What happened to him, Sup Forumsros?
What happened to him, Sup Forumsros?
He killed himself because he didn't want to dilute the gene pool.
do you ever wonder why people grow up and become right wing later in life?
Because it's "cool" and "hip" today?
he literally just released a new video what do you mean what happened to him
is it?
he LITERALLY just put out a video an hour ago
he quit that rag years ago
A public figure with a lot of reach who propagated wrongthink.
What is his name again?
Not video games
Not video games. Fuck off with your shitty e-celeb cancer.
Does the idea of people changing their political beliefs scare you, user?
Obviously everyone who isn't a Bernie bro is just trying to fit it.
he's still as popular as ever, isn't he?
jon has always been a libertarian I'm sure. You can tell by his general attitude towards things
Having a job and paying taxes does that to a person
>Posting not video games ecelebs
Take it to
Dementia from old age.
he is literally not vidya anymore. his latest videos have been on shitty infomercials and instructional shit.
No. Just noticing a trend with people and wondering if someone could explain why liberal children grow up to become right wing adults?
Not him, but that's more what people are influenced by when they're young.
But yeah there's some right-wing stuff that is becoming the edgy cool shit among the young nowadays. Really it's just that there's a lot of government corruption and incompetence and people are getting pretty angry.
I can change my opinion when learning new information. Can you?
Or do you still believe in Santa? What about the stories of a magic man in the sky that your parents told you as a kid?
He made a Halloween video, and disappeared like usual.
he realized he was shit at video games so he converted to be a high budget version of reaction videos.
it's a fad. things will calm down.
>pretends to like old games for "cred"
>can't even finish his "favorite off all time" game even with cheats
>bitches how the game is no fun
The left took a country mile. If you didn't agree with them you were a literal nazi. People got sick of it.
Hes a pudgy soy boy.
>Just noticing a trend
This is a fundamental law of human nature.
How much later in life are we talking about because I used to be the faggotest of Sup Forumstards when I was a teen. Then I became 20 and wtf I hate republicans now??
He uploaded today dude
stop posting worst girl
Probably because the likelihood of seeing reality for what it is increases as you grow older.
I think the same thing that happened to Colin. "Gamer culture" is so fucking autistic that it's impossible to keep your audience happy. By getting away from that scene he can create freely.
how the fuck can you fail at Rare collectathons?
Yeah, I was a lot more liberal before more than 40% of my paycheck went to taxes. How the fuck can anyone think losing almost half your paycheck is fair because you aren't shitting out kids or married, and I would've lost way more had I not had insurance.
wow it's fucking nothing dot jay pee gee.
Huh, go figure. I rarely pay attention to the fag anymore since he rarely uploaded, and he just does react shit now.
he literally just posted a video today.
eceleb cancer is not vidya
Honestly? They don't grow up, they're still children inside obsessed with rules and punishment. They're all the kids who would tattle because they liked seeing other kids get punished for things they avoided doing to avoid getting punished. Makes them feel fair when the world really isn't fair.
>playing video games and watching bad movies are jobs
Being nationalistic is not being a libertarian.
>Joseph Anderson wanted to do an Etrian Odyssey retrospective but scraped it because his fanbase would ostracize him for being a closet weeb
fuck gamer culture.
I’m hate niggers.
>and he just does react shit now.
Jon always did this. I love him, but he's not very high brow
because Sup Forumspol/ comes along and tries to tell you everything that is wrong with life today. and then you realize who your enemies are: minorities, women, libruls and ESJAYDUBLEWS.
before long you're convinced: unless you vote this incompetent retard (pic related) the LIBRULS are going to destroy the world. so you do your job, because you're the good guy.
there's nothing wrong with being right leaning, but the american right is barely human. they are so easily manipulated it's not even funny.
You can't undo a red pill.
>it's a "sub to a person because they did a thing then they arbitrarily decide to do something completely different from then on" episode
I love how he framed that ending skit just so he can still claim IT'S VIDYA GUISE.
>you can’t like a well crafted games if they happen to also have animu inspired graphics
I hate fucking gamer culture.
I hate animu, but EO are wonderfully crafted games.
SJWs are the bad guy and I want them all to stop breathing. Especially the people that make apologies for them.
Drop dead, niggercunt.
so you turned into fagoot?
not surprising
Because the world is a horrible place and giving extra taxes and shit away for free to others is tough.
Only chads are right-wing.
On the other hand, only communists are left-wing.
Both are obnoxious as fuck. Don't be any of them, just live your life and ignore everything related to politics because both sides wants to manipulate you.
The ultimate redpill is when you realize Sup Forumstards are just the SJWs of the right.
you can you just have to be very low IQ like clinton voters
>there's a lot of government corruption and incompetence and people are getting pretty angry.
>vote in the most corrupt and incompetent person imaginable
Really triggers my trombones
I hate how much production value he puts into his videos, he should've just kept the effects shitty and simple like AVGN. Now anytime he makes a joke he has to do a full 1 minute cut-away gag for it, it feels like a fucking family guy episode.
This. When I was in college and everyone was spouting nonsense about "Save the (land)whales." and "Feed the billions of starving kids in [3rd World Shithole of the Week]" or latching on the latest "Kony 2012" bandwagon, I was pretty liberal and agreed with the general consensus on campus.
Now that I'm a responsible adult and not some sheltered retard getting force-fed dumbshit by overpriced talking heads in a class, I realize that paying out the nose to help other people who are too stupid or too lazy to help themselves is fucking retarded. Taxes have reached the point where the poor and the old are lazy short-sighted parasites on the middle class.
Oh please, I watched Sargon and Internet Aristocrat red pill to the extrmeme.
Blue Pill stronk.
Reminds me a bit when I used to hate girly anime and shit when I was a kid, then I grew up.
Sorry buds, enjoy it while it lasts.
>Implying all Sup Forumstards are gonna stop being faggots like you
Some of them are too far gone to ever return.
top kek
Young people tend to think them not having shit is always the result of the people who do have shit holding them back, when the reality is they simply haven't existed long enough to amass wealth/experience/power. As they do, they start to realize how stupid they were.
The media is 100% against him that's why you think that. You're not putting things into perspective. I don't know if you're able to yet.
see? the brainwashing is working.
be very scared, because everyone around you is going to turn into pic related any day now.
and then whites will stop shagging each other, leading to white genocide and the demise of western civilization.
fucking brainlet.
>lost all of his friends except for carl of akkad who uses him for views
>got out of game grumps before it became profitable
>girlfriend left him for a black guy
everything happened user
>do you ever wonder why people grow up and become right wing later in life?
Because "older" views are conservative. Their views are liberal when they're younger, but not as liberal as their children's views. Their views don't change, society's do.
It's really alarming that people don't understand this.
wow, that was quite simply epic my dude
>sargon and aristocrat
Your LARPing performance is fucking weak, SJW cunt. Hang yourself. Nobody will miss you.
it can be yeah. You can still believe in a state and be a libertarian dingus
>vote in the most corrupt and incompetent person imaginable
Hillary won?
The moment when you realize that everyone who wants to discuss politics is some degree of fucktard, regardless of which side of the fence they're on, is life changing. Finally, you can focus on things that matter. Like VIDEO GAMES
Jon "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children" Jafari
>Reminds me a bit when I used to hate girly anime and shit when I was a kid, then I grew up
anectdotal evidence is the worst evidence. also that statement is a mirror of I USED TO BE A SHITLORD ON Sup Forums THEN I GREW UP may may.
>The right wing equal of giving up and calling someone a shitlord.
Did you type this while on your knees, thinking about how awful white people are?
You should probably just drink bleach and make the SJWs happy that there's one less straight white male in the world.
Yeah it's the media's fault his cabinet is disastrously falling apart within his first year, while being unable to pass any significant bill despite having full control of the three branches
See, you didn't actually change, being a Sup Forumstard or an anti-weeb weren't your defining traits, it was in fact being a fag
You used to be a fag and you're still a fag, you just adapted your faggotry to match the times
The ashkenazi jewish kike who runs resetera led an online campaign of harassment and hate against him so he quit the internet
I use to be right wing until I grew up, got a job and watch as the people on the top kept raising thier salaries while cutting my fellow workers pay, hours, benefits and the right wing pundits I use to listen too kept telling me it was my fault I was poor.
are you fucking kidding me? also IA/Metokur is just a shitlord. He has NEVER shown allegiances toward the far left/right.
>vote in the most corrupt and incompetent person imaginable
Maybe if you didn't live under a rock, you'd know that Hillary lost you idiot. I'd rather have a businessman who screws some shit up here and there, but generally does a passable job and can identify problems that everyone else is too PC to admit, than a physically sick and withering individual that's backed by Wall Street fatcats, big oil, Soros, and took billions in SuperPACs.
>Completely different
His video game reviews were hardly high brow and constructive. He used literal reddit reactions for his first popular year for god's sake. It's the exact execution with the movies.
>this much projection
>"le Sup Forums boogeyman!!! :'("
I honestly believed sjw's were a serious threat to the world. If I could so can they.
Well then who? If not who then what graphics? I've seen all the pics about how blacks and mexicans need to be exterminated, muslims are taking over europe, lol sweden, etc.
Chill out dude, just saying. Never said it was supposed to be evidence.
I'm fine with leaving out the Sup Forumstard and staying as the faggotest.
shoo you fucking commie
Can you really consider jontron "grown up"? He plays with toys and watches kids' movies on youtube for a living.
>400k views on the video he uploaded today
Nothing I guess
>white nationalist
>son of Iranian immigrants
He's just a fucking moron.
this is for you. you're more than welcome to read it but you won't because you are slow in the head
I don't even know dude, they seemed like rights back then, throwing shit to the left all the damn time.
>le if you
>I watched populist retards, I know all about conservative politics
You don't have a job you lying fuck.
People become right wing later in life when they start seeing little things they took for granted taken away from them over time. Like what words can be said, what opinions can be expressed, opportunities you worked for being given away arbitrarily, general values you were raised on. That kind of thing. It's essentially the same reason young people tend to be left wing. Because when you're young, you want to make sure you have all the freedoms you can possibly have so when you're older, you're all set to fuck whoever and be whatever you want, even if it's an attack helicopter.
This is exactly it. Right wingers only exist to decrease taxes for millionaires and dangerously de-regulate business to maximize profits for CEOs
If you're working class and you vote republican you're just cutting off your nose to spite your face, as you will be hit the worst by whatever dumb shit they pass