Reminder that the nintendieboost will forever be real and that the Scratch is LITERALLY LESS POWERFUL THAN PS3 WHAT THE FUUUCK
Reminder that the nintendieboost will forever be real and that the Scratch is LITERALLY LESS POWERFUL THAN PS3 WHAT THE...
reminder that it's still better than the ps4 regardless
lmao have fun with your below average metacritic scores you dumb sonybro :^)
who fucking cares. kill your self.
>Less powerful than PS3
Keep baiting user. It’s 1.5x more powerful when docked.
Okay, retard-kun! It's time for your Surprise Bait Evaluation!
Let's go over what you did correctly and incorrectly with your bait!
Your score will start at 10, and gradually decrease depending on how you did!
>Incorrect grammar
-1 point! Punctuation is important!
>Only some words are in all caps
-1 point! Consistency is key!
>Boring insults (nintendie)
-1 point! Keep it fresh!
>Unnecessary swearing
-0.5 points! Only swear to stress a point in your bait post, otherwise it'll devalue your bait!
>Common bait structure (Reminder that)
-0.5 points! This makes your bait easier to spot!
>Outdated or old topic
-2 points! Nobody will respond if you talk about something everyone has already discussed to death!
>Not your own image
-1.5 points! Keep it fresh!
Total points docked: 8.5 Points
Final Score: 1.5/10
Verdict: Don't bother posting again!
If the switch had an internet browser could he shitpost with that for Nintendo Bonus Points™?
Reminder that this was only IGN, and the reviewer was a different person, with a different opinion, since even IGN isn't a hivemind. The metascore is several points lower than the other versions.
not an argument, sweetie
>paying attention to IGN ever
Problem is that they have to make the games when when un docked too
I ain't arguing shit, I'm making fun of the idea of "nintendo bonus points"
No! At the Shitpost and Bait Rating Agency, we only judge based on post quality!
>trusting reviewers
Aside from that I think it's damned impressive we have a game that looks as good as Switch DOOM portable.
And DOOM for PC/XBO/PS4 on Metacritic have higher scores than DOOM on Switch. Your point?
>the Scratch
you couldn't appear more salty if you tried
$0.000001 was put into your NIDFaccount.
>you have to be a shill to say anything positive ever
Sup Forums shilled the Wii U for 8 months during its darkest hours. If you don't think Nintendo sends paid shills to this board you're delusional.
Shills on Sup Forums are a fact but to believe every last positive thing said about something is a shill is straight up tinfoil. DOOM being portable is impressive and that's as far as my praise goes.
Let's play a game then. Take 1.4 points off every Nintendo game and see it's actual score.
An example : Twilight Princess is actually a 7.4 game according to IGN
Doesn't matter if the PS3 is technically more powerful, it was also a huge pain in the ass to develop for, and in the end that's more important to devs than power. Why do you think the Wii U got dickall support? It was a huge piece of shit hardware wise while the Switch is just using some easy to understand NVidia card, and look at how much support that's suddenly getting.
I don't care about portability so nobody does
I don't know what calling you retarded is going to do in the grand scheme of things, but you're very much so retarded.
>t. so(n)yboy
When DOOM came out, the multiplayer was pretty shit. It has since improved a lot. The 7.1 scores took that into account. The Switch version came with improved multiplayer, and it can be played while I rail your mom from behind... so why wouldn't the score be improved?
stay mad
It's the most powerful handheld made yet, and it has fun games. I don't really care about power, I have a PC if I want to see something maxed out.
Nice to know that you weren't here when the wii u launched.
See Stay mad lmfao
The thread was almost dead you fuck and you bumped it.
Get lost OP.
umm that has nothing to do with the nintendo points tho?
I think the point is I fukt ur mum LOL xD
No, but it's pretty relevant to the second statement in the OP, isn't it?
you got paid to say that
its simply how the jews operate
The fact that the game is now portable should boost its score.
Wait a minute, how the fuck did DOOM get a 7.1 from IGN on release?
I think that would have caused a huge outcry.
just coz you could take a shit your ass halfway out the plane window doesnt mean youd pick it anyday over shitting at your home comfortably
doing something mobile with your dick sized screen doesnt improve anything and is gonna ruin your eyes
That's weird, I'm going to stay away from the game longer because shit like this is weird and gives me the impression that previous observations about the game were not made in good faith.
Canada was a mistake,
You'd really have to be in the mind of the reviewer, but I don't find it hard to believe that someone grades a port of a game higher than it's original release so long as they evaluate and grade the game based on its merits as a "port". The problem with these major publications though, is that they don't divide the workload according to bias--they kinda just hand whoever whatever, ignoring possible prejudice and inexperience. In this situation, they really should've given the original writer the Switch port, and then the score might'e been more sound; so long as he wasn't re-evaluating the game based on the Switch version itself.