Sup Forums prides itself on being contrarian

>Sup Forums prides itself on being contrarian
>Loves RLM

Other urls found in this thread:

>all of Sup Forums loves rlm


damn them jews is funny

I only watch it for Jack and Rich

Everyone on Sup Forums loves RLM. I can statistically prove this.

There is literally no one on Sup Forums that doesn't care for RLM. Anyone who says so is either wrong, a troll, or mentally ill. Anyone who does't know about RLM is lying.

Everyone on Sup Forums loves RLM. Everyone on Sup Forums also loves traps.

RLM made me realize star wars is shit

Haha pizza rolls!

>Caring about Aids Moby
Get out


Link me to a single thread with over 100 posts that does not have an RLM reaction image

I'll wait

RLM are the most popular contrarians.
Like these box office shattering movies are just terrible, how can they keep getting made? They aren't cinematic masterpieces like PeeWee's Big Adventure or Tremors.


Sure thing. Keep checking this thread until I do. I promise not to spend that time jacking off to yaoi instead.

>he doesn't like Real Life Moms

>Rich aged 30 years in a decade

I hate contrarians. Honestly, I don't even know why I come to Sup Forums anymore, maybe its because I've been here for over a decade. It's like an addition.

Glad to see Jay finally grew into his teeth.

>two fat fucks and a stud
Jay really pulled himself together from his neckbeard days

I rarely watch movies.


Fuck movies.


>new re:View out
>it features Aidsmoby and Rich
Why do they waste precious bandwidth with this filth

>just got the notif as well
That was quick.

ready to lose all respect for jack and rich?

The new pixel selves they use now are terrible. They're so unnecessarily smug looking.

I actually kinda like aidsmoby more and more. I don't like him alone or paired with reach, or, dear god, Josh, but he can bring some necessary faggotry into the conversation in Best of the Worst. Josh is trash in every situation, however.

>Sup Forums leaking is proof that Sup Forums loves RLM

Dumb pedophile

I skip randomly into the video and already Rich starts spewing faulty facts about triple jumping in 2D sections or whatever.

I fucking hate Previously Recorded so much.

>Everyone on Sup Forums loves traps.

Yes, of course.

but they said nothing that was false. mario odyssey is a gimmicky game, the hat gimmick is mostly useless and pointless, the game lacks focus and the realistic and cartoony art styles don't mesh. That is essentially what their review is in a nut shell. Can you tell me what one of those statements is incorrect? Because those are simply facts.

WHAT WENT wrong?

As long as either Mike or Jay is present I can stomach Jack, those two are the bread and butter of RLM.