What is the best awakening scene in Persona 5, and why is it Makoto's?
What is the best awakening scene in Persona 5, and why is it Makoto's?
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shit taste confirmed
Ryuji's was better, I liked Yusuke's too
>playing things in a language you dont understand just to be edgy
shut up you dumb fucking retard.
>having shit taste
It's not even unique to jap games. If you watch dubbed foreign films you're a gigantic nigger philistine.
>unironically believing the dub is better
>you're just trying to be edgy!!!
You are seriously retarded.
>he doesn't understand 日本語
I liked how bloody some of the guys ones were. The mask tearing had no weight for the girls
have a you
retarded faggot
films arent video games, dumb fuck. theres so much more to films than just their fucking voices. theres acting, lip sync, emotions that come with the voices.
emotions are important in portrayal for video games too, but dumb fucking weebs like you don't get it. you just go "m-muh original japabese :-D" instead of playing in a language you actually know so you can understand and appreciate the story and conveyed emotions better. i guess a retard like you wouldnt understand that.
also, the dub in persona 5 is really fuckin good desu. better than most weeb games and id say some of the voices are actually better than the japanese, like makoto's.
>being a filthy EOP in 2017
Also Yusuke's awakening is the best one
damn son u mad?
It's okay to be 13 and have shit taste, but you can't post here until you're 18 kiddo.
shit taste detected
>liking the retarded japanese script
>Unironically enjoying waterdown version of a a game that has been jammed packed with shit tier memes and horrendous voice acting.
You are allowed to enjoy shit taste, just don't expect the rest of us to agree.
>theres acting
Yes, and the dub's is terrible.
>lip sync
Correct, and Persona 5's lip syncing is done to the Japanese audio and untouched with the dub, so nice argument against your point.
>emotions that come with the voices
Again, lacking in the dub.
The biggest issue is that the dub makes very little effort, if any, to retain the voice direction present in the Japanese dub. It's clear they barely listened to the original and provided their own interpretation of the script, so why should any of the dub's "acting" matter if it differs wholly from what the original directors were after? Answer: it doesn't.
>edgy art kid
Her dub voice is great though. Also great as A2 and Komaru.
> (You)
>no response besides u mad
congrats on your autism :-)
She sounds like a whiny tween brat in English, which is the total opposite of her Japanese voice.
name one character in persona 5 with a poorly acted dub.
>he didn't watch Goro's glorious true awakening in his original voice.
>tfw you will never ride makoto's bike
>full of overacting and miscast characters
>Japanese audio
>full of overacting and miscast characters
>but it's Japanese!
I like the “MY UNENDING RAGE COMPELS ME” type characters so I liked it a lot
Its the same reason I think I’ll like the new Poland operator in Siege
She isn't whiny or bratty at all.
Anne, Morgana, Yusuke, Makoto, Futaba, Haru, Akechi, Igor, Caroline, Justine, Shinya, Yuki, Every single villain.
The only half decent voice is Ryuji's but his has a serious issue of sounding like he is perpetually yelling in English for some godforsaken reason.
Yo that looks dope. I thought it was just a faggy anime game. Wish #fe had that kind of budget
Igor is my only complaint
And, no, not fake Igor. That voice really grew on me. They should have at least reused his dialog from previous games, which is what they did with the Japanese dub.
>no response besides u mad
hardly warrants a real response when (You)No (You)'s for retards! open with LOL UR DUM
pic related, it's (You)!
Because she shows traits that fool you into thinking that she'll be a character later on, only to fall flat by doing almost nothing but being exposition machine. The reason everyone likes Makoto awakening scene is because it's the only time of the game she acts that way, and they forget her. Most of the game suffers from this actually. Makoto most of all though, because she sucks.
this desu senpai
>not Ryuji's
Ryuji's VA did a fucking awesome job across the board, given what he had to work with.
The Jap audio isn't full of overacting though. It has some of the most reined in and genuine performances an anime game has ever seen. The only times where characters get loud or dramatic is in their awakenings and Goro's meltdown, which is perfectly justified given they're meant to be in severe pain.
As for the miscast argument, what the fuck are you on about? Morgana, Futaba, Yusuke, and Ryuji feel practically written for their VAs, and Soejima literally mentions several of the characters were designed with their VAs in mind in the artbook, and the rest of the cast all fit their characters like a glove. It's the dub that has this issue.
All incorrect you fucking delusional retard. I bet you watch Cowboy Bebop with sub too because the dub doesn't meet your high "standards."
you're a fucking downy that wouldn't know good acting if it fucked you in the ass
the only thing that makes Igor bad is that it isn't as good a job as the normal guy. The new guy by no means did a bad job to the point you have to listen to nip speak for 100 hours
>[YouTube] Persona 5: Makoto Awakening (English DUB) (embed)
wew dub not opening that shit
>t. Annefag
Makoto was the best character in the game. From her stalking all the way to the robot memes and detective work. She was both the MC's true best bro and best girl.
The guy is right though, people who play with jap VA are just being edgy cunts.
how incorrect can you get jesus. She is actually the worst character in the game. The side confidants whose stories don't matter are better written than she is. Every scene she is in could be improved by removing or replacing her.
The more I see this kind of post, the more I'm convinced personafag are just teenagers who never experienced a good story.
Anything after Yusuke is shit because they pretty much abandoned everything that made them look pretty good.
Let me just throw that out there right now.
I thought Makoto's felt a bit shallow because she didn't really have a personal connection to Kaneshiro like all the others had to the bosses that caused their awakenings.
samefagging retard from gaf who knew
His evil laugh is so fucking weak compared to the dub. I’m usually a sub guy, but Christ subbed Akechi is lame.
that's not me, retard
everyone with a brain feels that way. Makoto as a character feels like she was tacked on last minute
Are you sure you don’t mean Haru? Because her inclusion felt rushed as fuck
>that trigger discipline
muh dick
She's as important to the story as everyone else, especially with her connection to Sae.
They should have at least made Kaneshiro the one responsible for her dad's death or something.
Even Japs make fun of Jap VA, the idea that one's superior over the other is dumb. Not everyone likes reading subtitles, so English dub makes sense, if they want to listen to English dub, so what? If you want to listen to Jap VA that's fine too. But don't be a cunt because you think listening to the Japanese dub is more "authentic". Like said. What makes it even more dumb is that you know...that Japanese is "translated/localized" so it's not even close to the true original work. Unless you actually speak Japanese and play the game without needing English subtitles then you can't really speak on the matter of it being more authentic. Not to mention they probably aren't even bitching and moaning about other Japanese works being butchered/westernized.
dirty weeb detected
have fun listening to a language you understand 5 words of for like 120 hours
>She's as important to the story as everyone else
So, not a lot ?
(You) are pic related.
I dunno, the world of P5 feels more open and alive when not every single trangression against the main characters can be tied back to Shido and co.
>English voices in a game set in Japan
defend this dubfags
>Japanese voices in a game set in America
>Japanese voices in a game set in Italy
>Japanese voices in a game set in Europe
English VAs are better
Ann's is my favorite but I'm biased.
>we never got to see full sadistic aloof Haru because the producers forced to make every character a moeblob
Why aren't any of the other Persona games as good as 5? I've tried to get into 2, 3, and 4, but they're all so boring.
her connection to sae is the reason she was tacked on. Her character makes no sense. You're supposed to get a persona if you have a rebelious spirit right? but she doesn't have that. After her awakening you expect her to change and be more rebelious but she goes right back to her boring, straight laced, annoying self. She doesn't fit in with the rest of the crew. Joker is an outcast because of his record. Ryuji is an outcast because he is rebelious. Ann is an outcast because she is white. Yusuke and Futaba are outcasts because they're weirdos. Haru is outcast because she is shy and also rich so people can't relate. She is also rebelious towards her father. Makoto is a perfectly well adjusted student who does well in school and is liked by everyone???
Not to mention her slink is absolute trash. Literally nothing happens, she doesn't grow as a character, she is just proven to be right about everything.
Her personaliyy doesn't match with the rest of the crew, They're all somewhat laid back and carefree. They have some bants and don't take everything seriously. She is the exact opposite. She isn't weird, but doesn't play off Futaba and Yusuke's weirdness in a funny way. Ann and Ryuji serve that purpose much better. Haru is a much better solution to the problem of a like of seriousness in the crew. She isn't overbearing like Makoto is and they could have set up some funny moments, where she attempts to take control of a situation but is simply to meek to do so and gets talked over. Her being the serious one also makes more sense since only her and Futaba lost a parent to the main villains.
Basically, Makoto is a tacked on shitty character that should really not be in the game.
Get over yourself, loser.
Gonna play this tonight after I hacked my PS3 and downloaded it, what voice language and difficulty?
>what voice language
Japanese, easily.
Given that you can change the difficulty at any time, I'd say go with Hard. If that's not comfortable for you, switch it to Normal.
English Hard
Holy shit those voices don't match characters at all.
Normal if you're not familiar with/good at JRPGs, Hard if you are.
So many nihongo experts in this thread
Even Joker was toned down
I can stomach English voices if none of the main cast has particularly bad voice acting, so does anybody stand out as complete garbage?
Ann had the best side story of any of the characters it just peaked too soon and they had nothing left for her to do the rest of the game.
Normal, hard just becomes annoying due to the length of the game
No, of course not.
>We never got Haru in full LUST FOR REVENGE mode
The aftermath of the Akechi fight was so fucking flaccid.
I'll probably go English then, it can't be any worse than Persona 4.
She's rebelling by helping/joining the phantom thieves, especially when considering her lifestyle. Unlike the others who have nothing lose she's risking a lot by joining. She also rebels against her sister directly by stealing the computer files. She's accepted as a student but has zero friends and no social skills, which makes her a social outcast. Her personality is supposed to contrast with the others. They needed that to balance them out; you can't have everyone acting the same. And almost all of the main cast S links are shit in 5.
Makoto isn't the best character in the game but to say she doesn't fit is retarded. Although you outed yourself as a delusional Harufag so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
>so does anybody stand out as complete garbage?
Morgana, Futaba, and Haru are pure trash, and that's made all the more terrible by Morgana and Futaba being some of the best voiced characters in Japanese.
Just wait for Q2
I romanced the sex doctor cucklord
It's definitely better than 4's.
>An irrelevant side character gets a figure before Haru
Haru's a bit too high pitched at times, but her VA isn't bad by any means. You may get annoyed at certain navigator lines getting spammed in combat, but that will happen regardless of your language choice.
>liked by everyone
I thought they made a big point during the start of her arc that most of the student body dislikes her because she's a friendless teacher's pet?
>PeeDeeEss exclusive
I'll pass
Was the video supposed to be an example of bad voice acting?
I liked Morgana's VA
The dub and sub are both fine, it’s all down to personal preference
Sure you did Harufag.
yeah i don't know why they did makoto before haru :^)
Haru's was bad overall but one of her clips saying "Perrrrrrsonaa!" was pretty cute.
haru isnt even in my top 3
Tae is bae
Rest in peace Ken-sama
A better question is who's the best Persona Protagonist?
Sure they're mostly the same, but Joker stood out with some of his sarcastic line options