Post your top 10 for 2017 so far, Sup Forums. GO

Post your top 10 for 2017 so far, Sup Forums. GO.

1. Breath of the Wild
2. Super Mario Odyssey
3. Persona 5
4. A Hat in Time
5. Sonic Mania
6. Cuphead
7. NieR: Automata
8. Hollow Knight
9. Yakuza 0
10. Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle

1. Cuphead
2. FIFA 18
4. AC:Origins
5. Injustice 2
I don’t remember if I played any other games that came out this year and the only one I finished was Injustice 2.

1. Breath of the Wild
2. A Hat In Time
3. NieR Automata
4. Sonic Mania
5. Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice
6. Super Mario Odyssey
7. Metroid: Samus Returns
8. Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
9. Injustice 2
10. Splatoon 2

1. Breath of the Wild
2. Nier: Automata
3. Yakuza 0
4. Mario Odyssey
5. Gravity Rush 2
6. pubg (early access, but god damn it is fun)
7. Rainbow Six Siege (This shit has been out for 3 years but it is still getting huge and awesome updates and is still the best competitive shooter out there)
8. Persona 5
9. Sonic Mania
10. Shadow of War

(I have a strong feeling that Xenoblade 2 will earn a spot on this list and knock Shadow of War completely off of it.)

>FIFA 18

I barely played any games that came out this year, so here are the ones that get my vote.

1. Breath of the Wild
2. Cuphead
3. ESO: Morrowind

>Hat in Time

It still baffles me how this game got so little discussion and reviews after it was released. It's fucking great.

1. Breath of the Wild
2. Super Mario Odyssey
3. NieR: Automata
4. Persona 5
5. Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
6. Metroid: Samus Returns
7. Cuphead
8. Tekken 7
9. A Hat in Time
10. Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap
I'm still waiting to play Nioh and Xenoblade 2, so things might change a little.

2. Persona 5
3. Nioh
4. Gravity rush 2
5. Ys VIII
6. Uncharted
7. Sonic Mania
8. Horizon
9. Night in the woods
10. Ruiner

>1. Breath of the Wild
>1. Breath of the Wild
>1. Breath of the Wild
>1. Breath of the Wild
>1. Breath of the Wild

If this game doesn't top every GOTY list this year then video games are truly dead. What a masterpiece.

BotW is ubishit

Stop falseflagging.

1. Yakuza 0
2. Prey
3. Pyre
4. Persona 5
5. Nioh
7. Nex Machina
8. Tekken 7
9. Cuphead
10. GR 2

I'm so glad my favorite horse's coat color in BotW turned out to be the same they chose for the promotional material. I can pretend it's him almost with the figurines and amiibo.

1. BotW
2. Nioh
3.Persona 5
4. Mario Odyssey
5. Mario+Rabbids

I haven't played many games this year.

1. Nier Automata
2.Persona 5
3. Yakuza 0
4. Horizon Zero Dawn
5. Crash Nsane Trilogy
6.Resident Evil 7
7. Hellblade
8. Uncharted Lost Legacy
9. AC Origins
10. Prey

Botw number one for most people i wonder if this board is still nintendoland...

>Four shitty dungeons with shitty bosses
>Shitty side quests
>Only redeeming quality is the open world, but even that gets boring fast

The fact that this game is hailed as a masterpiece is the true sign that gaming is dead.

In chronological order:
>Gravity Rush 2
>Resident Evil 7
>Persona 5
>Splatoon 2

Games I didn't like from 2017:
>Toobie's game

Games I have yet to play from 2017 that I plan to:
>Samus Returns
>Mario Odyssey

>Sonic Mania

Because it sucks. It's as bad as Yooka Laylee.

stardew valley, destiny 2 (with friends), botw, horizon zero dawn, prey, Nioh, pubg (with friends).

To bad Monster hunter world is out in 2018 might be a good game.

I feel like next year is the year for everyone desu

Also i know that the Sup Forums has no friends meme is just that but still fuck you guys.

floaty controls

It's a top 10 thread, not another "complain about Zelda" thread. You faggots already get like 5 per hour and I'm sure you can go shit up those instead so fuck off.

1. Mario Odyssey
2. Breath of the Wild
3. Sonic Mania
4. Destiny 2
5. Metroid Samus Returns

I think that's all i played this year. Spent the rest of my gaming time playing WoW desu.

You mean:

>Four dungeons with better puzzles than previous Zelda games, utilizing spatial reasoning and containing bosses that don't rely on gimmicky "use the dungeon item and whack away" bullshit
>Some of the best sidequests in the series thanks to shrine quests
>Tightly-designed open world with structure and verticality, with very few regions that just have empty fields

It's okay though, I'll forgive your ignorance just this once.

I don't give a fuck about zeldo, it's quite literally a bad game.

open world: good
empty world:bad
Reskinned dungeons: bad
interactive world: amazing
Artstyle:... why is this a thing.

It's just mediocre. like most games this year.

Super Bomberman R (because with friends)
Super Mario Odyssey
Splatoon 2
Snake Pass

Bought 23 (old and new) games this year. More than any other so far, super happy with 2017. Everybody won this year.


10. Shovel Knight Specter of Torment
9. Breath of the Wild
8. Puyo Puyo Tetris
7. Yakuza 0
6. Gravity Rush
5. Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2
4. Super Mario Odyssey
3. Cuphead
2. Nier Automata
1. Sonic Mania

Still need to get around to Hat in Time and Hollow Knight, but my computer died before I could

Sonic Forces is the worst game of the year that I played and beat.

Gravity Rush 2
.hack//G.U. Last Recode
Tekken 7
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana
Nier: Automata
FFXII: The Zodiac Age
Puyo Puyo Tetris
Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash

Pretty good year, bit heavy on the remakes and remasters I suppose. But most of those have been nice too at least. There's a lot I could change around in the last few spots as well

Only going top 5:
1. Breath of the Wild
2. AC: Origins
3. Yakuza 0
4. Persona 5
5. Mario Odyssey
Also a free daily dose.

This was my big gripe about destiny 2's raid, puzzle puzzle puzzle main boss....

Give me puzzle boss, boss, boss, boss puzzle, big boss

>2 bing bing games

1. CrossCells

(the only game I've played that came out this year is crosscells).

There wasn't even 5 good games released this year. Never mind 10.


>hating a game just because some rando on the internet triggered your autism

2.Nier Automata
3.Divinity Original Sin:2
6. Fire Emblem Alm&Celica edition
7.Samus Returns
10. Sanic Mania

Hey guys, remember to leave your #1 spot open for me

I don't have a shitch

All of this has no purpose because the rewards are shitty, just korok seeds and shrine orbs, its way too formulaic.

1. Super Mario Odyssey
2. Cuphead
3. Divinity OS2
4. Persona 5
5. Resident Evil 7
6. Mario + Rabbids
7. Nier Automata
8. Breath of the Wild
9. Nioh
10. Prey

Won’t have time to play it until January really, but it’ll probably make my list retroactively

I don't even think I can recall 10 games I feel were good this year. Anyway, here's 7 I know I've played and remember.

1. Persona 5
2. Nier Automata
3. Resident Evil 7
4. Danganronpa 3
5. Fire Emblem Echoes
6. Zelda Breath of the Wild
7. Evil Within 2

Truth be told, I've only played a few hours of Zelda and about an hour of Evil Within. I'm sure Zelda gets better but I feel like it was way overhyped and I just don't really see it yet. Still, it goes on the list by virtue of being a solid experience so far. Every other game I beat and really enjoyed.

Then why are you in this thread? The only games worth playing this year are Switch exclusives

*breathes in*

1. Breath of the Wild
2. Prey
3. Metroid: Samus Returns
4. Monster Hunter Stories

Those are the only 2017 releases I've played this year (played BotW on Wii U, waiting for Prime 4 before buying a Switch)

>there are people ITT ACTUALLY ranking Sanic over Mario

Explain yourselves.

>1. Odyssey
>2. BotW
>3. Cuphead
>4. Splatoon 2
>5. P5
>6. Mania
>7. ARMS
>8. Hollow Knight
>9. Nioh
>10. A Hat in Time
If games from other years counted,
I would make TF2 my #1. Jungle Inferno is some good shit

One was decent, one was boring

>4. AC:Origins


Sonic fans really, really like Sonic and Mania is actually a decent Sonic

I loved Odyssey, but I was also bored a lot of the times I played it, took too long to get challenging and wasn’t always as clever as everyone seems to tout it as. Sanic had no low points for me really, and I still replay it once every 2-3 weeks, I get more out of concise games I enjoy replaying and mastering though, and the nostalgia hit all the notes it wanted to for me, so bias. You can’t go wrong with either of them.

1. Breath of the Wild
2. Nier Automata
3. Nioh
4. AC Origins
5. Persona 5
6. Injustice 2
7. Horizon Zero Dawn
8. The Surge
9. Middle-Earth Shadow of War
10. Nex Machina

Great year, really happy will all releases, with the exception of Mass Effect, which was a sad thing to see.


1. Yakuza 0
2. Persona 5
3. Nier: Automata
4. Breath of the Wild
5. Tales of Berseria
6. Nioh
7. Metroid: Samus Returns


What didn't you like?

Shadow of War

It has problems, but it's still fun. I wish the maps were bigger, though.


botw is fucking shitty, I bought it because I thought it'd be some next gen legend of zelda like all the ones before it, but all I fucking got was some assassin's creed open world BS that felt like something made by ubisoft

nah it rapes the lore

1. Total War: Warhammer 2
2. i don't play many new games
3. when is victoria 3 coming out so paradox can ruin in
4. also when is bannerlord coming out so i have something to live for again
5. i don't even want to play a space sim anymore so star citizen will be worthless
6. camelot unchained might be very fun, i do love pvp-focused open world mmos that is not FFA/Rust-like
7. warcraft IIII for the memes because blizzard blows dick now but i still love warcraft
8. the warcraft overhaul mod for bannerlord please and thanks
9. i think i would love to see a new Witcher game with the customization of garbage bethesda games now that Geralt's story is finished
10. cyberpunk 2077 i guess even though i can't stand the bland gameplay CDPR does

It's a game, it never pretended to be canon. It uses the LotR universe as a backdrop for a fun orc army sim.

I hate the shadow of shit games but that's still a retarded argument. The game was never meant to be a mainline LotR title

For games Ive played in 2017.

1. Mario Odyssey
2. Super Smash Bros 4
3. Bloodborne
4. Breath of the Wild
5. Nioh
6. Nier Automata
7. Persona 5
8 Sonic Mania
9. Hollow Knight
10. Mario + Rabbids

1. Nier
2. Metroid: Samus Returns
3. ...I don't know, Zelda maybe
That's it, really.

If we're allowed to count games from previous years that we only played for the first time this year, then I had a really good time with Final Fantasy VI.

All your games are shit. There were no good games this year.

1. botw
2. cuphead
3. odyssey
4. warframe
5. nier

No you didn't I can tell by your comment.
If this was a Ubisoft game you'd be going from waypoint to waypoint.

Only a numale thinks that

This gen is shit in general. Witcher 3 was only good game released this entire gen.

I haven't played that much games this year, but if you ask me I would say:

1. BotW
2. Super Mario Odyssey
3. Xenoblade Chronicles 2
4. Cuphead
5. Nier Automata

However the year ends, that would be my top 5. Other games can suck nigerian cock

1.sonic mania
2.hat in time
3.cup head
4.mario odyssey

4 and 5 are likely to get bumped further down after I play more games though.

>Persona 5
But that came out last year.

Cuphead (Loved every second of it)
Hollow Knight
Hat in Time
Nier Automata
BotW (I just don't get the love boner for the open world meme. It innovated little if at all, it just had some good technology which is missing from the rest of the genre minus R*)
Shadow of War (This could be anything though. Being Jason Voorhees for Orcs in LOTR was pretty cheesy fun)

Good year. I just feel like I'm in a different universe when it comes to BoTW praise though.
What else is worth playing this year?

So did Yakuza 0.

Fucking lol
You cdpr shills get more and more bold
>only good game of the entire gen has the uncontested most abhorrently shit gameplay of the last 2 gens
Oops sorry, I forgot Shitcher 2 was somehow even worse

You fags actually play games??? I just come here for the banter and shit posting.

thanks doc

zelda is probably my favorite franchise and playing botw just made me want to play any other game in the series after.

Is it weird to say RE7 is my goty?
I love survival horror and it has been a long time since I played one that's like a classic survival horror game for ages till 7,

BOTW is the third best game in the franchise though

The amount of nintenbros in this thread is ridiculous

most people in this thread looks like idorts

maybe third worst

Fucking nerds actually playing games instead of just talking shit about them like me.

Top 10
1. Video games are dead
10. Odyssey was alright

3.Wolf 2

didn't play any other games that came out this year

1 Sonic Mania
2 Breath of the Wild
3 Hollow Knight
4 Nex Machine
5 Cuphead

Didn't play enough anything else from this year.
I can take it slowly, I am still playing dead rising for pc.

Nier Automata
Yakuza 0
Danganronpa V3
Gravity Rush 2
Yakuza Kiwami

I still have Persona 5 to play, have mercy on my wallet

1. Super Mario Odyssey
2. Persona 5
3. BotW
4. Nier Automata
5. Metroid Samus Returns
6. The Evil Within 2
7. Yakuza 0
8. Resident Evil 7
10. Prey

I also liked Horizon

I like you user, you're welcome to fuck my sister any day