You DID save all the little sisters, didn't you?

You DID save all the little sisters, didn't you?

Every single one of them. I replay the game from time to time but I simply can't bring myself to kill these moeblobs, even if it would make the game easier. Paternal instincts activated.

It's more cruel to save them because they're stuck in this hellhole and then have to deal with the trauma of losing their big daddies. Better to just eat em up. Though this only applies to the first one. Since you ARE a big daddy in 2 you HAVE to save them all.

Yes, they are little daughters now.

what if the last sister is tenenbaum

Yes, they are my wifes now


I don't think what happened to their eyeballs looks like the kind of thing that can be reversed

Eleanor looks pretty good for a former little sister.

>reward is infinitely better if you save them

nice "choices"

Mohammad, pls.

Why being an asshole must necessarily result in a better reward?

Because man is naturally good

Not him but the whole moral dillema was to either be able to make yourself stronger or do the right thing. However the rewards for sparing them are much higher than if you had killed them all.

I think it took years before people even realised this and yet it I realised this when I got the first 'thank-you' bundle from Tenenbaum and seeing how I got an extra plasmid and bonus ADAM every 3 sisters I saved.

better incentives i guess. you're purposely putting yourself at a disadvantage if you don't save them. if there was another party that wanted you to harvest the little sisters because they're abominations or whatever and they gave you their own little unique plasmid then harvesting them would be completely viable.

Are there any games where you are genuinely punished for doing the right thing? It seems like it's never an actual dilemma, and just morality masturbation.

What if getting the chance to slaughter little girls is its own reward for me?

when you let ghouls into tenpenny towers in fo3

Only because it's the objectively better option. Not much of a choice when saving them gets you way better shit for no cost

Of course. The little sisters activate my fatherly instincts. Since I'll never have my own small and adorable daughter to raise and protect.

Wasn't the first game good ending bringing them to the surface and becoming their real daddy?


I could never kill the little sisters. maybe because I have one idk

It only takes two playthroughs to realize this. I think anyone who went for 100% cheevos found this out. Didn't take years.

>Are there any games where you are genuinely punished for doing the right thing?
The game of real fucking life.


you'd be surprised how stupid people are.

Yeah, they're beside you on your deathbed holding your wrinkled hand.

it didn't take years at all. people did the math and charted the difference which in the end was negligible. what puts rescue over the top is the gift baskets you get with unique plasmids you can't get anywhere else.

Exactly how does one harvest the sea slug from a little girl? Dont they have retarded regeneration?

I just started playing the BioShock games. I finished the first one a few days ago and am going to start the second one tonight. Any tips/advice, also how long are they? Similar to the first? Heard about Infinite being shit

I guess that "normally" they had some way of harvesting it without having to open the girl, it's just that neither you or splicers have the right means/equipment
Maybe they just shit/piss it out or something

Only on my second playthrough. Was pretty pissed after I realized that saving them gives way better rewards, nice moral "dilemma"

Bioshock Inifinite feels absolutely nothing like the first 2 games in my opinion. Loved 1 and 2, hated infinite

Yeah, I saved the first couple until I got the tonic that boosts ADAM from harvests, then I killed em all. That's the optimal way to play.

>Similar to the first?
From what I remember pretty much yeah
>Heard about Infinite being shit
It's Sup Forums kind of shit, which means it's still a perfectly good game, but the hivemind tried its best to come up with as many "arguments" proving otherwise as possible. It IS worse than Bio 1 and 2, but still pretty fun, at least for your first playthrough

Damn i killed them all i didnt realize the rewards were worse for doing it. Felt bad at the time. Went full renegade and made some questionable decisions in mass effect as well for better rewards

You don't even need all that ADAM unless you're trying to get them all for an achievement. Tier 2 shock, fire, freeze and tier 3 bees is all you need and the passives are chump change

bees all the way


Why do all sfm with the little sister involve coach from left 4 dead 2?

Of course I saved them, regardless of which awards more. I'm inexorably obligated to help innocents and good people, even in video games. I'm a huge pussy and can't stand simulated suffering.

From what I remember, the gameplay in Infinite seems similar to the others, but the theme and atmosphere is completely different.

wrench and bloodlust as well as other passives that give extra bonus damage perks that you could get for the wrench
i've done wrench only runs on the hardest difficulty which has been the most fun i've done.

This happens in way too many games.

>evil choice
>nets you some extra spare change

>good choice
>get Holy Lance of Ass-Destroying +5

1 and 2 are good. Just remember that gene tonics are were your power really comes from and to take pictures of things constantly to get crazy damage bonuses and lots of very good, free shit.

Infinite really doesn't play like the others, and honestly wastes a lot of potential with the 2-weapon limit, awful gun balance (even worse than the shotgun/xbow meta of BS1/2), samey/worthless abilities, and hamfisted story that tells you what to think rather than putting it together for yourself like 1 and 2 did.

Oh and I forgot the awful equipment system. Its okay though, apparently Irrational did as well.

There's no point in harvesting them. You get more ADAM and bonus Plasmids for saving them even.

What's even the point?

That's why i love Fable, they do pretty much the opposite.


But they aren't stuck in the hellhole
Did you never get the good ending?

Show how much of an edgy faggot you are