What killed Planetside 2
What killed Planetside 2
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trying too much to be like battlefield instead of planetside
no good content
reddit vanu niggers
nothing cool or new
it had a strong start but new games just did large scale war better
Vanu being OP shitters
>new games just did large scale war better
What new games? I hope you don't mean Battlefield.
Making only one class (heavy assault) viable or even necessary to play.
Removing the need for ANTs and power management.
Also the optimization was dogshit
The progression to CERTS was sped up way too late. The devs raked in the money at first and then only when the players started leaving they added more ways and XP to gain.
No sense of anything mattering.
Players just mindlessly zerged bases to capture them, and once captured they'd move on to the next one.
It didn't matter how many bases one side captured because it had zero effect on anything, and bases would change hands at regular intervales anyway.
There was just no sense of accomplishment.
I guess it was good at making you feel like a no name grunt who didn't matter to the larger war effort. Not many games do that.
Can't kill other players 1v1 even if you see them first, if they happened to play hundreds of hours more.
Modeling floor tiles instead of using 's texture LMAO
it was boring as fuck and ran like shit on all manner of machines
>Rebels cant use berets
So it's like any game more complex than CoD?
higby trying to make it an esport
Flying patch and CAI. Not like most of you faggots even played the game up to those points.
dunno man they just made so many great moves
>I guess it was good at making you feel like a no name grunt who didn't matter to the larger war effort. Not many games do that.
Any others come to mind? I love the concept but didn't care for Planetside 2's gameplay.
Cancerous micro-transactions early on. By the time they """"""corrected"""""" their mistake it was too late.
shitty management
What in the actual fuck is that image
Free to play. Lacks the feeling of the original game, the large scale battles feel like they have less weight
I can think of a few things offhand
>harassers and atvs are op against tanks; it shouldn't take 4 direct hits with a cannon to destroy a car
>draw distance between esfs is too short; by the time you see them you're already on top of them. also trees/stuff don't load fast enough to avoid them (particularly on the shitty swamp map)
>not being able to damage things until the game draws them. even if you know someone is at a specific point you can't blow them up with HE shells/rockets because the game doesn't allow it
I'd pay to play it if they added a plane with more traditional controls
Didn't the e-celeb that they originally choose for VS drop out because he managed to be incredibly bad at the game or something? Didn't really pay attention to that shitfest, just saw that he was replaced shortly before it began.
It's still alive.
Fuck Vanu.
>trying too much to be like battlefield instead of planetside
This. So much. It's a Battlefield with a tickrate of 7Hz in large battles. That makes it feel like shit. Had they just made a sequel to PlanetSide 1 with its guns and mechanics it wouldn't have suffered nearly as much from being a large scale mess as PS2 with its Battlefield gunplay did.
consider killing yourself
Planetside2's current state is alot like this horse right here. It ain't dead but it don't look too good either.
The game according to Wrel and from my own experience (of getting team killed a lot) is in fact getting a lot of new players every week and they have been able to higher new people to the development team. The main issue is that new player experience is fucking awful and they admit that they are having problems making new players stay. It was already addressed that they will be focusing on making a better tutorial than the bare bones trash we have right now as well as improving outfit and squad mechanics.
They announced that shit like 2 years ago, and then made the bounty system and added implant loot crates. Thanks werl saved du game
vehicles are easy to deal with; all of the classes except for medic and infil have ways to kill vehicles. get gud
Well they announced it again following the Combined arms update and he even gave some news about what would be coming up. Plus the tutorial was improved from before (thought its still garbage) and it needs to get a major overhaul if they want noobs to stay
This was meant for you
faggots in mosquitos with rocket pods killed PS2
>dying to pods when flak armor exist
From what I've heard isn't EVE similar? What does EVE do differently to keep it's players, even the grunts, hooked?
>reddit vanu niggers
fuck off, faggot. i've been playing vs since 2003. vs has the most original planetside players. or at least had since the game is dead now
ahh the memeries
I miss PS2
being a Mosquito A2A shitter was so much fun
>fuck off, faggot
No, fuck you.
EVE isnt keep its players though. Its losing a lot and new player experiences is even worse in EVE. When you factor in players having multiple accounts, there numbers are comparable to PS2
Whiny bitches that suck at games
buzzcutpsycho was the leader of the tr. he was the only one who made the tr good. i miss fighting against that faggot and his goons
angry shiTRs will always be angry shiTRs i guess
nah, Archcraig and his EXE crew ran the server. he just some nobody
Lets be real, noobs will never stay because no matter what they do they're going to get gal dropped and stomped by tryhard ADAD heavies. The "endgame" is like 50% exploits to git gud.
>Glitching up walls
>Throttling upload speed
>Spamming ADAD to jitter like a fucking madman
>Running around jumping spamming medkits
No one who is sane wants to do this, but every planetside community is filled with these dasanfall statpadders and it drives people away.
I wish the game could be played another way, if vehicle seiges actually did shit. If farming kills wasn't heavily pushed as THE way to play, however as it stands all you can do is redeploy looking for good fights to farm shitters.
Tank spam, C4 spam, maxcrash, rezcamping, airplanes controlling like shit but the few people who learn them team up and ravage everyone basically preventing you from learning them in the first place, how easy it is for people to just switch to heavy assault and spam rockets as soon as 1 tank or 1 airplane shows up, etc. In general, I'd say the biggest problem is how easy it is for EVERYONE to touch game changing options. It's like they kept balancing everything upward to the point where nothing feels good to use anymore because of how easily countered it is by something else that was balanced upward. Things need to take more resources to use than they do right now.
It's almost like buzz played on the east coast and archcraig on the west. Anyway the kings of connery TR were foxhound
wew killed planetside 2
spotted the wew
>>Glitching up walls
it's a skill and it's not even viable all the time. i hardly ever used wall climbing
>>Throttling upload speed
mostly a lie shit players used since they didn't know what was happening. you can tell who is throttling their upload. it's blatantly obvious. the ex quake pros didn't do that
>>Spamming ADAD to jitter like a fucking madman
>>Running around jumping spamming medkits
you're just trash honestly. typical ps2 babby. it's not stat padding. you couldn't get my stats if your life depended on it. i really don't get why ps2 players cried so hard about players better than them
They gotta do something and making a better tutorial can be the first major step. I hadn't even played the new tutorial because I played TR exclusively for years but when I caved in and made a VS alt I realized just how bad new player exp was. The tutorial gives no lore what so ever to immerse the player, it teaches nothing about driving vehicles aside from the flash, noobs are taught absolutely nothing about air vehicles or phalanx turrets and much more. I had my veteran experience helping me in the first few hours of vanu but I could only imagine what a noob player was feeling especially when it came to fighting air. I was at a fight and a tr liberator was shelling the sundy with a zepher. It killed me, so I went to get my launcher only to release I have no anti air weapons at all except for max
Simply put: they didn't copy planetside 1.
literally who
People use the testing area for the vehicles instead.
>you're just trash
>it's not stat padding
>proceeds to wave around E-peen
Oh god it keeps happening, did I trigger you there Mr. DPSO
Would be a shame if you didn't remove "unsanctioned" weapons from your fanfiction IVI kdr. How about fuck off back to reddt where you belong with your other prorion fuckboys.
I was talking about the new player experience retard, but obviously I was talking about you because you matter so much. Sorry to trigger you so hard.
I know and so do I but if I remember correctly the tutorial doesn't drop you in VR mode and tell you to use the vehicles, it just lets you select a map afterwards and throw you into a fight with instant action
>is actually VS
Fucking poetry
see what i mean. why are you so fucking mad? the insecurity is insane, bro. you're the only one that's triggered here. btw, the flare is statistically my best weapon.
I fucking hate the vehicles.
>No factional limits on pulling vehicles, just an individual resource that fills up over time
>1 tank requires multiple people to take out, even if you use heavies the slow speed of rockets will give even the shittiest tank enough time to fall back and heal if you don't have another one, and trying to kill them as a C4 fairy requires people to distract that tank or you're fucking dead
>Most non-biolab battles come down to rushing with tanks to spawn camp the defenders
>Everyone hates biolabs because they can't use their tanks
Fuck them.
don't kid yourself, trash player. my nc stats are basically the same
why are you faggots always so insecure, my man? we're really not assholes. i don't know why you have to be
>t. 1.5 kd shitter
Post your real kd bro
oh snap. you got told, son.
The fuck is wew
>L-let me wave my dick around m-maybe this user will respect me
How does it feel that the more you support this culture the more you kill the game, effectively making all your time and effort nothing?
>1 tank takes multiple people
lol no, I had no issues soloing mbts from time to time, ya just gotta be sneaky or do some evasive maneuvers, flak armor also helps greatly now
>Most non-biolab battles come down to rushing with tanks to spawn camp the defenders
At which point your team can pull maxes and kill them or spawn and an adjacent base and kill their tanks?
>Everyone hates biolabs because they can't use their tanks
Everyone hates biolabs because they almost always boil down to spawn room camping fests, Icanam biolab is really fun and a good move away from the current shitty ones
>No factional limits on pulling vehicles, just an individual resource that fills up over time
I agree that this was a mistake but its understandable as to why they did it so in the first place
the game is dead. i haven't played in more than a year. you faggots were always the problem. i didn't ask for dasanfall. it's nice to track your stats and improve and compete with people in your outfit so everyone gets better. really hard concept, right? i just don't know why you guys are so insecure about players better than you
>unironically considering VS op
holy shit are you retarded, if anyone is op in this game it's NC
but it all equals out since most of the is too braindead to use their weapons efficiently
>getting better at a ded game
Oh yeah I remember Higby made a statement on stream about how all the statpadders play NC... oh wait he said VS
i was obviously talking about when it was still alive. these same soyboy cucks are still crying about players better than them. faggots never change i guess
No one is OP, everyone just has their own degree of cheese weapons
t. TR vet
I miss the memes.
>All these no skilled nobodies who where subpar and had to rely on better "no name" players to help them farm kills cause kill matter apparently.
I killed buzzcut so many times it is embarrassing that anyone thought that no skill puke was anything of worth.
Just like all twitch/youtube streamers. They are all pathetic nobodies.
As for the game dying. No it hasn't. It's good the losers whom people knew their in-game umimportant names left. They ruined PS2 with their gay faggoty shit.
Now that they're gone. The game is exactly like it was before all that meme horseshit showed up.
What sucks now is stupid crap added to the game, ( not long after either ) such as hats, lights and pointless crap to shit all over your armor and vechs. Literally nothing.
Zerg vs Zerg still the same as before. Just no more "named" retards who suck cock and get digital high-fives from losers who watch streams instead of playing the fucking game in the first place.
It's like watching sports. Boring as fuck, if you want to play baseball / weird brown terd ball or whatever. Go outside and go play them then. Who cares what a bunch of apes think validates their entire pathetic existence.
Pretty straight forward.
mirrors my experience. I was helping push vs with an he lightning on the winter nap when they switched to nc and threw c4 on my tank. Literally subhuman.
Another time I caught a guy parking a dozen sundies on the side of the map and swapping sides to blow them up. Also VS.
>Rushed development and a shitty engine
>Broken servers at launch that are still unreliable to this day
>Constantly reintroducing supposedly fixed bugs
>Allowing imbalanced bullshit to go unfixed for months at a time
>Hardly any systems in place to help new players acclimate, resulting in a ridiculous player turnover rate
>No systems in place to discourage mindless turbozerging
>Terrible base design across the board turns most fights into choke point meatgrinders
>The fights between bases are boring games of peekaboo between snipers and tanks
>ESF spergs mercilessly shit on anyone trying to get into the air game, then wonder why so few people bother with flying
>ESF spergs with A2G loadouts mercilessly camp any fight smaller than 24v24, then wonder why no one goes anywhere without a zerg and 6 AA sunderers
>No ping limits turning some servers into cesspits of teleporting third world lagwizards
And, of course...
>Hiring a YouTuber with obvious biases and no prior dev experience and putting him in charge of balance
I want off this wild ride.
>What killed Planetside 2
the sheer amount of hatred i generated from SoE killing off one of the best multiplayer shooters of all time
With the new player experience being awful you'd think they'd at least update the tutorial or add features to the VR training people have been asking for for a looong time, like moving targets, flight training (PVP area), all the stuff that's in the game but missing in the VR training, the ability to have VR training dummies shoot at you with 0 damage bullets to learn aiming while receiving the *being hit* effect (and testing the implant to counter that there, being able to spawn enemies with user-selected upgrades instead of unupgraded paper targets, working thermo vision on VR targets, adding the other factions' stuff for use to learn about your enemy and whatever I forget.
Also: Useful text bits. I don't like it how important information has always to be clawed from external sites all and everywhere and then cross-checked with the current patch state as all games constantly fail to accurately put up-to-date and 100% complete info either in the tooltip or the weapon's / tool's / upgrade's description.
John Smedley
>tfw smedley got btfo'd out of being a CEO for SOE so hard after PS2 and H1Z1 that even his new mobile gaming company is struggling
MAG did it better, it was destined to fail
Do people still play Planetside 2? Played it a lot back in the day. Also what faction did everyone play?
oh shit. I thought I was the only one who remembered that gem. You sir, are my negro
TR mossy pilot here; I used the default gun and racer3 for the longest time
>mfw I reluctantly unlocked the banshee
>mfw it's actually really good when there's no flak
Yes, that is correct. New players should be thrown into VR after the tutorial, the tutorial needs an update and the fucker explaining shit there should stop repeating himself a billion times, VR training also needs an update. Someone in the tutorial should also teach the newbs that players can fully customize how their clothes and equipment looks so that it's sometimes hard, as a new player, to get it right who's friend and enemy.
For the story I had an idea: Capture points = interactable objects to read story bits from, depending on which faction currently controls it and in which area it stands. They could even add deactivated, hidden cap points that players can still interface with to get some additional story text bits. But that'd be for a company that has enough people and not a skeleton crew and that also cares.
Gameplay-wise they should introduce faction locking. Tired of 2 factions that are each stronger than the least played attacking said faction together as these are easy wins, easy kills farms, rendering any attempt of defense or gameplay pointless while also not reducing the rewards of the low effort team or in a meaningful way increasing the rewards for the outnumbered faction.
Either that or make it 2 factions only to stop the 2 strong vs 1 weak stomping for easy rewards.
None of the aircraft are any fucking different, it's shit design.
A valkyrie would never be able to hide from a faction fighter, the way that a helicopter can duck between buildings+terrain from a jet fighter. Because everything is the same, the only thing that determines superiority in the air is damage and HP.
Not size. Not mobility. Not speed. Not maneuverability. Just damage and HP
It's boring and simple-minded as fuck.
It should really be like...
>All aircraft have limited fuel, no staying in the air indefinitely
>Only stay afloat by moving forward, highest acceleration, mid top-speed. Low fuel capacity.
>Only stays afloat by moving forward, highest top-speed, low acceleration. Highest fuel capacity.
>Has lower loft speed, mid top-speed, mid acceleration. Mid fuel-capacity
>Only air unit that can hover, high top-speed, high acceleration (since it carries almost no weaponry). Mid fuel capacity.
"We want the battlefield audience!" attitude.
Decreasing the TTK from PS1, introducing headshots, allowing a tank driver to control the main cannon, faster respawning, too many different weapons (impossible to balance), poor anti-cheat software, grenade spam, rocket spam, removing the balance of classic certs.
The cancer that was BF3 is also the cancer of PS2.
Strafing tanks are just too good to pass up, reddit or not. Funny enough my experience in WoT kinda helped me to dominate in tank fights, even though PS2 hardly features most of the mechanics from it. Still, the mentality of always trying to hide your hull and timings along with increased mobility can make wonders if you're facing noobs that simply cannot comprehend the support role of a tank.
Until you see the hp for each mbt.
>more mobility than other tanks
>same hp
>i won because im skilled
Instead of fundamental changes like making fights more dynamic with artillery- and supply trucks, they rather added more microtransaction guns and stupid shit basebuilding instead.
They didn't go with this prowler or make an AWACS/Electronic Warfare Galaxy.
That's literally all of Vanu's shit. It's insane they even think they are skilled when their weapons are so hilariously overpowered it's not even funny.
Shouldn't have picked a faction with MBT based around being a stationary nigger.