Will you be playing with English voice or Japanese?

Will you be playing with English voice or Japanese?

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Japanese because I don't plan on leaving the game on mute the entire time.

English first run for battle quotes. Jap second run

Gee, sure is difficult to decide

Does the lip sync change? Cause it matching in one and not the other will probably annoy me more than english voices.

Japanese because im not an amerilard who feel the need to defend garbage subpar voices acting.

Japanese. I'm so glad they're doing dual audio. Are people meming when they say XC1 has a good dub?

>Are people meming when they say XC1 has a good dub?
Given that almost all the discussion about the dub of the first game has people quoting meme lines like "I'M REALLY FEELIN IT" and laughing about it, I would say even if they aren't memeing, they only like it for how bad it is.

What the fuck? They're not even trying.

what? i thought it was great. besides, for how bad a dub is, it's still superior to japanese. i'd rather not hear high pitched screams and voices.

English pronunciation of japanese names is always awkward so...

That's out of endearment, not mockery. You telling people only like SUBMIT ironically?

Japanese because I'm not American.

Xenoblade has a better than average English dub, mostly because the actors aren't American.
It's still bad of course.

English because I'm not a weeb.

why do Americans all speak with such a low pitch? Do they think it's cool?
It's particularly awful in women. I cannot listen to a californian woman speaking without my ears bleeding.


english, obviously

Will it have comfy uk voice acting or retarded amerifat 'acting'?

Retarded UK voice acting

Suddenly found a game with worse VA than Fire Emblem Warriors

is that VA for real
what the fuck happened between XB1 and 2

Japanese, obviously.

I'm learning Japanese but I still prefer English dubs usually.


Sounds fine to me.

cheesy dubs are half the fun
everyone remembers NOW ITS REYN TIME

subfags will miss out on all the juicy memes

I wish I had standards that low.

because it is good. don't listen to those retards



I'm typically the sort of guy willing to defend dubs but everything I've heard from XC2's dub was followed by the thought, "Why did they use that take?"


It's ok. I wouldn't say good but pretty ok.

it's made by NoA who hired some British people to attempt to connect it to Xenoblade.

Still too american to be good.

I'll try both, but probably Japanese.

This is what you would expect to hear, going off of Sup Forums's reactions.
Not something that's, at the very least, passable.

NoA happened

will there be a spic dub?


Japanese audio as always, english dub is shit


You can still enjoy the memes on Sup Forums and leddit without having to mute the game every ten minutes.

Funny, this video is what I first thought of when I heard the Xenoblade 2 dub.

This guy gets it

English, I'm not some weeb cuck who thinks a VA is better if he doesn't understand it.

doesn't everyone?


japanese sounds nothing like chinese
what a retard

Wait, is the train guy a girl in the english version and a guy in the japanese version?

No her. Jap actress just sounds manly.

no voices

This. Still probably playing dubbed though.

this actually sounds better than Xenoblade 2

I was like , I actually thought Morag was a dude in the Japanese trailer.


You are never going to convince a shit eater to stop eating shit. It's like trying to civilize an aboriginal. They know nothing else, and can't know anything else. They will plaster their face in dung and think themselves in heaven. If you try to enlighten them from this path they will think you the devil and a mocker with terrible jest. Leave them, begone from them, lest that sickness which infests them spread to you. The dub eaters be as the dung eaters. Civilization will do them little good, for they are indoctrinated and nothing good can come from showing the source of light to the man staring at dancing shadows in Plato's cave.


Was that supposed to be good or bad? Because I thought it was pretty shit.

Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.

> He hasn't learned nip by now
Enjoy your subpar dub :)

EOP are pathetic, nothing worse than an English speaking monolingual knuckle dragger.

Wish it had my favorites though and not a bunch of random british voices.

why was XBC british so good, but this is shit?


Fuck off nigger, everyone knows your Japanese is horrible.

Fuck me is this real

because I don't speak or understand jap

will it be the goty?

because this one is made by Americans

Japanese just like the first Xenoblade. Only Xenogame I played in English was Xenogears and that was fine because there was practically no voice acting.

but why did they do it?
didn't they like the british?

You're right. Anybody who thinks Xenoblade games have ever had good voice acting is beyond saving, and God help them.

XBC was NoE only no outside interferance NoA completely ditched them, this time nope NoE stil has to cater to Americans because they have the biggest market. Forced in Amerifat accents on blades and torna is shit, not same people that did first XBC so even the British dub is worse

Japanese is far superior but we have to deal with the awful dubtitles and even worse the amount of name changes they made

Isn't it by NoE though?

Really can't think of any game I'd want to play less to be honest.

>not same people that did first XBC
it literally IS the same people that did first XBC

do people really care about name changes?
you know I don't speak jap, so I'll choose english
but maybe I'm just a casual, I don't know

why are jap voice actors so much better?

you are ACTUALLY retarded

English, I'm not downloading 8 GBs just for voices

VA work is treated a lot more seriously in japan. They have proper schools for that shit with a ton of competition for jobs.

This. I prefer my women to sound like mentally challenged war veterans myself.

It's Hearts R all over again
>Subs: I'm Kor Meteor

Playthrough 1 - Jap voices
Playthrough 2 - Glorious Bong meme language

That many names changes is dumb, locations and objects etc are fine but that many name changes is stupid

Do Japanese people localize Chad to Haruto? No so why do we accept dumb as fuck name changes

>b-but we don't get the reference
uh yeah and they changed the reference to a even more obscure reference, more people understand what Byakko, Suzaku mean(these names also in tons of other jap games fine without change) than fucking Dromarch and Ric lmao

it's not bong, it's burger
sorry user

>he prefers the high pitched screams of naruto fandub-tier voice work
i bet you unironically enjoy youtube covers of weebshit with english lyrics

No. They localize Chad to Shi-a-du and add stupid honorics. Same shit, different language, you fucking weeb

Leave it to Nintendo to treat their fanbase like toddlers.

Why are you lying user?

Except it is Bong

Mate, I can recognise my own island's accents, it's bong.

b-but it doesn't sound anythng like XBC
non english speaker here

it's bong but there's also some fucking australians in there, and homura sounds american

>English: Rex and Pyra sound bored to tears
>Japanese: The women sound like cats being tortured
What do i do

>do people really care about name changes?
Yes, kind of a big deal. Indicates the translators have no intention of keeping the script as close to the original as possible and instead are trying to create their own version of script. There isn't any wrong with that except for the fact that the script in japanese is written by professional writers. While the english script is esenttialy rewritten by "translators" with no background in creative writing. If the translators have an extensive background in writing it might be good, but people talented enough to write and translate seldom work for video game companies. Also, often these rewrites are only to mask a translator's inability to translate. Take the scene in Fire Emblem where they didn't even bother to translate it, it was just a series of ellipses.

You should look up regional accents for the UK. There's a whole heap of them, my man.

sorry I'm german
I have trouble to understand some accents in my own country

XC1 was all southern England all the time

XC2 uses a mix of accents from all over the UK for the different in-universe regions. Rex is northern English. Nia and everyone from Gormott are Welsh. Ardanian characters are Scottish, etc.
Also mixed in are Australian (Uraya characters) and American (Torna and Blade characters).

The only jrpg i can remember having a decent english dub is ffxii and the last story. And this coming from a weeb who will probably skip a jrpg if no dual audio at present.