Why aren't you buying the Jedi Knight bundle, Sup Forums

44% the price of Nu-front II
9001% the fun

own them all already :)

I already had it from a few years ago
>tfw Sup Forums gave up on movie battles 2

Because I already have Jedi Academy and it's the only one I like to replay

im playing it right now u dumb normalfag. and ive been playing it for the past 10 years

mb2 shitters go away

I still replay Jedi academy sometimes. God why can't they make a deep open world RPG with those combat mechanics? Are they retarded?

Yes, yes they are

is it really dead? I went on a few months ago and there were a couple mostly full servers.

I haven't played it since either last year or the year before when I saw it being shilled on Sup Forums. Was really fucking fun, though.

My nigga
Vanilla/japlus is the thinking man's game

I'll shill a couple threads after I install it. tis the season for old mp star wars games.

don't buy this game on steam though. Not sure if the money goes to Activision or EA or Disney but the developer was shut down ages ago and those publishers don't deserve the money. Online works just fine with freely obtainable versions

Academy is literally free, source code was openly published. All that money go directly into valvestein's pockets.

>siege mode is dead and most people know all the cheese cheats for all the maps
>ffa only has a couple depressed spics and eastern europeans and a bunch of bots
the single player can only be replayed so many times user

i got all these and everything else in star wars humble a couple years back

Not on sale

I've almost beat it once again last week. The game bugged out at Korriban and I couldn't proceed but still. It's fucking great and even now, after countless playthroughs I still find new stuff or combat moves

i got all that stuff in a humble bundle years ago for cheaper than that

Because I still have all my original discs, ya cunt.

Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that:

>Best singleplayer: JK2
>Best multiplayer: JA


Jedi Knight is best singleplayer
Jedi Outcast is very tedious for the whole first half (until after Nar Shadaa)

ill never be able to download it on my shitty ass 100 mbps connection

Open source doesn't mean it's a free game
Only the program code is released, not all the art and map assets and shit