"gamers' are complaining that you have to spend time on the game you are playing to unlock shit

>"gamers' are complaining that you have to spend time on the game you are playing to unlock shit

How is this a bad thing?

>Spending money in something that reduces gameplay hours, additional to what you paid for the game
Whats the point?

Because there is a limit to how much time it should take to unlock simple things. People have a limit to their patience.

it's not that the game has unlockables, it's that the game has an unnecessarily long grind in order to try to coax you into spending real money to the point people would rather idle than play the actual game to progress

EVERYTHING in Battlefront II's progression is tied to the lootboxes. It's inescapable.


>OP’s stupid bait contrairian thread picked apart in 4 posts

Why fucking bother m8?

Kinda amazing how little of a fuck people give about this game outside of getting to laugh at EA/DICE damage control.

I was excited wnough about battlefield 1 till i saw what it really was, so i just didn’t buy it. I was never going to buy this either, but i don’t want that shit in the games i DO play, so this is good.

Nice shilling, how much are you paid?

Remember when you didn't have to spend a full work week to unlock game content in a shooter?

It takes about 3 hours of play to unlock Vader.

Every other unlock that actually matters can be attained whenever you feel like it (you get so many crafting parts just by installing the fucking game).

GUNS are only unlockable via kill count per class, but I'm sure Sup Forums now thinks that is an evil scheme somehow too when it's exactly what they've demanded for a decade to come back.

>"gamers' are complaining that you have to spend money on the game you are playing to unlock shit
Fixed that for you.

>have to spend time
More like 10 years
>to unlock
More like, unless you are willing to pay money, you have to play for 10 years to get 1% of the locked content.

Nice one.

In what universe is unlocking characters a good thing?

because multiplayer unlocks are cancer that cannot be balanced

Why not just play games that are fun to play instead of having fun rewards for playing?

>Prestiging 15 times in call of duty for a gay badge over the course of hundred of hours is fine
>10 hours to unlock Chad Vader is unacceptable
I've put 200 hours into Hitman and I'm still unlocking stuff. The fact that I'm still playing it says it's an enjoyable experience. Gamers are so fucking entitled they now want their shitty almost multiplayer only game with all the unlocks preunlocked. I'm assuming you niggers want a skip boss button fight too... Why did so many of you even buy this shitty game in the first place? Was battlefront EA edition not enough of a warning.

>implying that CoD's progression system is defendable
Nobody said its ok and neither is this.

>Noone said cod's progression is okay
Yet you were all fully complicit with that. Nobody gave a shit about progression systems in toddlers first fps but when it's Battlefront 2 suddenly it matters. This is the same shit that was in bf4 it took fucking ages to unlock things in bf4 but nobody cared. This is selective outrage and nobody is actually mad, they're just hopping on the memewagon. HAHA EA SUCKS... what is this 2006?

>Yet you were all fully complicit with that.
>Everyone is one person
Fucking idiot.

Remember when games had all of the fun stuff upfront without having to drain dozens of hours or hundreds of dollarydoos to access it?

>Hurr everyone isn't one person, you can't expect everyone to band together to talk about how shit a company and progression system is, that's fucking impossible
>But yeah EA sucks Reddit, let's band together and stand up to the bad guys together.
You aren't even trying

>Yet you were all fully complicit with that. Nobody gave a shit about progression systems in toddlers first fps but when it's Battlefront 2 suddenly it matters
Holy mother of christ are you 14? Do you think that Sup Forums is visited by the same 20 people every day? Do popular companies like IGN or Kotaku having a positive opinion of CoD mean that every single person who didn't publicly dispute that opinion was in favor of it? Starwars is an IP that has touched far more lives than CoD, so when Starwars is turned in to a shit product, of course you'll have far more people openly upset about it.

So then you admit that you are just jumping on a topical bandwagon

No you fucking moron, is exactly correct. You can attempt to put everyone who didn't cause public outrage ot CoD in the same box as those who bitch about Star Wars all you want, you're still just making shit up.

>So then you admit that you are just jumping on a topical bandwagon
No I'm stating that you are fucking retarded. I always thougth prestige in CoD was pointless and I have the same opinion of this new lootbox craze, and of the new Starwars grind system. Your broad, unintelligent brushstrokes are making the equivalent of a rorschach test in this discussion.

The more you guys damage control the more it shows up that you are either A. Morons who didn't know EA was a shitty company and B. Faggots who don't actually care but you want your sweet memepoints for being angry that a Disney owned property is being exploitative. The fact that so many niggers bought this game already means this kind of bad business will continue because despite all of your faggy whining it will earn EA more money

Only fanboys support micro-transactions.

>Damage control
>not just debating the intellectual stunt that people must have to equate a loud minority to a quiet majority
Me stopping by this thread and pointing out that the lootcrate system in not something worth defending, has fuck all to do with my opinion of EA, whether or not I knew how shit they are as a company, or memepoints for arguing with retards.
>The fact that so many niggers bought this game already means this kind of bad business will continue because despite all of your faggy whining it will earn EA more money
>Any disagreement with something is whining

Battlefront a shit, COD a shit, Destiny 2 a shit, when will the triple A game bullshit end.

Developers aren't entitled to people's money and time either, and people are fully within their right to complain about things they deem unacceptable.

fuck off EA

>compares something shitty to something shitty

WOAH suddenly your side looks a lot better fellow EAfriend.

making fun games is hard.

this thread is fucking baby mode of spot the shill

>play game a moderate amount of time to unlock X
>play game a crazy long amount of time to unlock X or insert credit card

I think these two are different. Nice try though buddy, your next EA's™ Disney's™ Star Wars™ Battlefront™ Lootbox™ is on me my friend.

No. No I don’t. This gen is actually the first time we can unlock shit immediately using money.

did you never play UT or CS?

Last gen actually. EA started this shit too with their NFS games.

How about having all the content there and not grinding for it... like the OG Battlefront games?

>gamers complaining that playing a game holds back content behind an RNG system that's either laborious to grind or costly to buy

Honestly like apparently any controverdy in videogames, there's a good point overwhelmed by an insane witch hunt

It's not just unlockables, it's CONTENT.
Entire portions of CONTENT are held behind a paywall that isn't even reliable. It's RNG

You are fucking retarded, badge is non-gameplay feature, only prestige shit while vader is gameplay thing. It would be more appropriate to compare it to CoD max level but you are just fucking baiter so here is your (you)

Either A and B? It's either OR, go back to kindergarten and start the whole education process again.