ITT: Sup Forums makes a vault, and all posts ending in 5 add to the lore, besides those that contradict previously established lore.
ITT: Sup Forums makes a vault, and all posts ending in 5 add to the lore...
inhabitants are all 5ft tall
cucc lootbox vault
OP is a faggot
i'm 5ft tall, how much should i weigh?
It's the old poop vault with the moving rooms. Some of you oldfags might know what I'm talking about. Wish I still had the screencaps.
Only men allowed.
I am the overseer
Vaulters can only watch the videos of the 10 most popular youtubers between 2010 and 2015 as their only form of divertissement.
The vauilt is populated with nothing but super model lesbians and fat neckbeards
The vault is actually OP's mom's vagina.
it has reddit on every computer
this thread is trash
Weebs should be gassed
The vault doesn't actually exist and can't have any other attributes or lore
all residents must meditate daily to reach enlightenment
Only one video game, but endless modding tools.
Once every hour at a random time, the alarms get tested. These alarms make the noise of fork prongs being grinded against a plate.
this is the truest one so far since there have been no 5s
there is no lights, constant darkness
Poorfags are dead, so are fags.
flatulence, everyone
All of them are allergic to others farts and the ventilation system is dodgy.
Only men allowed. Eight in ten men are cute traps and two in ten are hunky manly men. Birthing is taking care of entirely artificially using donations from the vaults residents
All who say there are any bad Kirby games are to be punished by lava to the anus.
Thread's over folks, no 5s here
The vault doesnt actually exist
The vault is kept at a steady 75 degrees
the ventilation system requires 1 human sacrifice per month
The vault only has one male (me) and the other inhabitants are merely a harem of women.
You have to play every game in english dub
Everyone gets gassed as soon as the vault closes
we missed the best lore
gas the kikes
Whites only
Elijah ending canon.
I’m going to take this, and add that half of the lesbians are HIV positive, but no one knows who has it
all the girls have dicks and all the guys have cunts
This. Only Todd may add to the lore
The inhabitants of the vault believe in a deity that represent rats.
the vault isn't actually secure from radiation, the residents are only tricked into believing as such and any mutations are an act of god
Cthulhu is our janitor.
No animeshit
rerolling this one
The vault is in a constant humid hot state so the occupants can never get comfortable
Well, I guess the first one is actually fine then.
All faggots are dead.
No nignogs allowed
The intercom randomly plays Thunderstruck by AC/DC and the volume increases exponentially every time he says "thunder". It cannot be interrupted.
the men are divided into two tiers by the women
the high tiered men get their pick of food, clothes and pussy
the low tiered men are kept as naked servants and frequently anally violated in front of crowds
There are no beds
The men only wants to have sex with each other.
Youre mom
Everyone is required to play Garfield Kart for a certain period during their time in the vault.
We've got a manlet pit
rollig for this
Continued survival in the vault is contingent on creating a painting to Bob Ross' instructions every day. Failure to produce a painting of sufficient quality will result in execution.
The vault is shaped like a ring with all white people. There are one-way mirrors that let them see into the center area, which is filled with ethnically Japanese people.
I hope it doesn't have dialogues.
Only Jews are allowed inside
Its the situation described in that one Sup Forums thread that was about rooms that shuffled around with holes on the sides so people shat into each others rooms and there were killer midgets that crawled through the holes and a dude that stabbed people in the ass. I dont remember if it was meant to be a vault.
Socks are required at all times, but the floor has a 1 inch layer of water on it at all times thanks to bad plumbing
Gas anyone involved or who ever saif the words gamergate.
They have coins hung constantly out of reach
The water recycling system failed because someone sold its processor for bottlecaps. (You) have to go out and get a new one
Well then.
If this gets a five then for ever ten jews a neo nazi is put in.
Everyone in this vault will be insane after a week
Giant sentient money bags have created tribes in the most remote areas of the vault
for every 10 jews one super jew is put in
there's only 1 bathroom in it
Reaction images are treated as currency.
Whites only
There is one online forum for the vault and it is reddit
I can play pokemon go is our anthem
For every 10 guys there's 1 soyboy slutty cum dump
Traps are gay
Only afro american jews allowed
>Only Jews are allowed
>All of them will go insane in a week
I'm ok with this
The only pets allowed in the vaults are cats, fish, and reptiles.
Like traps or real traps
>he doesn't know jews can grow afros themselves
I'm pickle rick
All traps.
Faggotry is punishable by death unless you're a cute girl.
This changes nothing though.
Furry pornography has to completely line every inch of the walls.
Mandatory anal sex Friday nights. Everyone must engage into anal sex independent of their gender (male x male, woman with strapon x male, etc). Only the underage, elderly and the sick are forbidden to participate.