to keep your style meter up and are playing on higher difficulties. Being able to just pop off shots while manvering around enemies to prevent it from dropping is real handy. They also tend to be really great ways to knock down specific enemies who like to dance around your melee, like the red or teleporting sythe enemies
>Why Royal Guard is good
first, you can cancel a lot of stuff into the block to make it come out faster. The best example of this is that alternating between shoot and style with the shotgun or spiral puts out a ton of DPS. You can do something similar by canceling them into the pistols but this is noticeably faster and lets you use a different gun
As for the actual blocking. If you roll or jump through an enemy attack and use ground/air blocking while "inside" of it you will automatically get the timing down for the parry 95% of the time. You can also do this with the release, which does a shitload of damage if you build it up first.
When fully upgraded it also has an anti projectile move that can make fighting some enemies and bosses on harder difficulties way less annoying
They aren't useless. But most importantly you should change your mindset. To become Dante you must first master all weapons and abilities, not just your favorite. DMC3 offers the most innovative combat in a video game. Even after all these years, nothing has come close to it.
Here's an example by one of the Legendary DMC3 players MOE
Gunslinger is for if your really like area control/area denial. It can be useful in some combos, but its function is to keep everyone off of you.
Royal Guard has two amazing potentials. One is perfect blocking and using that, but you have to learn that organically through combat which requires patience. The second is move canceling, which can create some super fun and strong combos. The spiral rifle in particular becomes a murdering machine once you start canceling each shot into royal guard. Kick 13 can turn into a kick 26, rebellion combos can continue after million stabs whilr staying grounded. The list goes on.
>Royal Guard is usele-
>Posting weak ass DMC4 royal guard
>RG useless
user,your “Never played higher then Hard mode” is showing.
I get it,SM is my favorite, but to think RG isn’t busted and a boss slayer just shows how entry level you are with the series/game.
Take time to master it and play some harder difficulties then you’ll understand
>DMC3 offers the most innovative combat in a video game. Even after all these years, nothing has come close to it.
It's called DMC4.
>game so underwhelming and unfinished even it's own fans have to hack and mod it to find it fun
except the biggest mod for DMC3 is a DMC4-like style switcher
>user,your “Never played higher then Hard mode” is showing.
I am playing DMC3 for the first time. Already played DMC1, DMC4 and Bayo. Also, I'm using the style switcher mod.
DMC3 is the one with the shitass port that requires styleswitcher to fix it. Plus, what does modding have to do with combat?
As a novelty to play around with. That's not the same as people hacking bloody palace to remove the annoying timer, to skip all the shitty levels, or to fight the same boss 4 times
What it means is that the base gameplay of DMC4 just isn''t that fun outside of making combo videos because they nerfed the fuck out of everything and all the enemies suck because they were designed with nero in mind and are just dumbed down DMC1 enemies in the first place, so instead of being able to just enjoy the game as is people have to use all kinds of mods in order to really enjoy it in 2017 because the base game just devolves into dealing with all the annoying gimmicks in the levels, watching your character run down empty hallways for a needlessly long time and going out of your way to avoid using all the comically overpowered shit that kills everyone instantly that every character (especially the special edition ones) has
Doppelganger is fun for co-op.
Quicksilver is honestly a better use of DT meter than anything other than DTE and leads to really cool combos at high level.
Royalguard is busted as all fuck and is the strongest style objectively.
Gunslinger is the worst style in the game but it has loads of cool moves like wild stomp and gunstinger. Try playing with Gunslinger and using Artemis with Nevan and shit out purple projectiles everywhere, it's fun.
Trickster is honestly not worth having over what you get with the other styles. Maybe for bosses if you're bad with Royalguard, but honestly for me even the teleport is not enough to make up for how much you lose.
DMC4 is not a fun game at all. It's literally just a practice simulator.
Ya DMC3 is the better game overall. I'm just saying DMC4 has the most technical, most polished combat in the series. It was able to even innovate over DMC3.
>Royal Guard completely and utterly useless
>not just playing the vanilla PS2 version
user please
The very definition of "I can't get good so I'm blaming the game"
>Quicksilver is honestly a better use of DT meter than anything
I'd say it's pretty balanced with most of the non rebellion DT's
> I'm just saying DMC4 has the most technical, most polished combat in the series.
Dunno if this is really fair to say given that while dmc3 doesn't' have as many moves at any given time, each of those moves is a lot better than it's DMC4 counterpart in terms of use and followups. DMC4 has so many things that were just nerfed like crazy (enemy steps, royal guard and guns in general, no crazy combos or enemy surfing, only one DT type, fist weapon outside of DRI) the only thing I can really think was objectively improved on was drive, which was kind of a crap move in the original game outside of a couple situations
>not playing at 144hz with style switching
>Royal Guard
>completely and utterly useless
How to spot a reddit user
>for the first time
>Also, I'm using the style switcher mod
I hope that means you're only using it for fixing the port and not actually using it, otherwise what the hell are you doing? The game is designed and balanced a certain way, you don't mod in something that significant your first time through.
>playing DMC3: Casual edition
>I'm just saying DMC4 has the most technical, most polished combat in the series.
Why is this your argument when you're not even good at either game? You don't even know if this is true or false, you simply heard one of your favorite players state this and you took it as fact.
If it's one thing I do know about Sup Forums fags it's that literally none of them are actually competent at DMC games, not even the watered down DmC.
>Royal Guard
>utterly useless
Why not? Switching between Trickster and Swordmaster is just too much fun. Also I'm used to it because of DMC4, so why would I want less complexity?
DMC3 with a style switcher is the most technical thing you could ever play
DMC3's basic enemies are generally worse than 4's though. DMC3's are mainly distinguished through having some annoying gimmick, their movesets are very basic. DMC4's knights alone are better than anything in DMC3. Same thing applies to the bosses, frankly, if we're speaking purely about quality and not quantity. DMC3's boss squad gets carried hard by Vergil but has some major stinkers like Arkham, Doppelganger, Jester, Leviathan, etc. DMC3's advantage is that it has a lot more content and variety, DMC4 literally had to be remade from the ground-up halfway through development when they switched engines. This is why we really need DMC5.
You can use royal guard to cancel attack animations and repeat moves without continuing a combo. This acts as combo extenders
I beat it on DMD but I ended up not learning RG until much later, he doesn't necessarily need to be a newcomer, maybe he just didn't see it in action (even if the utility of something that parries attacks to then counter is obviously useful if you know the game).
Because DMC3 is not balanced towards it and you completely break the game and turn it into easy mode by using it. I'm not saying you can't use it but don't pretend like it's the best way or you're actually good at the game because neither is true.
>It's called DMC4.
If Dante's moveset wasn't neutered into the ground. He can do some amazing tricks, but his movepool is much much smaller.
I'm playing on yellow, if that makes it any better.
Stop projecting. I'm definitely competent at the game. Fightan is my favorite genre, so a lot of the concepts apply over. It's like being in the lab honestly.
Nope. Still casual. The mod is fun but it's like modding all the zombies and hunters out of REmake.
the story and level design, sure. but the gameplay is an improvement in every way.
How does switching between Swordmaster and Trickster make the game more easy? I just do it because it's fun and it looks cool.
DMC3's enemies are mostly retarded combo bags and 90% of them can't even do anything to you if you're in the air. The only way to make them hard was to give them super armor devil triggers on DMD which is more annoying than anything.
DMC4's enemies have much more complex and difficult movesets to deal with but sadly there's also wayyyyy too much of a focus on gimmicky ass shit and super armor. There is no reason an enemy like Blitz should have made it past the testing phase before someone on the team realized the thing was not fun in the slightest.
Shit like mephistos and fausts are also lame, the idea of meeting some idiotic condition before being able to actually combo something is retarded.
Beyond that DMC4 also has problems like Nero's Exceed system being inconsistent and ultimately sort of pointless, and how fucking long some of the charge moves take to do. For how almost necessary Nero's level 3 charge is for playing the game there's no purpose to it taking almost 10 full seconds in a fast paced action game to charge.
As for bosses both game's sets are bad. DMC3 has a load of gimmicky ones that limit your playstyle and DMC4's aside from Credo and Agnus are all braindead combo bags with hitboxes so big you can JC on them for hours. At least DMC3's bosses were a challenge.
Post a webm of your skills right now in either game.
Protip: you can't because you either don't play the game or you simply suck.
Don't know why you are so hung up whether an autist approves of you using style switcher or not. DMC3 isn't a hard game outside of perfect DMD runs and if you're looking for difficulty, you're better off playing DMC1.
I already played DMC1 years ago. Back then I found DMC3 to be much more challenging. I've only returned to it now after I finished Bayonetta on normal with all platinum.
>DMC3's are mainly distinguished through having some annoying gimmick, their movesets are very basic.
Because they're designed to work in groups to take you down and actually have a cohearant design behind them. The fact that you call enemies actually trying to fight back instead of being meme punching bags like DMC4 is pretty telling about why you play these games so maybe I'm preaching on deaf ears.
In dmc4 every enemy besides the parasite (the one everyone hates because it sucks) is just a dmc1 enemy but heavily dumbed down. You talk about the knights as being good but they're total launcher fodder once you get around their shields which is extremely easy (they actually become MORE vulnrable in the air for some reason) and their only other quirks (they attack most other enemy types sometimes and they can team up with the gold knight enemy to do a super telegraphed combo move) are way bigger gimmicks than anything in dmc3 because they don't really change how you fight them. The only thing stopping this enemy from being a total joke is that they can eventually flip out of combos (a thing most enemies in this game do) except that unless you're playing on DMD or intentionally going for combo length over damage they'll probably die before this happens. In DMC3 enemies didn't NEED to randomly pop out of combos because (on DMD) dante couldn't stay airborne forever and enemies like lusts and enigmas were specifically programmed to slap you out of the air so DMC4 enemies being able to escape combos isn't proof they're better but proof that the game is poorly designed. And don't get me started on the knights tendency to fly instantly to the other side of the needlessly huge rooms in DMC4 and make you waste time chasing them down, god damn. The room right after fighting credo is the worst for this shit.
As for bosses. I don't really see how those DMC3 bosses you listed are any worse than the main three big body demons in DMC4. In DMC3 I can think of a bunch of different ways to fight those guys based on your loadout or general sense of risk v reward, while every single fight against berial/dagon/echinda it's just "jump on/around his face and hit him a bunch, charge up whatever your character specific super move is when he gets stunned, maybe pick away with guns during the phase where he jumps away or otherwise forces you off him before rushing back in". Not to mention that DMC4 has some DMC2 tier boss fights like the one where you throw swords at a window or every fight involving sanctus or the savior.
yellow isn't really any more hardcore than gold because if you're going for good ranks you aren't dying anyway. also gold was the original version of the game
you can play whatever you like but you are objectively making the game easier with the mod, just own up to it
the sanctus fights were good tho
I can't because I'm posting in my apartment without my ps3. I'm not about to go run across state to my parent's house just to prove I can style to some autist projecting his lack of skill. Don't know why you are acting so uppity.
Most of what you say is correct but because you never realized that neo has max-act dmc4 fans are going to ignore everything you say and call you a dumb casual babby
sanctus 1 is "grapple/teleport over to old man with two moves, break his shield in 3 hits and pound on his defenceless ass: repeat"
sanctus 2 is the same shit but with meme "i'm just gonna go invincible for a bit to most attacks have fun dodging my super telegraphed moves as I waste your time" crap added
also his dialogue isn't as good as vergil for it to be spamed as hard
>if you're going for good ranks you aren't dying anyway.
Literally my first play-through. I'll try to get good ranks, but I am also trying to beat the game first and foremost.
>A PS3 player
Now I know you're not good at the game. You MAY be a little competent, but it requires PC play in order to excel in these games with the exception of DmC DmC because that one has a training mode.
How many times does it have to be said? it's balanced around only being able to use one style at a time simple as. You add in the ability to use any style and suddenly you're not limited, you don't have to think or apply any style to any situation because it's all there already.
>not wanting to preserve how a game is balanced is autism
I bet you're the kind of person that only plays with cheats enabled in vidya aren't you?
>whether an autist approves of you using style switcher
I think it doesn't take an autist to understand that you don't do this on your first go, it's not about difficulty, is about fundamentally changing how the game plays. You're meant to stick to something, to learn its strength and weaknesses and make your own loadouts, to develop your own style. It really makes you appreciate the balance, and having every style at once takes that away.
You wouldn't mod in RE so every shot is a headshot because it would ruin the atmosphere, why mod this?
>needing a pc with mod gimmicks to git gud
>needing fucking training mode
What the fuck are you talking about? I don't need some crutch to play it. I've been playing since release so that's plenty of time to become competent.
>fight Blitz as Nero
>sit around waiting for Blue Rose to charge 90% of the fight
>nothing you can do if you didn't get at least the level 2 charge yet
>God help you if you're playing as Trish
>fight Mephisto/Faust as Dante
>only way to take out the shroud is with the shotgun
>just an annoying preface before you can actually do damage with nothing varying between fights
Some enemies should only be for certain characters
No human being can consistently hit a 1 frame fucking gimmick technique while also juggling everything else.
Max-Act is impressive for TAS but like I said, too inconsistent for normal play.
>besides the parasite (the one everyone hates because it sucks)
It's pure suck, I'm still dumbfounded they added an enemy this bad to the game. Who thought it would be enjoyable to add plagas to the game that can attack whether you're attacking them or not?
>Royal Guard useless
I'll bite.
It's just you.
>the only characters who can actually deal with everything are the overly simple Lady and the broken as fuck Vergil
>Every single style is fun to play and can carry the game by itself
I almost want DMC 5 Dante to follow 3's design more than 4's. I really didn't like how they gimped Trickster.
The parasite makes sense when you realize all of DMC4 that they managed to ship was designed with nero in mind, nobody else.
You don't have to worry about them randomly attacking when you can just god of war button them instead, either by insatntly killing the parasite or just using the iframes of the grab.
DMC5 should be a sparda prequel. It lets them have a bunch of nostalgia throwbacks (here's beowulf with two eyes! here's berial but with a more fleshed out moveset! ect ect) and it lets them justify toning down the moveset to appease casual players while still having enough going on (three melee weapons + guns) to not be DmC 2
Honestly I feel almost the opposite of the way you do.
Trickster is insanely useful in DMC4 thanks to its utility for things like cancelling into royalguard or using sky star or teleporting to get to an enemy then attack them.
Meanwhile in DMC3 it's almost completely worthless as all it does is evasion in a game about constantly attacking. If anything they gimped every style BUT Trickster.
>I already played DMC1 years ago.
Ok, but did you at least beat hard, much less DMD? You're doing these games wrong if your definition of "playing" is brute forcing your way through the game with the grenade launcher on normal and calling it a day.
Nothing to do with bragging rights triggered user. There's nothing fun about removing all challenge from the game unless you're one of those people who think a no-gameplay mode in vidya should be a thing.
Royal Guard is god tier. Of course if you stick to running away like a girl with Trickster you'll never understand how it can absolutely stomp enemies.
Are you using Style Switcher on your first playthrough? smdh
I'm mostly using it as a gap closer since stinger pushes enemies away also.
DMC4 has the best gameplay in the series (and probably of any beat em up i've played) and only suffers from bad enemy design and being literally half-finished
>the grenade launcher
The grenadegun is really fun to use, though, even if it's broken when you're roll cancelling it. I miss it.
dmc4 gunslinger is amazing with pandora, shit tons of fun
Ninja Gaiden Black > Every DMC combined.
and then there's this autist
Like clockwork.
>flying swallow and UT chain: the game
I miss wallrunning. It might be almost a purely vanity move, but I had fun using it into combos.
They nerfed gun because it was OP as shit in DMC2. Just use guns like you would on bloodbourne, it's just something to keep them on stunlock and combo.
DMC4 feels like an unfinished DMC3.
Grenade Gun is honestly for plebs.
You're not the only one dude. I also want the DMC2 DT, Rebellion and costume to return.
I always hated that fucking freeze that happens when you use Quicksilver. Even the Bangle of Time's activation was faster.
Royal Guard is good once you get good. Gunslinger isn't anything special because most guns aren't super useful.
you mean DMC6. Nero has basically been confirmed to be involved in DMC5
You mean when they recorded lines for a pachinko machine? DMC5 hasn't been "confirmed" at all
where have you been friendo
Nightmare-Beta is cool because of the ricochets, but grenadegun is simple, exploding fun. There's room for both.
>there are people who don't bind gun to a shoulder button
gunslinger is instantly ten times more fun when you do
no, check the stuff that came out this year
I'm always in DMC threads brah. One of the last enjoyable things on Sup Forums in my opinion.
It annoys me that you can't add more costume slots for Dante in 4, I want to have the 1-4 outfits without having to switch files when I feel like changing.
They did a great job with 2's outfit, to be honest, it amazes me.