Is it?

Is this really worth $60?

its a good game but i cant put it in more than an hour without getting bored (granted thats a lot of matches for an hour). maybe i just got burnt out from playing online during the 360 era


It's tough for me to say, really. Where people choose to draw the line at what's worth $60 is all over the place. Multiplayer games in particular since those can be lighter on content but heavy on play time.

I've sunk countless hours into the ranked mode. It's easy to just pick up and play in short bursts, it feels like most Switch games are designed that way. Its single player mode is fairly substantial and there's even a PvE mode that's a ton of fun if you've got some friends with the game. I'm not a fan of playing the standard Turf War as anything other than a warm up though so I sit out on most Splatfests unless friends want to play them. Splatoon's core mechanics are perfect for those more focused objectives. If you think Turf War is the meat of the game, you're mistaken. That's just how they advertise it to casuals.

Not even close. Mission pack sequel.

Absolutely. It's one of the most fun and dynamic mulitplayer games I have ever played. The ink mechanic and how it affects everything about the game is brilliant design.

That said, don't be an idiot and buy a game in a genre you have always disliked and then whine when your preferences haven't changed

it literally has more than double the content of the first, 90% of which is new content to begin with.

yes it's worth the money.

I put a ton of hours into the first one, but they cheaped out on the connection this time, which is inexcusable.

The tick rate was already bad on the Wii U, and it's doubled for this one. They'll charge for it, too. Literally having to pay for a worse service than when it was free.

Worth it if you never played the original or played a LOT of the original. If you played the first game and just kind of liked it but eventually dropped it then nah don't bother, you won't get much more out of it.

Digital or physical?

It is

Only if you didn't touch the original.

The people who call it DLC for Splatoon are the same people who never bought Splatoon or owned a Wii U.
It's worth $60 dollars.

I'm starting to like the digital download aspect for the switch considering there's enough space on the street when the largest game is Zelda with 6gigs. Plus swapping out carts is annoying on the switch because of how small the carts are.

Although I do miss having a case.

lol no

Splatoon 2 is under 5 gigs right?

>best shooting game ever made
>is it worth
nice bait

>shooting game
I give you money to burn the copy.

it's a mario kart of shooting games. it's literally perfect.

I want to say "yes, it's a very fun game", but also "never pay more than 20$ for a video game".
So really the question is how much 60$ are worth for you?
The game's very fun (unless you're not into fast-paced shooters, in which case you're looking in the wrong place), but 60 bux really is steep, so it all depends on how much it would hurt your wallet.

I find it worth $60.
I never played the first one though, it has some issues for me:
>Cant join a lobby with my friends
>5 games in a row me and my friend were placed on opposite teams
>The only way to voice chat is to play in a private game, so you need 7 friends to play with if you wanna talk to anyone

That being said, it's the game I most often come back to on my switch, I like how the game focuses more on painting the ground, with the occasional fast paced fighting sequence ink dodging and trying to juke the other guy so you can ink him first.

I find it fun, but it has a few glaring flaws.

It's about 4 gigs.

I have about 140 hours in it. I'd say so.

Is that what kids are learning in school nowadays?

Is this loss?

If you're unsure you can just wait until another demo comes out for it

>>Cant join a lobby with my friends
Play league mode.

Not him but then you're stuck playing only one mode with them
Why can't you do that for all three?

Private matches. And the mode rotates out.

t.Spotted the ninteshill.

I'd be happy to discuss it with you, if you want to use your brain and not shitpost instead

Obviously not

No! I fell for the meme, it's a boring shallow game with a piss puddle worth of content and grating music. If you need some more stuff for your Switch after beating Mario and Zelda just download some indies.

it's worth $30, but it will never go on sale for that amount because Nintendo is a bunch of jews

>it's a boring shallow game
t. rank C shitter

I enjoyed this more than Mario Odyssey and I'm still playing Spla2n.

Splatoon 2 is real good, must have for the switch along with Mario and Botw.

Do you like online shooters? Yes. If not, no.

i think so. put in many hours already.

I kind of prefer the first one on wii u. Liked the campain and mechanics better. (Stuff got rebalanced) But I do find that it’s worth it.

I love the way they rebalanced it. I think the specials were too powerful/important before. But I know some people think the new ones aren't as fun, which I can understand from a casual perspective

I just bought it for $45 and it's coming tomorrow so we'll see. I had a Wii U but never had Splat 1 so it will probably feel more worthwhile to me. Getting a little sick of PUBG and it's shittiness so it will be nice to play a completed multiplayer game.

>some people think the new ones aren't as fun

Really? Did people prefer the fucking inkstright and shitty sonic wave over the new ones? I hopped back into 2 recently since they announced the update and I just discovered they added a splattershot with a new super, the bubble one is one of the most fun in the game. It's great for backing people into corners and just pressuring people overall. The ballers fun, the jetpack is fun, any of the ones that involve another form of movement is a welcome addition.

Speaking of which, should all of the weapons get a dodge like the dualies? When they first showed the reveal trailer I was hoping the dash would be universal.

>tfw shit internet so can't play online without brutal lag against japs

desperately needs a better matchmaking system


>Speaking of which, should all of the weapons get a dodge like the dualies?
eh, I don't think so. The movement is already great, and I'd rather not have everyone dashing around like a maniac in a fight. I like having that be unique to that class. I really don't want the mechanics to change that much between games, as long as they only release it once per console

Matchmaking and the horrible ranked system are the game's biggest problem. They should've just kept the old ranked system, cause this one is abhorrent

Yes. It is really fun, you have multiple modes to play (al one, with friends, offline) and it is receiving more and more content every month for FREE.

It's pure fun. Really.

>I'd rather not have everyone dashing around like a maniac in a fight

Perfectly valid complaint, I get that, but imagine: the dynamo roller not being complete shit again. I can't believe they nerfed it even further than its first big nerf in Splatoon one. It's unusable where it's at right now

>They should've just kept the old ranked system,
This. The last one had a sense of accomplishment. It took AGES for me to get into S and then S+. This shit is just stupid.

Hell yeah. I was expecting much, but this became my favourite multiplayer game of all time.

Think of the price as "$40 base with a $20 season pass" and it's definitely worth it.

I put like +700 hours into it, so I got my money's worth.
I feel it's worth it now and the free updates haven't even finished coming in yet.

You have to keep in mind Nintendo is implementing paid online next year

Campaign is lengthy and substantial

The banter with Callie is fun

Multi-player and Salmon Run is pretty fun

Tons of weapons and accessories

Update is now adding new stages, weapons and music

Totally worth the $60

I'd pay $60 to have this OP shit nerfed.

>Totally worth the $60
Videogames aren't worth that much my man.

I say so. The fact they keep supporting it with all the updates, gives it a ton of content.