Want to play pic related

>want to play pic related
>know communication is super important
>have always been super shy, even over mic
>buy the game anyway because it looks really fun
>join first game
>get shot from the North side of one of the points
>know I need to call it out
>disconnect and exit game instead
>go for a smoke to calm down
Anyone else a huge pussy? I just want to not feel so alone in this.

Refund it. And never come back

To be honest with you, you may be lonely

By any means could you gift me >CSGO (10$)
>G-Mod (5$)
>Galxy on Fire 2 (3$)

If you can't or don't want to it's fine

Well Squad thread I guess.
Recently picked it back up again and boy oh boy did they optimize it compared to how it used to be. I was playing at all low at like 40-50 FPS. Easily get 70+ with high settings.
Gameplay is still the same, but that's not a problem. Fuck I love medic.
To OP: You don't really HAVE to call it out. Trust me, if you just follow SL's commands you'll be fine.

Yeah I'll give it another shot. I eventually got used to using voice in R6S after the first ~150 or so hours, so it just takes time I guess. The optimization is pretty nice though, for sure. Getting 100 FPS with a lot of the settings maxed. It's a nice change of pace from getting screwed by the poor RAM optimization of Escape from Tarkov.

Game meta severely limits """"tactical"""" options. They can dress this game up as pretty as they want and with as many basic features they can think of (which is taking years to release btw) but so long as the gameplay is the same, itll always be shit, enjoy doing the same stupid meta with the main gamemode over and over again otherwise its a loss, it gets so fucking boring after a short while. Truth is, game outcomes on average are determined the in first 5-10 minutes.

Do not buy, its been on sale 3 times the last 30 days, and the snake devs are trying to snatch up as many unknowing new players as possible, their development timeline is atrocious. There are modders more capable than the losers making this game (which are even less-capable modders, in fact , and thats why they are pushing heavy on Steam Workshop. They want a modder(s) talented enough to fix their game while they still take the money for themselves.

Optimization is still pretty fucking shit, getting 90+ fps with no action and then it drops to below 60 in a firefight.

i5 6600K OCed to 4.6 ghz, and stable temps.

Just play Rising Storm 2, buddy. It's half the price of Squad and doesn't lag like shit.


I feel you OP. Comp. Overwatch is hell for me sometimes.

Even worst, english is not my native language

I've been such a fool for buying this turd in Early Access
Guess I learned a lesson.

You aren't missing out, this game is pure shit and is completely dead.

This guy gets it. They shill this cancer here all the time too.

I regret it too, brother. I was actually quite supportive of it back when it wasn't quite clear of the snake-in-the-grass practices of the devs.

Interestingly enough, when you look at the user reviews for this game, a lot of the strong positive praise are from the relatively newer players. Even a couple hundred hours played on Squad is still considered new. It's a damn shame that the people who say they love this game are more than likely those who are still awe-struck by the particle effects n such. Once that sparking feeling goes away, you're left with a very shallow and repetitiously boring game.
The devs are realizing that they aren't the only ones in the upcoming market for tactical first-person online shooters. It's blatantly clear the devs are trying to get as many players (and their money) on their side before those other shooters release.

Which other tactical first-person online shooters are available?

I rotate between RS:2 and Squad

To tell you the truth there really aren't that many out, ARMA, CSGO, Siege, even PUBG...day of infamy, insurgency. These games aren't necesarily what I play (anymore) but they still offer a better gameplay than what you'll find in Squad.
If you like WW2, keep your eye out on a game called Hell Let Loose. It's being developed from the ground up by competent devs who actually give a shit about what they want to see in their game.

I have over 200 hours in the game, and I can only play while drunk. but then its super fucking fun

This retard played one match and got btfo

Dead? You can consistently find games. It's not overwatch tier casual retards, it's a dedicated consistent playerbase

mics are cancer

I agree I think that's why I keep coming back to squad I just like the overall feel of the game and the way the player models have a lot of gear on them and radio chatter.

What a shame I hope the devs pull their shit together because they actually have veterans doing mocap on their team for them.

sure thing bud

Go play your Nintendo game, lil bitch ass nigga

>2 seconds on MS paint

The game is fantastic, there's nothing like it out there right now. The development time has been great if you actually follow the progress, you fucking faggot. Kill yourself

The Meta is only there for the first 5 minutes of the game, but I do agree that it kinda sucks cause it does lead in to being too samey when you play a lot cause of it. There really needs to be a mode where they get rid of the meta, but I'm afraid that AAS is still gonna be the most popular gamemode because people hate change.

complacent morons like you are the reason why this game sucks in the first place....

I'm just pissed because Sqaud is the game were I've had the best firefights besides real life ones no joke

did irl fights have a 10 tickrate like squad does?

But it doesn't suck. The game is fun as fuck.
>wahh all games are won the same way

You literally win or lose depending on the skill and communication of your team. That's the fucking premise of literally any online game in the world.

it was more like blindly firing at the hills hoping to get something and then going to find out what carnage you actually did or firing at the tracers the vehicles were emitting

ARMA 3 is a much better game in every fucking way imaginable

There's an early access title still in beta called "Escape from Tarkov" which is a survival/post-military FPS, however the game is fucking harder to play even offline with "bots" than Dark Souls 3.

It's nearly impossible to survive if you lose your fucking Ak74-u during the first match, which means you'll get looted and will have to start next game with a fucking knife

It's super bare-bones and for me it's too hard to even enjoy playing. The inventory mode is nice and puts PUBG to shame however I can't seem to enjoy EtF since it's simply WAY too hard/leveraged against you

If you only have a knife, then why don't you just try to avoid combat as much as possible until you get a gun?

Become solid snacku of Tarkov, unless the AI have like super vision and can see through walls or some shit

Again, here is this game communities complacency rearing its face again. I never said or implied that it's an issue with the greater "skilled" team being the victor. It doesn't change the fact that teams do the same shit meta over and over, game after game. Anything less or diverting from this path is a 95% chance of losing if the opposing team does the meta. The game is inherently linear due to its LINEAR gamemode (AAS, which is the only gamemode all these servers run), there's literally no way around it being otherwise.

Don't you think it's ass-backwards to be alright with this? Why in the fuck is this community so okay with such a shitty main gamemode. There's definitely potential with this games assets but it's really selling itself short by being so limited in tactical options. Veteran players who have come to realize this already jumped ship onto other games. Believe me, bipods, vaulting, and the near year-long delayed "animation update" aren't gonna improve this game in any meaningful way. Just fucking watch.

Exactly, every match is a bullrush to the enemy's first* obj and setting up a shitty fob which in turn stops the flow of the whole entire game then you spend 40min shooting fish in a barrel or only getting in one firefight the whole match. Such a fucking waste of potential, the maps look good, the system is set up nice and it feels great when your team wins by working together, BUT the inbred armchair commander playerbase, dead servers, idiot admins, and lazy devs killed it.

Flags that are close to main should be cappable regardless of enemy players size. Like in lorgar valley south residence can be capped by militia regardless of how many enemies are there if mechanic is capped.

>The development time has been great if you actually follow the progress
i can smell the buyer's remorse; they've been promising animation updates for over a year now, but keep adding (and removing) pointless shit instead

>b-but bipods, vaulting, and freelook are gonna be in soon, that'll fix everything!

Incompetent devs. They re-skin guns and vehicles, and tweak damage values in a config file somewhere and have the audacity to call it "new content". Every aspect of "asymmetric warfare" they like to label in this game is codeword for "blatantly unbalanced and we don't give a flying fuck about fixing it for the better"

ARMA is an entirely different type if game and barely comparable. Between the two I vastly prefer squad, especially as a pvp match

Me too. I just use only text chat and hug squad leads balls as medic

If Arma wasn't so fucking shit there would be no market for other sim shooters. Alas it's fucking diarrhea shit with a 15 year old engine.

ARMA was never known for its FPS shooting. Improving that alone would help the game infinitely

>Lorgar Valley
>US side gets strkyers and a easy route towards South res, plus a hill sectio nthat allows them to kill anything near South Residence



GTX 1050 TI
i5 4590
16gb ram

You're right, the meta is only in the first 5ish minutes of the game because that's approximately how long it takes for a games outcome to be set.

Anytime you criticize squad people automatically assume that you're just a csgo washover that can't handle the more hardcore shooters. Games like this appeal directly to players that feel they're superior for enjoying tactical shooters. The steamforums are finally starting to voice complaints and not get buried instantly by fanboys, but it will take a while till people start realizing what a shitty game this is becoming.

>it's asymmetric warfare silly! XDDD Dont worry tho, militia team has faster techies and ironsite AKs with 7.62 bullets lmao XDDD

Yup I've noticed that about the forums. More and more people are starting to realize how shallow this game is, still not enough eyes open but its getting there. Its amazing how much damage control the forum dev does too.

>silky smooth 9fps
>double nigger
