goobergate 2 when?
Goobergate 2 when?
Hopefully never. We don't need a third chanology.
goobergate 1 never stopped, honey.
why not?
are you gonna cringe?
make a cringe compilation of cringey thing that cringelords do that make you cringe?
Yes. I'd rather not cringe.
how long ago was this man, feels just like yesterday
probably like fucking 2014 or some shit, don't even remember
We have the EA thing going on right now, that's almost as good. Something else political would be fun though.
There's even a bunch of idiot articles trying to defend it but nobody is falling for that shit
>Piece of shit loser attacks Sonic and refunds the game
>Game journalists write about how much of a garbage person he is
>he calls them fake news like an alt-right cuck
Why should we care?
Interesting tactic, user. Cringe PRIDE!
>Defending polygon fabricating loads of trash
Have we come full circle?
Nothing they wrote is fake.
I rather trust a journalist who's job is to actually report the truth than some random twitch streamer.
>journalist writes an article about a shitstain that makes the shitstain look bad
>the shitstain denies they're a shitstain
Woah imagine that. Doesn't make it untrue you fucking doofus.
>trusts polygon
wow what a fag
post more vivian deviant art crap and pretend you've made a point.
user you can post again and again and again but nobody gives a shit about this and you're not going to make anyone give a shit by saying they love or defend polygon just because they don't give a shit.
until you post yet again accusing me of defending polygon as if that's going to make me fire up gamergate 3.0
okay fag
Every time someone posts a photo of an ugly liberal you reply to tell them that's not an argument too, right?
He provides a twenty minute rebuttal with proof that the article is bullshit, which you didn't even watch. The article is filled with errors, which he points out and expounds upon. But please, continue shitposting and gargling that good game journo cock.
please fucking kill this board
who the fuck is this fag and why should i care?
not giving your shitty video a view without a summary.
Holy shit, are you serious? We gotta do something about this bros!!
>fag plays sonic forces on stream
>its shit
>he refunds it under the premise of "i bought the wrong game" as he stated he was intending to buy an actually good sonic game
>polygon reaches out to fag for a few comments for an interview
>absolutely butchers his responses in their article, fills it with errors
>commits outright slander stating he screamed at the screen due to the game crashing during his stream, and experienced multiple bugs
>the game never crashed once during his stream and he experienced few bugs, the game was just shit
Literally nothing that anyone should care about, but the people who are desperate to rail against game journalists are starved for an outrage so they're going to try and whip people into a frenzy over this non-event.
I miss the days of "not your personal army" but maybe I'm just too old to be browsing a children's website.
I hope they both burn.
The fag for being an edgy shit and boasting about a lie he got away with.
and Polygon for even giving attention to this edgy fag.
One time I bought a pair of bolt cutters from Wal-Mart, I cut the lock I needed to cut, and then I returned them.
I didn't really "need the big one" like I told the customer service person. I just wanted to get my money back.
Sorry user but this controversy is about videogames. Gamergate is an anti-liberal movement. Maybe if the person who wrote the article was a woman or a tranny you might have more luck.
>Polygon shits out a quick article on some livestreaming shitposter
>he tries to play the victim despite refunding for a different reason
>people care about either
>tfw was hibernating from the internet when GG was going on so never got to take part and now feel like you missed out
Let's do it Sup Forums
You big meanie
How dare you manipulate the system like that?