this shit is DEAD. I just bought the season pass on sale, and logged on to find about 5 active servers. three of which were EU and had insane pings for someone in central US. what the hell happened? BF4 was better, but damn. I can't even try out the new maps I just bought because nobody is playing them.
This shit is DEAD. I just bought the season pass on sale, and logged on to find about 5 active servers...
Other urls found in this thread:
I played on pc with the season pass just earlier today and there was a ton of active servers. Is OP a liar?
I was just playing in operations in PC, several servers
lol OP this game has a ton of active servers. maybe learn how a server browser works, you fucking troglodyte fuck.
This. Game is still bumping, on all platforms.
I don't know what these fags are on about, last time I tried to play premium maps there was like one server in NA. People play it, just barely anyone plays the new maps.
Filters messed up or shitposting, there’s always tons of servers live. Also, DICE just introduced official mixed servers, so finding people to play DLC maps isn’t a problem.
Consolefag spotted
sure thing bruv
shit ton playing on ps4
Planes nerf when? too op in operations
I did make sure my filters weren't fucked up. I will log on again in half an hour and see if it works correctly. maybe a server error. I have no reason to shitpost about it, I want to try out the DLC but every time I updated the server list there were only 5-6 populated servers including high ping ones.
you're a fucking idiot that doesn't know how to work the filter
Their premium system and dlc segregation of maps splinters and destroys a community. Who would have thunk it? There was a good reason BC2 thrived so much besides the base game being decent -- it was because most of the maps besides Vietnam expansion (which is pretty much dead now too for the same reason as the DLC maps in BF1) were free. You can't expect a thriving community for a customer base that bought the base game AND then bought maps for the base game to play on. It's just not how you keep a living community going.
PC gaming is dead. PS4 has 3-4 times more players.
OP you're a fucking idiot.
False, only in operations there are several full servers right now
I actually just off from an hour long session on PS4. It said my ping was bad but there was no lag or anything. Had an okay time.
Post pic of server browser.
its dead because its a shit game and PS4 owners have bad taste
>bought the season pass
this is what you get when you buy games from EA
So premium was on sale for 14.99 during the sale. It said all the DLC, so I got it, but the only I can access is the Russia one. Didn’t the French one come out already? And what’s the difference between the premium edition and Batflefield Revolution? Seems like all these sku’s Are just to confuse people into buying multiples versions of the same shit.
>bought EA GAME
>bought season pass
Fuck off and die
it was only $15 my doughy NEET friend
Fuck this overpowered piece of Austrian shit.
honestly is the season pass worth it?
I don't know but i quit playing it on PC after 12 years of dedication because it was just a blatant as fuck cheat shithole... like literally every other fucking online pc game. I play it on PS4 now, the population is 4 times larger than pc and their is 99% less cheating pussie 12 year old faggots that can't stand to lose and think everyone is fucking retarded and wont notice their free hacks.. As a long time PC gamer for the past decade fuck online PC gaming.
French DLC has good maps (excepting Fort De Vaux). Most of the Russian DLC maps are shit (Lupkow Pass and Galicia being the only good ones) but it has some of the funnest weapons in the game. Turning Tides, from the CTE, has decent new weapons and maps.
>I'm not shit at the game, it's hackers!!!
It isn't completely dead. Last I saw it usually gets up to around 20,000 users worldwide, which aren't terrible numbers but the numbers are so low that as someone who has bought the game and the season pass I am worried that the low population is impacting how many resources get put into creating the rest of the content I already paid for.
That being said almost every single game mode in the entire game is completely fucking dead outside of conquest, and the progression system they have in place requires you to play those dead game modes. Effectively they are continuing to update the game with impossible challenges to complete and that pisses me off.
Faggot i've been playing PC FPS since you were just a cum stain. You smoke more cock than Lindsey lohan.
Since there's no date on it or anything like that I don't know how accurate that as of today, but I'd like to go back and say that when I said around 20,000 worldwide, I did mean PC players as that is the platform I bought the game on.
Other than unlocking next "use the shittest gun in the game and kill 50 people to unlock your DLC guns faggot" nothing is worth doing. so shut the fuck up.
you've only been playing PC games for 12 years, little buddy. you weren't even a twinkle in both of your dads eyes when i started.
the date is 25/11/2017 at 18:39
you're full of shit shut the fuck up kid.
>buying ea
you deserve it
>Other than unlocking next "use the shittest gun in the game and kill 50 people to unlock your DLC guns faggot" nothing is worth doing. so shut the fuck up.
Struck a sore nerve? I was just saying that it's pretty shitty of them to implement all these terrible challenges to unlock things in the game. The perks that require you to play game modes that no one are playing, the guns that have players doing incredibly retarded things just to unlock them - effectively forcing people to play the game like an idiot at the expense of winning - are harmful to the game and the community. I also find it shitty that these are challenges that people have to pay to access, on top of them being terribly unfun. They need to work their shit out. Challenges like "Get 10 kills with tripwire bombs!" sound good on paper, but a tripwire bomb can't kill anything that isn't already half dead, and then you've got shit like "Shoot down 2 planes with LMGs!" so you've got half your team playing support on some maps firing at all the aircraft every chance they get so that they might be able to access something that they paid for.
Also kill yourself.
US West coast here, here's my screen for conquest only at the moment
Consoles are literally always more active than PC dumbass
Doesn't even matter the game
It's an amusing paradox
>console shooters are invariably harder because m+kb will always beat joystick
>but they'll always have the population due to the vast amount of normies with consoles
I honestly think console shooters, aside from arena style like Quake, are a lot more fun. Gameplay becomes more than just point at head and click. Aiming feels a bit more "human" which works well in games like Battlefield
Though of course this statement is sacrilege here, so oh well
Is Battlefield 4 at least still alive?
i use keyboard and mouse on ps4 and it's great
I've done that a few times, pretty funny. Though the novelty wears thin a bit when you go 100+-0 every game
Looking for someone to join my newly rented custom server on XBL.
[XMAS] OFFICIAL is the name.
All night/snow maps and tons of gorgeous women there looking for a challenge.
>playing a game that dies in 2 months
>buying a season pass for said game
That's like buying Team Fortress 2 on Console.
i'm an average player i don't get that high of k/d in games even with a mouse. i just prefer mouse aiming over an analog stick
Wrong again, TF2 is still alive on 360
>play with a bunch of bots
>people think they are real human players
on average, 90%+ of the players you see are actually bots.
this is a trick EA learned from blizzard, along with other scandalous shit like payed lootboxes
> Not bad
> No community.
True. I go back to it every now and then
Server routing is fucked, it's really bad if you're on the west coast and it's common for your ping that should normally be 30~ to jump to 200 for hours at a time.
Also Battlefield DLC servers have never been popular, everyone plays vanilla instead, you're mostly getting DLC for the weapons and not the shitty maps.
It's the definitive TF2 experience now. None of the dumb shit the PC version is plagued with now
Why is PC such a dead platform? Every game dies in just a month.
>kill any sense of community by making servers unable to moderate themselves due to lack of RCON access
>wonder why communities don't exist in the game.
It's really like...3-4 active community servers and the rest are just dice shit. Which is sad as they'll just use this as an excuse to remove any server renting in BF2018
isnt bf1 still doing that retarded shit where the player base is partitioned based on dlc? honestly even after they implemented operations server browser and classic conquest i can't find myself able to believe this game is at all playable
>Why is PC such a dead platform? Every game dies in just a month.
There's an oversaturation of online multiplayer games. On top of that, majority of players on PC are already playing games like CS:GO, Overwatch, League of Legends, and DotA 2.
Just played a couple mins ago, you're literally lying through your teeth
Yes. which is why almost all the DLC maps are pretty dead. They'll never learn that this is almost always a bad idea. Free DLC maps on Bf4 are played quite a lot. DLC ones? Not as much.
p.cucks only play valve shit, LoL, and mmos
Essentially just games that don't need good hardware because 90% of PC players are also 3rd worlders
>Implying Consoleshits play anything better
Face it, you fags play flavor of the month garbage that costs literally 60+ dollars and buy those shitty Deluxe Editions where you get a new color variation for your main character.
At least most of the F2P games offer a fair incentive and our games is literally way cheap and better in quality.
who /bfbc2/ here
Show your filter fool.
Desperate p.cuck whiners. I don't even play games
You also didn't prove a single thing I said wrong in any way, just deflected
That's what happens when the king of Jews buys itself a monopoly on the gaming market.
>0 of 0
What the hell, Sup Forums?
BF1 has a concurrent playerbase of over 130,000 people, and that number has been a constant for weeks and weeks. This isn't taking into account the content drops via DLC, where in the numbers are even higher.
In comparison, BF4 has 50,000 people playing it every day, and that number is spread over 5 platforms, where as the 130,000 are spread over 3 platforms.
Fucking kill yourself
>in 2 months
Battlefield 1 came out a year ago and still has over 130,000 players though
>Bristish sniper in the new dlc is once again a nigger
>A nigger dressed up as an ANZAC
What the fuck happened to dice? I've never seen a game with such bizarre and clearly forced diversity than BF1. It's almost like a parody of the left.
I do miss Pyro's airblast though.
vanilla servers exist, user
Is Battlefield 4 still active on PS4? I can't decide whether I want a multiplayer game to play or some weeb jrpg shit like Atelier or Nights of Azure
Also just saw there's a Battlefield 1 & Titanfall 2 Ultimate editions bundle for $40. Worth it?
Are you retarded or trolling? Its active like it's always been. If youre some brainlet that cant work the server browser, Quick play is there for retards like you
Is Bad Company 2 worth picking up for the online? I've heard it's fucking great but is it still possible to find matches for such an old game?
Asking about the Steam version btw.
The browser doesn't show full servers. I get ~30 ping on NA servers all of which have 60+ players
Because that's about how long your cutting edge hardware lasts.
It's a fucking joke.
It absolutely serves you right for buying nu-marxist propaganda.
BF4 is active on conquest large operation locker 24/7, and thats pretty much it. Theres some conquest servers up too but 90% of the playerbase plays KSA servers on lockers.
I like Battlefield 1 a lot better than 4.
It doesn't have the same horrendous microbursting meta that bf4 does, it doesn't waste everyones time with 3000 assault rifles and carbines, it looks amazing and is far better optimized than bf4, it also has an FOV slider
I don't really like the Titanfall 2 multiplayer, mostly because of the game modes and the playerbases skill level. Its ridiculously tough to get into but if you like it it might be fun.
The campaign is absolutely worth playing.
If I didn't have both, I'd get the bundle.
Yeah PUBG is really dead and no one on PC bought that game
People complaining about the lack of people playing DLC maps: just play on those official mixed servers that run both vanilla and DLC maps, they have tons of people playing in them.
I play on xbone and I constantly get full games
Bf1s weapons are all jokes with the subtypes there to make the total weapon count seem larger.
BF1 has some improvements from 4, but not nearly as much as what it lost in the transition as well.
?? bf1 is hot right now. wonderful game. beautiful. I love playing it. You need a fast cpu though. If you can overclock your cpu, do it.
Will Turning Tides be good?
OP you should maybe check your NAT type
Doubt it. Significant amount of the community doesn't have premium, so they won't even play it. meaning if the maps are anything but amazing...people will play it for about a week and then ignore it forever.
Not really proving any points there, they all just flock to what streamers play
>Bf1s weapons are all jokes with the subtypes there to make the total weapon count seem larger.
The variants are all different enough to make a difference. Sure, the weapon list might look bloated - but are you fucking kidding me? Do you honestly think the 3 billion assault rifles and carbines of BF4 were any better?
There was absolutely zero reason to use anything other than the ACE 23 or the AEK-971, everything else was a pure waste of time.
Then you add in the horrendous class balancing, and you have almost zero reason to play as anything other than assault. If you're playing big maps, engineer with ACE 52 is all you will ever fucking need or even want. The "variety" was even more hamfisted than you imply BF1s to be.
The biggest thing is the microburst meta which effectively ruins and removes any and all depth from the gunplay. Just click really fast and the recoil will magically work for you. This was even worse in BF3.
Old pic btw
I still get full 64 man servers on both frontlines, operations and conquest on either DLC that is currently out.
Please fuck off
>implying anyone cares what your opinion is.
>Playing on a platform that has
>admins that kick you
>anti cheat systems that ban you for weeks because you did well against bad players
>AND which has a playerbase almost 60% smaller
You're wholly irrelevant my man.
Do feel free to explain what I said was wrong.
I bet you use some really overpowered, viable and really fun weaponry like the G36c, QBZ, L85A2 or one of the other 300 similar fully automatic rifles.
Such variety.
>p.cuck getting defensive when proven wrong