why are you download speeds so bad ?
180 Mbps
why are you downloading a soiboi game?
Why is your english so bad?
is it bad ? haven't played it
I dream of having that, I can't even get 1mb/s.
950 kbps is my peak.
I'm in the UK, Central londonstan to be exact.
why are internet speeds so slow in the usa ?
almost done btw lel
aaannnndddd DONE!
have fun fags
Same. Feels bad man. Rural US can suck a fat one.
ever since google fiber considered coming here isps started shitting themselves and quadrupled our speeds for roughly the same price
>15.4 peak
Lmao, is that the fastest connection you can get in burgerland?
that's just due to my usb wifi stick
I'm not from the US, Netherlands.
Who do you have? Because I desperately need to get off my 150 KB/s DSL.
that says 12mbs not 180
Just downloading shit for testing
Time Warner/Spectrum
It's the only option I have other than AT&T
Sucks being in burgerland that ISPs are absolute hot garbage most of the time and we have no choice but to let them fuck us in the ass
Don't you have that one college with the 4GB/s connection?
>used to live in the middle of nowhere and only had satellite internet and dial up
>averaged about 300kb/s on a clear day and had a 80gb download limit
>Moved into larger town
>unlimited 15mb/s and up to 25mb/s late at night
why does download speedtest give me speeds x5 faster than what I actually get?
because its testing from a server that's closest to you
Is it maybe x8 faster?
fuck sake not 5 minuets into planet coaster and i'm seeing this...
Speedtest is in Mbps
Downloads are in MB/s
100 Mbps = 10MB/s
I pay $50 for 150 down. Actually get around 130 depending on the test. It's whatever.
just 2 buds hanging out you fag
No, 100 Mbps = 12.5MB/s
One Byte has 8 Bit you moron.
I'm in the us and typically get the same as you. It varies on provider and location I assume though.
MegaBit and MegaByte are 2 different things but often get confused because people are stupid.
you only hit 120 peak user whats your point?
I download with max 30mb/s
Sadly there is nothing worthwile to download/pirate.
What do lads?
oh yeah...
I only peak 2Mb but the new laptop picks 5Mb, must be the antenna
I've had multiple AT&T employees come to my house and test the lines. Odds are, if you are living in an old house, your internal telephone lines are ancient and substandard. If you run a line from your outside box to your modem, your speeds will increase, but it requires special telephone box connectors. It's not like you can just plug in a RJ11 and have it work.
(((they))) even programmed the clours right
It's not a game, it's just a sandbox.
>tfw like 8.5MB/s
Feels pretty comfy bros.
Hello there Americans, Eastern Europe shithole here.
>normies will probably enjoy Far Cry 5, and want to move out to Montana
>tfw this
they aren't though. i max out at 25-30 MB/s
feeling fine in ohio on spectrum
My bad, was downloading a game, here's what I get on an average day. I'm probably paying way less than I should anyway.
shit, meant for:
>9 ping
Because I don't live in the middle of a sprawling cockroach filled city
Is this really what city cretins think anyone outside of a city is like? I built my own house so of course I'm not gonna live in a city I still have to work in one though for my nice job
Wow that's bad. And I thought I had it hard.
I got 100Mbps Fiber and I'm staying in a rural small town in the U.S... Not too shabby for not living in a city. Also the U.K is a tiny spec of land being about 93,628 thousand miles squared while the U.S is huge at 3,798,000 million miles squared. Not hard to wire less than 100k miles compared to almost 4 million..
>city cretins
The way you talk you sound like your mother is also your sister
180 Mbps is megaBITs per second not megaBYTES
i have 150 Mbps which equals around 23 megabytes a sec download
this is how ISPs fuck you over because normies dont know the difference between MBps and Mbps
the more you know!
mfw living in rural ireland
thanks dog 21st century isp moved into my area and i don't have to deal with this shit anymore
Are the women pretty? Seems like it would be heaven for me over there if it was mostly light skinned gals.
i'm literally the last person you want to ask about women but i suppose they are alright, i hate slags though
As if your blatant retarded shitpost before didn't indicate you're living at home working a minimum wage job in a small 1 bedroom overpriced apartment taking the bus everywhere
>i hate slags though
I'm with you
This, infrastructure ain't free.
Let me guess. Six figure income, 6 foot 5, lamborghini? Lol fag
chicagofag here, tend to cycle between 3-8 MB/s
idk why we are so slow.
Are there any mods to remove gay people
bow down flyover state plebs
lamborghini is a pleb car for fast food workers. everyone i know who isn't addicted to cocaine has at least one maserati.
and people like you visit the same sites like me
I want an explanation for this.
Watch me not get one.
just 2 buddy hanging out with their respective kids
prolly some badtasteanon posted it
who exactly are you trying to impress, faggot? Nobody here gives a fuck about any of us
>finally get true 60 mbps after years of 7 mbs
>feel super fast
>mfw this thread
I downgraded from 100mbps to 50 and don't miss it a bit. There's nothing to saturate the pipe with anyway. Excessive bandwidth is such a soyboy thing anyway.
"We'll get you those upgrades within the next few years."
Said my ISP almost 10 years ago.
>anime poster uses the term soyboy
Well a little over 6 figures, I drive a used Lexus one of the most reliable cars around.
You fags are funny
not even that asshole
in the US, the best you get is like 100/100 in cities for a massive price tied into cable bill because THEY OWN EVERYTHING
there is no "start up" or anything that can be good. there is no shit like that here, they actively go out of their way to make sure you pay for shit tier speeds expensively.
fiber barely exists too, fucking google was trying it but couldn't do shit because AOL and Comcast have 100% monopoly everywhere.
dude, i had those speeds in like 2005...
>I don't miss my superior service, fellow goys!
>Why would you need 100? 50 is too much anyway.
>come on now user
>10 is being greedy!
Its all going to come tumbling down the fucking instant the world economies crash 1930-style. Can't wait.
I couldn't imagine living in this much denial
Same thing with earning more than $40k a year. 40k is plenty for vidya, excessive income is such an inefficient soyboy thing anyway.
>I'm in a major city on a tiny little island
>Why isn't everywhere like me?
Woon je in Verwegistan?
>get 150mbps over wifi
who needs wires
fuck off comcast
you are all like little baby men
watch this
I currently get 100 Mbps for 10€ a month, but I also could get 200 Mbps for 20€ or 1000 Mbps for 40€. Haven’t upgrades, because while 10€ extra per month for 200 Mbps wouldn’t be that expensive, it wouldn’t be that useful in practice either.
After all, I wouldn’t notice a difference in normal net usage or streaming videos, and it’s not like I’m constantly downloading some huge-ass >50GB files. And considering the fact that most of my big downloads come from Steam, I doubt that their servers would even give me the full speed experience.
You’re doing it wrong if you aren’t constantly downloading stuff to your bandwidths max capability.
Ooooh nine whole gigs, welcome to 2015
Niet access4all 500mb up and down fiber. Edgy peasant
ay same speed my nigga
Rotterdam, man. Ligt waarschijnlijk aan m'n provider ofzo.
I get 20MB/s. Is that good? Always considered it to be mediocre.
you have it worse
I wish I had that speed in 2001