Oh, don't be such a baby... Ribs grow back

Oh, don't be such a baby... Ribs grow back...

no they don't

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why did the medi-gun heal his shirt too?

The best Bro-Ship in any video game



But ribs can grow back

tf2 tards are the most autistic fanbase ever

Double wrong

lol post the wojak so you can get banned again

because it's really a gun that fires a stream of time-warp, effectively reversing time on whatever the beam touches

Man I really liked the first army of two. Why'd they have to go and fuck everything up

then how come it don't make them younger hotshot

Triple wrong.

because it's programmed to only reverse time by a factor of seconds/minutes, depending on how long the stream is focused on the person silly goose

Entire board is babies

then why doesn't it repair heavys ribs


what. I thought it did

It did though



>that moment in comics when heavy goes berserk the moment medic dies

It didn't.in the video.
It did later on.

watch it again

I just did.

The second wasn't bad user I think it was better it was the THIRD one where it was shit

>It didn't in the video
bruh rewatch it. It literally happens at like 1:52

There was a third one?

I didn't even bother playing the third one. Half the reason I even played the games in the first place was because I liked the bantz of salem and rios. What's even the point if you can't play as them.

Nope, rib still missing.

You can see them regrowing right as his tummy is closing back up user

fine now watch this




this should be illegal, fucking soy boys

Why is healing in TF2 fun whereas it's insultingly boring in Overwatch?

and if you watch a few seconds later you can see the ribs closing back in as the skin grows over

Domination lines power rankings:

Sniper - Demo

Massive power gap




Yes it's garbage different MCs shit story
Ye best bromance ever

Only Valve could get away with making a video of a Russian and a German destroying and stomping over a pile of American Soldiers

I really, really enjoy Medic's voice and personality.

I got the ending where Big Bo sacrifices himself ;_;

It's ok, user

That could have summed up WW2 if germany and russia didn't betray eachother

sundowner and jetstream sam

I like him for some of his unlocks, I wish more games had a vaccinator like playstyle

Amerisharts would've just nuked them too

>Heavy hates Russia
>Germany hates Medic
no wonder they get along so well

playing against a medic, that is good with the vaccinator, is fucking scary.

>Germany hates Medic
Wait, where is this stated?

I've used it constantly with a friend since it first came out, that medigun allows us to pull off so much bullshit it's hilarious, surviving some really tight encounters.

Congratulations! Valve has just green light Team Fortress 3 for development and put you in charge as creative director! What new features, classes, or game modes would you add in order to incentivize people to make the switch from Team Fortress 2 to 3 and make the game last another decade?

copy paste tf2 and add some quirky mechanic all classes have

all classes are futanari, and the only cosmetics are fancy cocksleeves


Whatever that bee on twitter said

I fucking love Robin Atkin Downes

Hear me out:
We don't make TF3. Instead we make a saxton hale animal fighting game

I dont know but I'd really like to see an old version of ms pauling as the new administrator

i regret hearing you out

all female versions unless they are female already then male

>They didn't get Hale to voice the Administrator lines in Mercenary Park
They really missed an opportunity there desu.

his family kept getting run out of towns throughout Germany because they were fucked up doctors. I think it's mentioned in the Rottenburg description or something. Still trying to find it

>"Animal rights"? Times may change but they won't change me!
>As a matter of fact, I'm starting a new thing called Animal Fights!"

this is a blue board you fucking faggot

Seduce me.

>Scouts have the ability to pick up and move health kits now
>Some classes now have throwable grenades
>Spy has now regained the ability to ragdoll at any moment to pretend hes a corpse and get back up
>Remove sniper hitscan for projectile based sniping

There I fixed it

oh shit I thought this was Sup Forums


Saxton hale mode.

I wonder what kind of father would tell "Seduce me" to his son.

Why is it called team fortress 2?
The first was a mod like counter strike but Valve didnt call CSGO counter strike 2.

>build game in new engine that allows for more details, cosmetics, larger maps, and more players per server
>Possibly add a few new classes, like one that's a melee focused class instead of just forcing that onto the demolition man
>Make use of new engine to add unique weapons that would not have been possible before. For example give pyro a jerry can that allows him to pour a trail of liquid that he can set on fire creating a wall that can block an advancing team.
>there are no slots for cosmetics, instead you can equip one cosmetic for your hat, your face, your jacket, pants, gloves and so on
>6v6, 12 v 12, 16 v 16 or 20 v 20 which is now supported on larger maps.
>Scout can equip items that replace their double jump with a slide or a roll. Has a third slot for a backpack (called recon) that allows him to either provide information for his team by highlighting sentries, paths, or targets. Recon unlocks could provide slight buffs to team
>Change almost nothing about soldier just give him more rockets
>Fix the pyro
>make the demo actually have explosive based unlocks, force the melee shit onto a new class
>Make heavy less boring to play as, give him heavy duty weapons that aren't miniguns in order to vary up his play style
>give the engineer multiple sentries and buildings to choose from
>change nothing about sniper, medic, or spy cause I can't think of anything

I know I'm retarded, this is why I don't make games and instead bitch about them on internet forums

The first was a mod of Quake 2. Then Valve remade it with their own engine and released that as Team Fortress Classic. Then they made TF2

One who cares


Counter-Strike 2 was Counter-Strike: Source, arguably

You mean
>all female (male)

quake 1

>valve ripping off community based games and calling them their own since 1999
goddam i thought DOTA was the first time they pulled this kind of shit

>Found that "holler if you're dead" joke kind of lame through out the game
>That ending where Bo dies and you say the final line

That almost got me......

It's not ripping off if you hire the original modders.

oh shit, you're right. I probably mixed it up since I have Quake 2 for the N64

Traps are gay, trash em

>>valve ripping off community based games and calling them their own since 1999
It was their own. The original modders were part of the company, dingus

Nothing. Team fortress 2 is already perfect. Unless if the fans want HD repacks with better textures, models and animations.

everyone else is stupid

port TF2 to Source 2 and it's a perfect game and it will last many more years

How would you rate the jungle update

too many fucking pyros/10
I just want to demoknight ;_;

>use the targe with the persian persuader
>purge pyro flames if they get the jump on you
>grab a stack of ammo then charge back in and kill them

Just use the targe dude
or play sniper the new danger shield makes it so pyros can no longer do any damage to you

>fixed Pyro's shitty mobility problem
>made Pyro's flames more consistent visually and mechanically
>completely overhauled airblast for the better
>gave Pyro a single-fire primary that rewards good aim
>afterburn now scales with how long you are burning them
>gas can to give Pyro some area denial and rewards successful ambushes
>Heavy gets a
I'd give it a 9/10

now they just gotta make it so that you dont do full damage with a single flame particle and it'll be 10/10


>so you dont do full damage with a single flame particle
each flame particle does a set amount of damage. if every particle is hitting you, you take the weapon's full dps

you forgot something

So Spy is without a doubt Scout's father, right?

reminder that anyone using that one video of the guy spinbotting with 6 heavy bots frozen around him as some sort of "pyro is OP guiz" argument is actually retarded