man i fucking love suikoden 2

What the fuck was his problem?

There was a rock in his shoe.

As soon as he dies the game goes to shit.

Bandits raped his mom and forced him to watch while his dad fled like a bitch, resulting in him growing up to be an ultra badass.

he had 4 arrows on his back

>Beat his ass down multiple times in tactical battles
>Only survives because his unit literally can not go below 1 health
>Beat his ass with my first team in the RPG battle
>Completely stomp him in the duel

This, the ambush against him should have been the final battle before Jowy's stuff.

Oink oink.

Thank you for stating the truth, bruh.
I keep saying that and the retards won't fucking recognize it.

Wow, you grinded in an JRPG, we're all really impressed at your advanced skills.

You don't have to grind, you just have to be not stupid. If you can take out his soldiers, he does very little damage on his own.

I really liked his last moments, finding that wooden amulet and talking about the fireflies, like he found some short of peace

Thumbnail makes it look like he's on his period.

is way worse than that. One time, I had TWO rocks in my shoes. It fueled me to become an Overlord of Darkness and I literally destroyed worlds

He deals a shit ton of damage when you consider you're going 1 v 6

>Beat his ass down multiple times in tactical battles
>Only survives because his unit literally can not go below 1 health
That's how tough he is

>Beat his ass with my first team in the RPG battle
All three party fights are scripted to happen

>Completely stomp him in the duel
Yeah wow after THREE boss battles and being shot by cowards you manage to "completely stomp him", "completely" meaning he gets a hit in because he always attacks

Yeah wow real impressive

Jowy did nothing wrong.

He didn't find peace, that was Jowy's message to him.

Sometimes, the best villains are just evil for the sake of being evil. Not everyone has to follow the "ends justify the means" meme

But user, "The Ends Justify the Means" isn't a villainous stance.

Yep, slaughtering millions of people isn't evil if you do it to save billions of people. Utilitarianism is totally legit.

I'm glad we have reached an understanding.

He knew that if you wanted something in life, you had to take it by force

> GG took 19 of you to kill me ;)

>the "ends justify the means"
I'm so fucking sick of this crap. I'd rather have villains who were evil for the sake of evil any day. Or villains who just disagree about basic shit like that people have a right to live. You don't have a right to live, bitch. You wanna live? Be strong enough to survive.

But nah it's always some oh im trying to make a better world or better in the long-term or whatever

I like those types of villains, I just think they're way overdone now and they're not inherently better than other types of villains, like some morons on Sup Forums claim.

To be honest there was probably always something wrong with him. There isn't just some switch that flips to turn you into a sadist genocide psychopath. If his wrath hadn't been directed so early on he probably would have ended up strangling maids.

>ha it took three of you to kill me

I seriously agree. I don't know where this meme has come from that villains who are just evil are badly written. Literally every villain has a motivation these days. "oh i want to bring back my dead wife", "oh i was abandoned as a child", "oh i want to fix this decrepit universe".

Where's the guy who just fucking loves killing people? That's so much more interesting of a character, just from a dynamics perspective.

He was some Beast Rune incarnation, far as I remember.

He's top tier of course. jRPG fans consider him as one the best villians in genre.

>He was some Beast Rune incarnation, far as I remember.

Uh no. His only involvement with it was awakening it with LOTS OF MURDER.

Because people or at least leaders like that barely exist. Do you think Hitler or Stalin loved killing people for the sake of killing only? No, they just loved results of it.

What did it imply?

He's the irredeemable asshole villain done right. It goes to show that the meme of ranking villains based on their motivations is dumb, and depending on your skills as a writer you can really make any kind of villain work.

Are you saying that that's where the meme comes from?

Because if anything that only helps my point. Humans are boring. Characters are interesting. Hitler is a way more interesting character if, instead of being an autistic idiot, he just genuinely loves killing people.

Honestly, I think Luca Blight's success has nothing to do with writing. It was all in the way he was executed as a video game villain.

That's called a product killer. Dahmer, for example, only killed boys to get their delicious hairless torsos.

>It was all in the way he was executed as a video game villain.

Writing for videogames includes that.

man, kids these days

they will never have a luca blight in their RPGs...

>there is an alternate universe where suikoden set the bar for jrpgs instead of final fantasy

>muh graphics
Suikoden 2 had better writing and characters than any FF.

I don't think you know what a period looks like.

That is correct.
It's also something we do on a semi regular basis.

I just want bad guy's with motivations beyond
>I'm an evil son of a bitch
>I'm really a good guy deep down even though I get off on torturing children and raping puppies
and god forbid
>I've had a hard life so I should rape and murder everyone on earth



Nothing wrong with simple motivations.

i wanna replay suikoden 2

What's stopping you?