Why so few big titted protagonists?

Why so few big titted protagonists?

It is problematic for female gamers


Incels hate it, women hate it, gay men hate it, straight men hate it

Why so few big titted antagonists?

I like the increase in kakyoin posting, keep it up

not a protagonist but smite make some really nice big tiddy girls

>women hate it
Since when?
Don't generalize. My girlfriend loves big tits on characters, as do I.
If you're jealous of well-endowed chicks you need to see a psychologist.

Gay man don't hate big tits, tumblr faggots do

t. prancing lala homo man

"big" is subjective
There are plenty of what I'd consider large breasted protags.
Samus, Bayonetta, Lara Croft just to name a few.

They're seen as low brow


Has she done porn yet?

Mommy I want milky!

it makes bugmen and trannies uncomfortable

Modern men no longer desire epic fuckin milkies

Because modern men no longer desire big breasts.

You're a fatty with manboobs so every protagonist you play as counts.

big tits are overrated

posted within 3 seconds of eachother

Is this actually a genuine opinion or has it become a meme now?

When do we get rid of milky, brap and fart posters?


Modern men no longer desire large breasts.

Petankofags have been around since the dawn of time.
It's a milenial meme.


Big tits are for children.

Because don't you think it's a little hard to swing a sword around or shoot a bow with those things bouncing in the way?

Not everyone is privileged enough to know magic.

Female protagonists are cancer

The golden age of huge tits that have no bearing on personality are over

>did I tell you I have a girldfriends guys ?
You sound like an asbsolute faggot.

Okay but what is that in OP's pic?

I want to start a family with her

Oppai Loli is shit tier

Incel here, I love it

haydee is good but hard as balls


As a gay man, boobs are the only part of women I like. Even female butts are too close to vaginas, which are the most repellant part of human anatomy.

Those are more common though

>incels hate it

I thought incel were unironically MOMMY MILKY TITTY SUCKY though.

>5 o clock shadow

>vaginas, which are the most repellant part of human anatomy.
We, the normal folk, think the same about other man penises. They are disgusting



>want to start a family with attention whore jiggling her tits on internet for dosh

there are virgins.
there are desperate virgins
there are desperate and sad virgins
and there are you user

>Why so few big titted protagonists?

I can’t post both tifa’s tits and the “incrediolous tom cat reaction face” image at the same time so...

What about female gamers with big boobs?


Glad you picked the right option.

>i want to ruin her perfect body with the mongoloid children of a Sup Forums poster
This meme is stupid.

When you nuke bongistan

Pretty much anyone with eyeballs agrees that vaginas are disgusting to look at.
>watching porn
>Cameraman almost sticks the camera up someone's snatch
>boner ruined

hormones and not wanting to deal with you might be a major reason.

You are gay

Life-like texture ;_;

Soft yet firm bouncing-as-they-walk breasts with little pink nipples that get erect when aroused are life


>implying raita's girls are bad or unrealistic

this, only abhorrent roasties or non-white vegana is terrible to look at. Nice clean labiae are aesthetic

t. woman

>big titied goblin

Vagoobers are ok sometimes. Overall they're at least a non issue.

Big tits are the best.

That's the best kind of goblin.

Because we don't have shit taste.

Do you know what mammals don't grow breasts?

As our culture becomes more corrupted by the influence of both melanin and large noses, a preference for poop makers to breasts as God intended rises. Truly these are the end times.


Really are

Why are tits so much more appealing than vaginas anyway? Or asses?

Men also have tits and asses, but they don't have vaginas. Doesn't it seem counterproductive to make the one defining female trait ugly?

Stop asking why and appreciate it for what it is.

Vagina's are slimy holes that look like Predator mouths.
Vaginas aren't exactly supposed to look pretty. By the time you get to the point where you can see it you've pretty much already made up your mind on sticking your dick in there.

That's as accurate as it is specific.


She’s really nice

What about cute flushed innies? That looks nice.

It sucks that it's so rare though. Like imagine if your dick had a 10/90 chance of being cute/fucking weird meat pole wtf


They're called axe wounds for a reason.

Some women can't help having a higher mana pool than others.

This is probably close to the truth.
Vaginas are fine tuned to enrapture dicks in a gooey and warm grasp, and they supposedly do a pretty good job at that.
But since all the magic happens "in doors", it's probably impossible to make it appealing to the eye.

Wrong,modern men desire huge milky breasts.

We need a game with breast stealing mechanics, where oyu still tit power to increase the size of your own tpo provide stat buffs. And then when you've gotten large enough you can perform a limitbreak/deviltrigger/whatever that resets you back to normal size afterwards.

Men's body contain more muscles, therefore, both the tits and the ass are much less bouncy/playful/pleasent to look at.
Tits and ass are for attracting and enjoying, vagina is for breeding, you're not supposed to stare at it.

Hahaha ha look at the incel bitch


SauceNAO gives nothing



i do love that they aren't afraid to sexualize their characters


>Men also have tits
Men have pecs, men don't have boobs. pecs don't have breast tissue unless you you have gyno and even if you do they don't even resemble actual boobs.

Mommyfag are fucking disgusting


I wish some better developer would come around to make the best titty action-adventure game.


Delet this,
Bullying is wrong!

When did you first know you were a giant fag?

Piero, it´s not out yet, but there is a prequel to this.

Kill yourself.


Are women actually angered by bigger women?