Who will win?
Who deserves to win?
Who will win?
Other urls found in this thread:
Horizon or PUBG
Nier Automata or Yakuza 0
BOTW or Zelda
Persona 5
Persona 5. That is all.
PUBG maybe Mario
all of those games are terrible
christ 2017 fucking sucked
Mario will win.
None of them deserve it.
PUBG, no competition.
Star Wars Battlefront 2
I'm going to shoot up a bank and detonate C4 inside the money vaults if any of those pieces of shit win a GOTY award.
None. Nier was the only exceptional game this year and it's not even fucking nominated.
Persona and Zelda were absolute shit, Horizon is forgettable shit and PUBG is buggy twitch bait shit so Mario deserves to win
Considering pubg is the freshest in terms of gameplay, I'd say that over yet another zelda and mario.
None of them.
Mario, Odyssey is just that damn good.
Zelda is my personal GOTY but PUBG probably deserves it most.
>Why are they called DOOM clones and not Wolfenstein 3D clones?
As long as BOTW doesn't win I'm fine with any other game taking the award.
The only game with a female protagonist will win GOTY.
Screencap this.
Mario, Zelda, or PUBG will win. Normies don't give a shit about Horizon or P5.
>Normies don't give a shit about Horizon or P5.
because those are shit
I found some retards which still don't know votes are only 10%. 90% is decided by journalists.
>Empty fields 2: Shrine Boogaloo
>Bing Bing Wahoo
>Buggy Battle Royal Streamer Bait #10974
>Even worse than Zelda
There are no winners.
Platformers are decades older than DM
>Bing Bing Wahoo
not an argument
BotW or PUBG
Persona 5
Look here idiots
Who cares?
PUBG will win thou cause majority will be split between Mario and Zeld, normies forgot Horizon when BOTW dropped and most of them didn't even finish Persona
>who will win
>who deserves to win
Mario and Persona
Seems like idiots like you don't. Journalists won't vote PUBG.
Anyone except PUBG since it's still in Early Access.
I'm hoping for Persona 5 though this is probably one of the few years where I'd be fine with Zelda or Mario winning even though I don't own a Switch.
I don't see Pyre here so none of them
BotW or PUBG
So many retards
Zelda WILL win.
90% of the vote will be decided by a group of game journalists/devs, and they absolutely creamed their pants over Zelda.
They also creamed their pants over Mario, but it's not as BOLD and INNOVATIVE and REVOLUTIONARY so much as it's just a really good return to form for Mario. It has a shot, but it's the upset pick.
Nothing else even comes close in terms of circlejerking. Horizon was utterly overshadowed in terms of buzz, Persona 5 is niche weebshit JRPG that's style far outshines it's substance, and PUBG is a buggy early access title. They don't stand a snowballs chance in hell.
If it were a popularity contest though, PUBG would sweep it.
Anyone who thinks it'll go any other way is a mouthbreather.
Zelda will win and it deserves it.
But Persona 5 got into my top 5 games of all time list and I think it sucks it won't get the recognition.
Never change Sup Forums
>Who will win?
>Who deserves to win?
god PUBG is such a shit fucking game I hope all of you choke on chink developer dick
The fact that its even nominated is proof it's getting recognition
So there are sane persons here.
>Who will win?
>Who deserves to win?
none of them
Fair enough.
Go on then, what's your GOTY
NieR: Automata
Then why is pubg on the list at all?
>an early access poorly managed multiplayer only game deserves it more
Even though P5 isn't my goty, it's the best out of the bunch
I'm legit upset that Horizon got selected instead of this.
The real GOTY Nominee list should be:
> Zelda: BOTW
> Super Mario Odyssey
> Persona 5
> NieR: Automata
> Divinity: Original Sin 2
Because dat righteous China money
Zelda will win but Persona 5 or Odyssey deserve it more
No idea why an early access game is even nominated.
So what mental gymnastics did they go through to decide to nominate a game for 2017 GOTY when said game isn't going to be released in 2017?
Because it's stupidly popular.
I want PUBG to win because it seems to trigger people
What the fuck is Horizon doing on there? Sony must have stuffed some pockets to get that on the list. Even Sonybros like me didn't give a shit about that mediocre Bioware wannabe. Breath of the Wild had too many flaws, Mario Odyssey is so new that I don't think it should be up for consideration- the honeymoon phase isn't over. PUBG hasn't actually been released yet and shouldn't be considered. Persona 5 had some bad pacing issues and a lackluster series of final dungeons.
Nier Automata, Yakuza 0, Nioh, Cuphead, Sonic Mania, and Miitopia deserve to be on that list just as much if not more so than the games already featured.
>Who will win?
>Who deserves to win?
What is your GOTY, then?
I'm fine with BotW, Odyssey, or P5 winning.
PUBG and HZD should both be replaced with Nier: Automata though
>Normies don't give a shit about Horizon
Wut? Normies loved Horizon, that shit sold like crazy. Its one of the most generic normie-friendly painstakingly made games of this year.
>No Cuphead or Sonic Mania
Why the fuck is PUBG even on there? It's not even officially released yet
Sonic Mania is nominated for "best family friendly game"
Either BotW or SMO, genuinely a 50/50 decision
>obligatory nintendo games
>token weeb game
>obligatory cinematic game
None of them
PUBG on the list in general
Any except Pubg and Horizon. Though I realize P5 would definitely be a dark horse. I'd say BOTW is likeliest though Odyssey makes more sense
>"it's fun" PUBG wins
>Sup Forumsirgin goes into full meltdown
Make it so. The armageddon created from the cock-sured, zealot fanboys would be a sight to behold. Extra laughs will be given from them scrambling to create a petition to get the award revoked and death threats.
persona 5
>I'm so contrarian look at me
PUBG will win because this is a marketing stunt. BOTW or Persona.
Wew lads
That's a fucking stupid category. I guess Mario has to win it by default since, if Sonic Mania wasn't good enough to get into the final five, then the game that did and is ALSO family-friendly must be the most deserving of it.
not a fan of Japanese IPs but Botw is basically a modern iteration of why vidya are a cool and good hobby
none of the above
That's a really good impression of a games journalist working at Polygon, user.
>implying polygon is bad
sure thing user i'm a polygon editor. fear me!
Zelda and Horizon are open world so they are both immediately disqualified. That leaves Mario, Person and PUBG. PUBG isn't even finished so it is disqualified. That leaves Mario and Persona. I'll give it to Persona.
unironically this
Mario will win
None of these deserve to win
>BOTW of Zelda
Alright, user.
Ah, you lost it. A real Polygon editor would have ended that with "Please fuck my wife(male)!"
2017 was the best year for games since the mid 2000s
>BOTW winning anything
This game is the most overrated game ever made. If you took off "Zelda" from the title, it would have been laughed at and forgotten long ago.
Noid 2
the most redeeming thing about the game is physics engine, which is rarely able to be put to good use
Probably Zelda.
But for me it will be Divinity except if Xenoblade 2 is really really good.
So far its running away with most of the GOTY awards