Why aren't there more old ladies in video games?
Why aren't there more old ladies in video games?
I was so disappointed that you couldn't see her panties. Almost made me return the game.
Is this a decent substitute?
I only just now noticed the background is some stock photo. Really threw me off.
Too thicc.
Oh my god yes
Purah thread?
Because young women are weak enough as it is. Adding old age on top of that is just stretching suspension of disbelief into aurora borealis.
Is this Xopachi? The angle and thicc look like it, but he always hid his hands and feet, and his lineart is completely different.
>tfw still no loli-baba tag on sad panda
How the fuck am I supposed to find comics about stuff like this?
Dark Souls 2 and 3 has them.
>eye of truth panty
Because im not some disgusting faggot that likes dried up spoiled milk
I like my girls 15-20 max
More purah!
Is figured she’d be more into spats