Lootboxes are banned

>lootboxes are banned
>now game companies will give you the choice to buy in-game currency and giving lootboxes "for free" with every purchase, essentially changing nothing
>this scenario happened in China

Did you goofballs actually think government regulation will magically make mictrotransaction and lootboxes go away? It's a multibillion industry, they won't just throw the towel. Also, enjoy the consequences of opening video games to heavy government regulation. Surely you won't object to the removal of the problematic issues in video games?

The controversy surrounding BF2 sent a strong message, most likely making EA less mictrotransaction trigger happy in the future. Voting with your wallet wins again. It's almost as if a free market works...

Other urls found in this thread:



Remember when you could just unlock stuff in games? you didn't need to buy loot boxes or pay extra money for costumes or characters. you just played the game and unlocked them

I miss those days

Who is this pretty female

Who is this syrup demon?

lil peep

Narcissa thread? Finally.

so this.... is the power... of soy..........

>Pays for soyboy treatments
>Doesn't pay to fix teeth

Games were also more expensive back then and took less money to make.

Should of used this instead of the nurses in silent hill.

what is he trying to do in that pic?

>The left is currently trying to convince you these people are normal and sane

who is this beautiful young woman?

I assume trying to imitate women being cute. lol

I'll sympathise with devs when the industry isn't turning over hundreds of millions in profit a year.



I don't like lootboxes, so I don't play games with lootboxes. It's that simple. I've never spent money on one, and my life is richer for it.

If idiots want to throw away money in a Skinner box, more power to them. Same with idiots who gamble, or get addicted to alcohol. It's their basic human right to make stupid choices, and fuck up their lives.

They are not going to remove loot boxes


China also has ass-backwards, stupid as fuck business laws that basically allow bribery and theft.


the problem with lootboxes is that it is 1. gambling and 2. pay to win
if it is only cosmetic it is fine

I remember when you had all those community made maps, mods and models/skins adding infinite value to the game for free.

valve was doing essentially the same thing EA was for many years without any controversy
how did they get away with it? Are gamers just prejudiced against EA for their past alleged "misdeeds"?

I'm trans and she fucking scares me, her face and teeth just look wrong and she's so awkwardly strange in how she presents.

Also yeah, lootbox stuff is not going away any time soon unless the EU stuff is way harsh.

Wtf user, people have free will and are capable of making decisions???!!!
No, that can't be right, we need the government to protect us from lootboxes!

>I'm trans

>the left
No, dude. I'm left-leaning myself and these people fucking scare me. This is Tumblr, not a political thing.


Draco Malfoy's father.

It's funny because Sonic Forces has exactly that. Of all the games...


Literally who cares?

>Using china as an example
>For anything
This is the same country where they eat dogs and who's government/media ignored and covered up a 2mile radius chemical plant explosion despite hundreds of deaths. Nothing China does can be applied to others,

Because they will pull the exact same trick in the West to circumvent any potential lootbox ban. Also I thought commies love China?

>lost this year

Nah, sorry, not gonna happen.

shill harder fag

Dont worry you'll do it when you hit the age of 30 like all the others

>This is Tumblr, not a political thing.
That's pretty much the single stupidest thing I've read this whole month, good job Sup Forums

You mean like how you totally can't be charged with selling drugs if you sell something completely unrelated and give away drugs on every purchase?

These companies hire top notch lawyers, they'll find a workaround in no time.

But you can play games to unlock stuff..

Is there a game in particular where you have to pay extra money to unlock stuff, aside from mobile shit?

Fun fact, Tumblr and vocal minorites on the internet are not a majority! Sup Forums is not everyone, either. Fancy that!

>Should of
fucking kill yourself

fighting games with absolutely no way to unlock certain characters in game, the only way to acquire them is buying them as DLC

Definitely jacking off below screen


don't open this

Regulation of game content itself? No fucking way.

Regulation of monetization shit? Fine by me. Especially exploitative, big data driven, publishers-employing-psychology-professionals dishonest, Korean or mobile gaming style nonsense.

If you want to charge $100 for the fucking game, charge it for ALL the fucking game, cosmetic and otherwise, and see if people will pay. Do not basically try to trick people, especially those more vulnerable that they target like kids, those with gambling problems etc... into opening their wallet again and again. They don't want you to pay $60, or even $100 - they want you - or at least a percentage of you, to pay hundreds or thousands. Fuck em.

We need to put an end to this. That's one reason I want to go back to subscription MMO's where if you subscribe - with VERY few exceptions like maybe a charity thing here or there that costs no more than $20 and doesn't happen more than once every quarter - you get ALL content including cosmetics.

Should we be surprised at the loopholes they're trying to get around? No. Close the fucking loopholes. Much the same way you can't go to a casino and get "free roulette spin tokens with $100 donations! ITS NOT GAMBLING ITS FREE!!", put an end to this shit and punish those who try to worm their ways around it

>You will never be shrank to an inch in height and worship Narcissa's cute pink toes

Cosmo lost in disgrace unlike John


Thank god we're not subhuman dogboilers

Sort out teeth, sort out skin, sort out hair, get /fit/ and this dude would easily have been attractive to most females.
Instead he had to take the easy way out by pretending to be a woman...


Real question , never watched this faggot when he was a he and still don't watch now that it's an it. But what the fuck is wrong with him? is it mental retardation? or is it an act? I mean for christ sakes this fucking guy has a father... that probably doesn't wan't to admit this came from his fucking loins

>fat balding neckbeard asking for donations

I'll take that over cumdumpsters.

You know the saying "you are what you eat"
He became the Soy

Aeyo hol up. Y'all mothafuckas better not be havin a Cosmo thread without me.

Indie Devs are saving videogames.

These guys are still making free DLC for shovel knight. It's fucking insane.

A shit ton of games with gachashit, lootboxes, etc already do this, if the U.S. really wanted to get serious about banning these practices, they wouldn't be stupid enough to overlook this obvious loophole.

seriously how do you end up like that?

>nothing but food vitamin slurry

This nigga needs some real food. Buy actual vegetables, beans, rice and meat if he isn't a faggy vegetarian.

>essentially changing nothing
corporations slaves retardation isn't even funny anymore. You are a label, a piece of meat. Stop pretending you are the equal of a man.

It's about the estrogen in this soylent shit.

Remember when you didn't need to unlock stuff and weapons were just a part of the level ?

What's the weight on those tiny dumbells?

that's fucking funny

this shit isn't going anywhere, though. Not until national news runs a story of some poor woman losing her house because of gambling addiction or some shit

2 maaaayybe 3 pounds

I think user is talking about unlockables like skins, cheats like big head-mode, and shit.

>people didn't like lootboxes and tried to stop us
>instead of realizing we're pushing things past their limits, let's make things even worse and piss people off even more
>surely this will have no negative consequences for us
if this actually happens, all we need to do is lean back and watch, laughing

I think it's simply what happens when you're somewhat maladjusted, and instead of having peers who will set you straight by showing you disapproval for your obnoxious and self-destructive behavior, you manage to find a hugbox of even more maladjusted people who will offer you unconditional approval as long as you sink down to their level, and help you rationalize your rapidly deteriorating relationship with the rest of society by convincing you that you're just a poor, oppressed victim.

Oh wait what am I saying, it couldn't possibly be tumblr, it must be the soy.

I opened it

He was just some mildly autistic Ocarina of Time speedrunner who even had a decent-looking girlfriend for a while, then he went completely off the rails. Bought an iQue to stay the most competitive in the speedrun category, replaced his entire diet with (((Soylent))) so he could spend more time doing speedrun attempts and less time preparing real food, lost the OoT world record and wasn't good enough to get it back, his girlfriend broke up with him, suffered a humiliating loss at the Nintendo World Championships, and now he became a tranny and changed his online handle to Narcissa.

>i see what you're saying but we're not talking about that

>changed his online handle to Narcissa

This is the biggest tragedy. Narcissa is a really shitty name, holy fuck what was he thinking. Even Bertha and Olga are better names

Bottles of milk?


that's wrong though. development costs for EA have been on a downward trend since 2009



Cosmo was the #1 speedrunner for The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker, specifically their Any% categories. I believe he found an enormous chunk of glitches in both games that sped the runs up considerably but I know some are credited to him.

To make a long story short he imported a Chinese console called the iQue, it's basically a glorified N64 that had shorter load times compared to any other version of the game and caused a lot of controversy in the speedrunning community since it's not exactly easy or cheap to get the things and there were a couple other problems with it that I can't remember. He ran the Any % category for years optimizing it until one day he finally achieved 18:10 which was basically next to perfect and proceeded to make a video gloating about how he did it and how it would never be surpassed or it was close to impossible to do it (Video of his commentary: youtube.com/watch?v=1rM8kU8qDFA). Either a couple weeks before or after this he went on the Nintendo World Championship and lost to JOHN NUMBERS in front of pretty much everyone, and then less than like two weeks after his video commentary and world record of 18:10 he lost his record to a guy who had been running OoT Any% for less than two weeks on I think Wii VC which had longer load times. Then a couple weeks later the bottle glitch was discovered and dropped the time down to like 14 or 15 minutes and requires a really specific magic drop on top of certain things while in the Deku Tree which I think warps you to the end of the game.

Cosmo then went on a massive rant about how it's a shit category and how he's not going to spend years of his life attempting the new method since it's a shit method or something like that despite him spending literal years doing the other method and then he just snapped and started calling himself Narcissa and all this other shit, it's really sad since I used to have him on on my other monitor as I played.

What is the madman up to now?

So do they think they're making people mad by outing themselves as total fucking wimps?

Hm , i understand this soyboy meme that is going around now

one company has fans willingly generating free PR for them and the other does not

They say % of chances have to be writen.

If it's easy to access IN GAME, I'm fine.

Here in France, when buying those scratch tickets, on the back you can see the chances of winning.

>Wheaton married Anne Prince on November 7, 1999, and lives in Arcadia, California, with her and her two sons from a previous relationship. When one son was 19, he asked Wheaton to legally adopt him, which he did.


>State of burgerland now
what happened?

Remember when you could put in a cheat code to unlock shit? Take me the fuck back

Fucking this op, why can't more people understand it..


the soyboy has hit peak estrogen. Only the power of onions can save him now.

On PC you can make your own mods.

who is that soyboy

He knows that this is not a full food supplement right?
You are supposed to eat stuff with it.

It's also the fact that an entirely liquid diet will kill you if you're not a toddler. I knew this one co-worker who bragged about her soylent diet. One day she stopped coming to work. Guess who I found in the obituaries a week later?

1Kg for both, so 500g dumbbells.