>mommies and thicc are becoming more popular than ever
>less and less lolis are being put into games
Gaming is finally good. What are some games where you can play as a mommy?
Mommies and thicc are becoming more popular than ever
Do they not exist?
Isn't the new League of Legends character loli-bait?
>more normie shit is getting into games
fuck off soyboy
Yeah but LoL has gone full anime, they're falling behind in the porn meta.
Loli is for soyboys
She must get really sweaty with all that cloth and armor.
But pedos are literally soyboys.
The new champ is going to get the porn started again
>wanting to get soymilk direct from the source
>not soyboy
Unironically Fallout 4. The only reason I enjoy that game.
>buying games for the sake of masturbastion
You are the cancer
Since she's a dragon, imagine how hot her body must get underneath all that armour. You could probably suffocate by smelling her pussy odor.
That's a man, my nigga.
Nothing wrong with being honest with yourself.
nice proportions
>less sexualized little girls
this is good
>more sexualized obese women
this is bad
why did you think this would make a good thread
you fucking subhuman retard
kill yourself
Wasn't this dragon/lady/wtv captured in warcraft 2 and forced to breed endlessly so people could get an endless supply of dragons for war?
It looks better from the side, but still stupid
>doesn't even know what his meme means
maybe you shouldn't use words you dont understand sweetie :)
Yes. She is as mommy as it gets.
>he thinks he knows what it means
t. soyboy
your mommy fetish is retarded and I don't even want to know what kind of mental gymnastics you go through to tell yourself it's more normal or better than any other retarded fetish
HotS characters are like that because the main camera is top-down, you massive faggot
It's a big hat.
"you're getting harder archer !"
Someone has mommy issues.
>Dem wide hips
Based neoblizz
this is the perfect female body, FACT
hello soyboy
>huge tits and butt
>wide hips
>belly is still flat
I admire the unrealistically perfect proportions on a character whose human form is technically an illusion but I still can't get over that disfigured man-skull with square jaw and horns growing out of nowhere.
Why was this even allowed when her face looks normal in both CGI teaser and loading screen art?
Better than being a loli pedo.
nice mental gymnastics at work I see
Another attempt for weak cucks like you act tough online when in reality you'd probably shake and shit your pants in even a normal confrontation
Both are equally degenerate.
Now let's not get hasty here fella.
Lolis and Mommies are both great in their own right.
>implying lolis are old enough to make milk
> literally the only pleasure I am able to experience is the empty satisfaction of stroking my dick
Its supposed to be seen from above, so every character has strange proportions. its the same priciple of pic related
fuck off normalfag.
Oedipus complex is actually pretty normal. Which is why there are plays about it. Pedophilia isn't.
>it's normal to want to fuck your own mother
Lolis are Love.
Lolis are Lyfe
>>belly is still flat
what? flat stomachs suck.
>stop browsing Sup Forums for months
>spend time at school and /fit/
>soyboy is now a crossboard meme thanks to reddit/pol
>mommy posting exists now
this board is /r/videogames now
>mommy posting
What's wrong with /ss/?
Can instead talk of how satisfying is to go in dragon form and inflict ridicolous amount of damage with ancient flame? That talent is ridicolously strong.
>mommy posting exists now
Best timeline
Hardly an argument when you're greeted by this atrocious model in its full glory every time you log in.
in the best timeline we'd all be fucking hot mommies and drinking milk straight from the source
That isn't thicc, that's fucking fat. Those are not childbearing hips. She is a fat landwhale. And her downie looking face is just icing on the cake of shit.
I want to fuck thick older women. It's a million times better than wanting to fuck a child you frustrated virgin.
Actually, in the best timeline we'd all be fucking hot succubus/monster girl mommies and the milk would also be a powerful aphrodisiac.
Lolita was a play too.
>there hasn't been a tsunami of Hanzo x Alex porn since the trailer
Throw me a bone here people.