How many cups a day are you up to Sup Forums? I need at least two to keep my edge...

How many cups a day are you up to Sup Forums? I need at least two to keep my edge. It's getting to be more as I get older, I used to be able to get away with 1 cup all day.

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Coffee is too bitter, it's icky.

About 5 or 6, maybe up to 10 some days.


coffee is just a meme drink for grown-ups

None. I'm not a drug addict.

I drink 4-6 cups in the morning. dark roast, which isn't as caffeine heavy.

but I actually just drink it for pleasure, not for any sort of edge, or to wake me up. unlike I drink it for the bitter flavour

None. I hate the smell and taste. I also have no need for it even though I'm close to 30.


One before I go to bed to sleep soundly.

my uncle did that. At the very peak of his caffeine addiction he would go to starbucks (he traveled by air a lot for his job) and get 9 shot drinks. No surprise about a year later he went in to the doctor and his heart was all kinds of fucked up from the excess caffeine in his system. He can't even have any coffee at all now. He said it was hell going from that amount of caffeine to nothing cold turkey, he had migraines that would last days.

Coffee doesn't do anything for me, what should I evolve to?

A blastoise.

meme drink filled with addicting additives to get suckers like you to buy it.

Coffee doesnt do anything for me anymore.
I think I built up an immunity or something.
These days I just end up sleeping 13+ hours a day.

Does it relax you? It's not a really uncommon side effect of ADHD. When I was a kid my parents would give me mt.dew to calm me down, granted the sugar didn't help a lot. Now as an adult caffeine relaxes me and allows me to focus, however it does not "perk" me up like it does for everyone else. Kinda sucks but it's fun to be able to have caffeine beverages right before bed and sleep like a baby.

2-4 is the best if I actually need the stuff for work/games. Otherwise 1 cup/day

you built immunity and it takes ~2 weeks to detox completely. Do a reboot

Red bull

>drinking coffie with milk/cream and sugar

This. Real men drink tea.

>tfw secret weapon

Maybe I can get good at games with these

I read that 3 coffee a day is good for you

Usually 1 a day. I don't need any more than that.
Maaaybe two but I'm usually just drinking that second cup for the taste and not the effect.

Dark roast isn't caffeine heavy? Interesting. Does that mean that light roast is more caffeine heavy?

Adderall made me play like shit, I was always too paranoid.

Yep. The longer you roast, the more caffeine is lost.

Coffee tastes delicious, sure. but caffeine is fucking terrible for you. best to cut it out entirely.

coffee increased my anxiety so none

Interesting. I never knew that.
Spending almost two years in Asia got me really into drinking black coffee so I'm starting to learn more about it and enjoy trying different beans and stuff.

Which do you like the best?

At least 10 generally 12-13

If you actually need the chemical element to function you should probably stop drinking it entirely

I like the taste of coffee but it just doesn't work well on me. The 'buzz' lasts like 10 minutes at most and the drop afterwards could last a whole day. Not to mention the shits. I don't rely on caffeine at all, just exercise enough to ensure good blood circulation.

None, I don't drink coffee.

Kind of hijacked the conversation and answered for the guy you asked, sorry.
As for my favorite coffee, dunno. I just drink some light roasted Colombian blend in the morning, and any dark roasted coffee at work, or in the evening. I haven't really got a favorite.

dont even TALK to me until ive finished my coffee


i drink romashka and sometimes myrtle tea
very nice for body and mind
coffee bad for heart when too much
i avoid it

games i play are in image

I don't consume caffeine or alcohol.

Yes, and?

>he doesn't smoke meth
What the fuck is wrong with you?

Keep that harlot away form captain king, he is pure.

My motherloving person of color! I just started up MM6 again.

Ever since I started working, I can only drink the coffee from the nice jura machine at work. I can't drink the shit from my cheap machine at home anymore

Milk coffee + Mate cocido here

I replaced coffee with Muscle Milk, might seem retarded but I get more energy with less crash and it's healthy. But for some reason I still live drinking a cup of coffee at like 3AM sometimes.

I literally just drink coffee constantly. I drink it more than water. Unfortunately my current brewing situation is shit because I buy store brand coffee and use a cheap drip coffee maker. What's a good coffee with high caffeine but not a lot of acidity? I don't mind bitter but I can't stand acid coffee.

I hate the taste of coffee

You'll get used to it as you get older.

Shut the fuck up Onsokumaru

White mocha latte is what I make at home when not in mood for black coffee. Using Puerto Rican beans I brought from my trip down there on my French press. With lindt white chocolate.

I've only read small to moderate amounts are fine for you. Never that it's "terrible" for you. Explain.

It's a dark roast so apparently it doesn't have as much caffeine as you can find but the acidity is low. I drink it no problem.

>store brand

Jesus fuck.

I don't drink tea, coffee, alcohol, and I don't smoke or take drugs

I used to drink 4-5 cups a day, but after accidentally buying a few boxes of decaf pods, I now drink one medium roast in the morning and a few cups of decaf during the day. I feel much less jittery while stifling the caffeine headaches I would get without

The light roast kirkland kurieg shit you can get from costco. If a pot pleb then get their kirkland light roast.