Just got a low paying retail job, can I buy a decent PC that can play modern games for about £300 (400 dollars) aka the same price as PS4 pro?
Assume I'm an idiot and need to be told every single thing to buy.
Just got a low paying retail job, can I buy a decent PC that can play modern games for about £300 (400 dollars) aka the same price as PS4 pro?
Assume I'm an idiot and need to be told every single thing to buy.
Other urls found in this thread:
if you dont mind playing on medium/low settings and you already have a monitor
Depends what your standards are, if you are willing to play games at the same shitty framerates you get on console you can probably build a PC as good as the PS4 or PS4 Pro in the $400-500 range. Actually it'll still offer the opportunity for higher framerates because they don't make CPUs as weak as what's in the consoles anymore.
>Assume I'm an idiot
No need given your image
>car analogies
that will get u a standard ps4 build maybe, the prices have risen 50% from fucking coinshit
This you?
I got a PC a year ago for $800 and I literally only play League on it. Bought like 10 games on steam and played a combined about 30 games on them
what job?
Nope, not even close. Everything is far too expensive right now thanks to the combo of the RAM cartel, mining and Brexit.
>unironically linking to Falcum's Intel shill site where he unironically still recommends the 7700K
>Highest tier: Nintendo and PC
>Great tier: Nintendo and (PS or XBox)
>mid tier: PC
>low tier: Any 1 console by itself
You are going to have a miserable video games experience with a low budget PC. You need at least a decent CPU and a high tier GPU to really benefit from the advantages of PC gaming.
I think a PS4 Pro is the better choice here since you will be getting all the multiplats without issues + the exclusives. But then again you are a poorfag, all in all if you buy physical and sell/trade your games the costs of games are roughly the same on both platforms. That is unless you are willing to pirate, then PC is clearly the cheaper and better option.
Also depends of your experience with video games so far. If you are new you might want a PC for the extended retrocompatibility. If you played video games since as far as you remember you might want some fresh new games in which case the PS4 has the upper hand.
Look around youtube. Some guy has a video about making a solid gaming pc that's fairly economic. "Potato masher" or something like that was the nickname. 400 USD might be low. I think it was 700ish-800ish.
7700k is still good if you delid it
Of course I'm willing to pirate why else would anyone even play game on PC?
That's as low as you could go and still enjoy a decent gay men experience. Still closer to £500.
The 7700K is entirely deprecated and on a dead platform. The 8400 is cheaper, on a live platform with and offers the same performance. Only a complete moron would be buying a quad core CPU on a dead platform for close to £300. Even the 8600K is cheaper and far better, let alone the 8400.
also /r/buildapc
You can build a budget build at console prices, but putting extra 200-300$ into the system gives absurdly huge benefits and you should do it unless you’re a total poorfag. Unlike what many ”console killer build at console price” -praising PCMR faggots want you to believe, the sweetspot for price and performance is higher up, and playing with a compromise PC will always remind you of its compromises.
Then go PC. Cheap out out on everything except on CPU, get an i5 series at least, put the rest into the GPU, get something like a 1050, prioritize the CPU for now. Ignore disk driver, put minimum amount of RAM, cheap out on the case, use stock cooler. You will probably still be overbudget.
This, console priced PCs are a meme, the real benefits of PC gaming require better hardware. Basically, you should aim for a GPU that is capable of 60 fps on 1080p high on most new games, or you’re shooting yourself in foot.
>unironically sending people to reddit
This board has become a disgrace.
Jump on Craigslist or equivalent online classifieds.
The PC master race is full of upgrade fags so it isn't hard to find cheap used hardware that isn't all that old.
How is benefiting from autists a bad thing?
You are literally best off with just getting a Pro. If you're going to build a PC, you are going to buy a PS4 anyway to play the actually good (Japanese) games like Yakuza or KH2.8. So save yourself the extra step and jump straight to the Pro; unless you wanna play Xbox games like Forza or Cuphead, everything PC has can be had on the PS4 already. The west hasn't made a good game ever, so skipping western games is a totally valid option on PS4, on PC you don't have that luxury.
>how is catching AIDS from benefiting from fucking niggers a bad thing?
Can you answer my question?
>le rival websites meme
some small subreddits are great
Seconding this, I’d go for at least the following:
>i5 8400 or Ryzen 5 1600
>GTX 1060 6GB
>16 GB RAM
>SSD for OS
Anything less, and the system will start showing its age sooner than you’d want it to.
Listen to this man
>The west hasn't made a good game ever
This. Kill yourself if you unironically even consider about playing westshit.
>being a cuck who doesn't pirate absolutely everything
Get something like this (and please don’t buy a shit PSU, just don’t do it), and you won’t have to regret it. Cheap enough that anyone should be able to afford it, powerful enough that it will feel good to use.
>You are going to have a miserable video games experience with a low budget PC
t. person who plays only fresh AAA shit
How do you pirate multiplayer games?
nothing wrong if it's good information
Nintendo consoles are always first to be emulated.
Have to second the PSU. NEVER cheap put on a PSU
Get a seasonic or super flower.
>i h-hate reddit to guys! i-i'm fitting in r-r-right?
i buy them for peanuts because i'm slav, standard AAA pc game price is $20 and $60 for PS4 vidya, even if you don't live in a country where people shit on a fucking sidewalk nothing is more generous than steam prices
Get lung cancer faggot.
What's a PSU?
But why PC? PS4 has all the best multi-plats, plus exclusives. PC seems redundant.
Power supply. He gave a good advice.
Power supply
>Buying a PS4
PC'ucks want to make themselves seem relevant, why else are the latching onto the godstation?
>le everything from reddit is shit XD
>racing games
I already have a PS4 bro you don't need to defend it to me, I just want a PC to pirate games on like half the board does.
Let me know when CEMU is usable.
Sonybros don't need any of that.
Mods are the only reason to play PC, unless you're a total graphics whore or cant stand framerate drops
Kill yourself if you think that it’s worth playing even pirated.
>talking like Sup Forums outside of Sup Forums
he's nobody here
>the best multi-plats
hehe turn around kid
>Assuming they are the autists.
>Assuming those analogies are anyhow related.
You are both babies.
*tips fedora*
Oh yeah, who can forget those amazing mods for Wolfenstein II or AC Origins? Or what about those mods for Nioh or Dark Souls 3?
>hey let me quickly cherrypick these games that don't have mods
Kill yourself, retarded westcuck.
>can I buy a decent PC that can play modern games for about £300
no it's going to be trash, you're gonna get worse performance than current base consoles
save up until you can at least afford a 1060 and i5
Sorry xbox. You are basically 3do. No substance, just pure marketing garbage, power of cloud, always online garbage...
Just die already.
This board is basically reddit now. Sad.
Westcucks are the DC of the game industry
If Marvel is so great, then why Marvel vs Capcom Infinite was shit?
Cherrypick? I can go through this year's releases alone and can guarantee none of them have any mods. There's bound to be one of these games that has mods, no?
Destiny 2
Wolfenstein 2
Shadow of War
AC Origins
Warhammer 2
ME Andromeda
Fifa 18
Injustice 2
Forza Motorsport 7
NFS Payback
Hello Neighbor
For Honor
Nier 2
Divinity 2
Halo Wars
Sonic Mania
Night In the Woods
Sonic Forces
Torment Tides of Numenera
Lego Marvel Heroes
Sniper Elite 4
Star Trek Bridge Crew
Dishonored Death of the Outsider
Agents of Mayhem
Ghost Recon Wildlands
Project Cars 2
Yooka Laylee
NBA 2k18
The Surge
Telltale Guardians of Galaxy
Sniper Ghost Warrior 3
Battle Chasers
Endless Space 2
>consoles run 2X as PC equivalent hardware
>own a 750 Ti
>can run games even better than base PS4
>marvel comics are shit but their movies are good
>dc comics are good but their movies are shit
At least we got the timmverse
same up and get a $500 PC, then pirate every game you want
boom! you just saved yourself a few hundred quid
literally all of those games have mods
SweetFX and ReShade count as mods now?
no, do some googling you nigger. i swear sonybros are fucking retarded, can't even use fucking search engines. the absolute state of ps4 players everybody.
If you're an idiot just get a ps4. Consoles exist so idiots don't have to stress their brains.
Are you aware that ps4 is outselling your latest big N gimmick? Nintendo has been dead since N64.
Why don't you admit that they don't fucking exist, you c'uckold. Why don't you beg for more Japanese games while simultaneously screaming that consoles are holding you back? That's all you're good for.
Wasn't the only reason that Sup Forums started hating Reddit because Reddit was taking Sup Forums's memes back in 2011?
>gets called out
>i-it's not true! t-they don't exist! c-c-cuck!
how does it feel to be a NEET virgin who jacks off to fucking chinese cartoons every single day user?
It's called being a grown up. Nobody over the age of 18 should care about these website clubhouse wars.
Which explains why most of Sup Forums is obsessed with reddit
Anyone got the wojak with the Nintendo guy asking for chicken tendies and his Mom is blowing the PS4 guy?
Yeah, anything under 1080p 50 fps sucks
switch is shaping up to btfp of nogames box. I say this unironically. I might buy a system this weekend and there is a good chance it will be a switch instead of a nogames.
I got called out? None of those games have any mods you fucking dolt. Not one. Zero. Zip. Nada.
Show me one mod that does, and I will buy you your entire steam wishlist.
>buying obsolete hardware that has two decent nintendo games
i will never understand this
You can't even buy a decent GPU for 400 dollars. You need at least 800 bux to build something resembling a decent PC adn that's IF you already have a monitor.
Mostly. They pretty pretentious and opinionated too, but so is Sup Forums. But at least we don't grandstand about it.
consoles are obsolete well before they are even you released you dumb drone.
Name 1 Japanese good Japanese game that isn't Bloodborne or Zelda and isn't available on PC. Don't be shy, you already mentioned Kingdom Hearts so we already know your taste is shit.
>he doesn´t know
user, I...
there are degrees of obsolete, retard. if i wanted to buy a console i would rather buy ps4 or even xbone, I see no reason to buy a switch
Something I find kind of depressing is how Sup Forums is now so creatively bankrupt these days that now there are no memes for Reddit to take. People here just repost Wojacks and Pepes all day. This pic is how I feel about Sup Forums's content and culture these days.
Shit thread. Shit posts. Shit everything.
Deus Ex is better than any chinkshit game.