If you play a Mage, or "Wizard" in any video game or RPG of any kind, you're a fucking loser piece of trash.
If you play a Mage, or "Wizard" in any video game or RPG of any kind, you're a fucking loser piece of trash
Those grapes sure are sour, huh?
>he uses stairs instead of levitating
Look at this n'wah, look at him and laugh
>have to constantly rely on your INT, stat boosting dresses and magic girly jewelry to stay relevant in battle
>constantly worrying about mana/magicka/fatigue stores for casting weak pitiful spells that you have to constantly spam while chugging magic potions
>'allies pls help i'm getting hurt and i dont have armor'
>cant even fight yourself half the time, have to have someone take the damage for you
as opposed to being a badass warrior, tanking all the damage, never having to worry about some dumb stat bar to swing your weapon and kill everything
even stealth archers are better, wuss
Battlemage is best you DYEL Dex faggot
>he has to walk through all those mental hoops to justify his class, instead of just levitating through them
That image doesn't work for this post on account of the Harm spell. The spell that just demolishes everything in that game and it's the first one you get to boot.
did a mage erp with your girl or something?
>tfw I always want to like warlocks/mages
>can never play them right so always end up warrior.
I don't understand it
>t. assblasted warrior who realized his 30 years spent swinging around an iron stick was for nothing
>he doesn't play magic cowboy
Laughing at all of you fucking dorks
>its a newfags can't dual class episode
>not playing spellblade
>not playing mageknight
i shiggy diggy
fuck off muscle magic is the top
>not playing a priest
Which are you, warrior or thief shitter?
I just need to know which of my buff spells to cast to humiliate you after I became better at everything that your one-dimenstional class does.
>choosing to be shit at two things than good at one thing
>Playing as someone who is associated with organized religion
Only cool if you're playing lawful evil
>not finding a bro forgotten god and making your own religion
Every religion is chaotic evil by default.
Evil for brainwashing people with lies and exploiting them as followers, chaotic for being retarded enough to believe in gods.
>Playing Red Mage
Have fun being mediocre at everything you do.
>implying breaking the game isn't fun
Its like you hate fun, user. Magic is cool and mages are intelligent, whereas fighters are dumb and strong and can only roll to hit / roll to wound / roll over and die.
I bet it took all your mental capacity to figure out where all the letters are on the keyboard
Childhood is idolizing the wizard
Adulthood is realizing that the fighter is ten times cooler
>enchant heavy armor to lower mana costs, reflect damage, etc
>enchant sword to absorb health/magicka/stamina
>literally btfo'ing enemies just from them hitting me, hitting them back tops me off to full stats
even if you don't like mages, not being an enchanter is a dumb ass move
>the chad priest vs the virgin wizard
Childhood is idolizing the wizard
Adulthood is becoming the wizard
>not chad commoner vs virgin gestalt wizard sorcerer
This is what autism looks like.
But that isn't the case in most fantasy settings. Most of the time, gods have a direct impact on events and their influence can be directly observed.
>become a god among men
>comparing jrpg classes vs tabletop classes
this is why these threads are absolute fucking shit always
>hurr muh mp
>muh tank
>hurr durr dex vs str