Focusing on a game

>focusing on a game
>this happens

Other urls found in this thread:

your cat is cute! CUTE!

What kind of keyboard is that?

The cat's eyes scream "take me, human!"

disgusting dirty catfag problems

>tfw apartment won't let me own a cat

Congrats to a life free of brainworms.

>tfw cat died
At least we still have his brother. But its still a bit lonely

>Throw a stick, and the servile dog wheezes and pants and stumbles to bring it to you. Do the same before a cat, and he will eye you with coolly polite and somewhat bored amusement. And just as inferior people prefer the inferior animal which scampers excitedly because someone else wants something, so do superior people respect the superior animal which lives its own life and knows that the puerile stick-throwings of alien bipeds are none of its business and beneath its notice. The dog barks and begs and tumbles to amuse you when you crack the whip. That pleases a meekness-loving peasant who relishes a stimulus to his self importance. The cat, on the other hand, charms you into playing for its benefit when it wishes to be amused; making you rush about the room with a paper on a string when it feels like exercise, but refusing all your attempts to make it play when it is not in the humour. That is personality and individuality and self-respect -- the calm mastery of a being whose life is its own and not yours -- and the superior person recognises and appreciates this because he too is a free soul whose position is assured, and whose only law is his own heritage and aesthetic sense.

I grew up with like 6 cats over the years, though. Toxoplasmosis has long since taken hold on me.

Literally looks EXACTLY like my cat

there's a
>*blocks your path*
face if I ever saw one


>stupid catfag false dichotomy pasta

>When, long ago, the gods created Earth...

Trained mine specifically to know that this is her spot, and leave me to my vidya.

I hate when I turn into a cat, meow.


>focusing on a game
>this happens

>reading about games
>this thread happens

How long did it take to train her to do that?

>and the superior person recognises and appreciates this because he too is a free soul whose position is assured, and whose only law is his own heritage and aesthetic sense.
What fanbase does this remind me of?
>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand cats...

>back in the CRT age cats would always go lie on top of the monitor because it was warm
>eventually get a flat screen monitor
>cat tries to get on top of it

oh jesus

Fuck off dogcuck


This is amazing.

get the fuck out of here and post this shit on reddit as that community is much better suited for you
>something completely normal
>i better share this on the internet

A few months I guess? Just keep putting your cat there when they jump on you and they'll get the idea eventually. She'll still be irritating if she wants attention or food mind.

What is your plan? It's never going to take off as a member and the (you)s are meager at best.

What is this meme?


It is a worm that cats carry. It causes mice to become sexually attracted to cat urine making them easier prey. It's said to turn men gay, take more risk, become crazy to an extent.

>move in with my fiancee in a house that her parents paid the majority of
>have a dog that generally gets along with her cat
>I ignore the cat as best I can but it still rubs against me and tries to get my attention when I'm playing games or doing any work around the house
>eventually get tired and make her give it to her parents who live about 3 hours away

That little shit was so annoying, I'm glad he's gone.

lose some fucking weight you disgusting slob

>game starts getting intense
>Cat decides to jump into lap
>Only wearing pajama pants
>Cat decides to stretch and then claws go into my leg
HOLY SHIT, I like the lil fucker but I can barely stand him sleeping at my feet let alone this shit


>cat threatens to pull the plug


>"user, stop shitposting."

>want to jack off
>cat jumps on lap

In other words, something you don't need to worry about if you maintain even a basic level of personal hygiene. I grew up with 13 cats in and around my home, and none of them turned me gay, I'm not jumping off bridges any time soon, and there are no voices telling me to burn them all.

>Young cat is trying to kill the old cat again

jack cat

I want to hang out with your cat.


>the old cat dies

Bash it's fucking brains in. Khajiits are literal niggers and should be cleansed.

cats don't talk
they don't
we made a deal on this

Be fucking happy my wife's parents got 2 cats and whole apartment stinks like cat piss.

Nigga luh sum wangs mang.


please delete this


>says the guy who has to lock his dog up in the bedroom whenever kids visit

tfw I will cry like a little bitch when my cats die

You and your wife live with her parents in an apartment?


>family member with child visits dogfag's home
>heroic dog mauls child for violating the NAP

This cats face is fucking hillarious.

I can't.

That means they must treat you like shit if they're fighting for dominance. Put your foot down and own them, just at least tell us you don't own dogs cause they would be ticking bombs.

I'm not ready for my cat to die and I'll never forget her, I've grown up with her and she's always been there for me

supposedly the best way to cope is remember how happy you made it and vice versa, and that it wouldn't want you sad
any tips for the inevitable Anons?

Get another cat. Not to replace but to make more memories with. Sounds faggy but it works.

If you have to have them put down, stay in the room when it happens. Vet techs say that the pets who's owners leave the room keep looking around for them up until the final moment. Don't let their final moments be ones filled with fear.



My first cat died 6 years ago. Still not over it.

I don't like those feels. Make them stop.

The animals were imperfect,
unfortunate in their heads.
Little by little they
put themselves together,
making themselves a landscape,
acquiring spots, grace, flight.
The cat,
only the cat
appeared complete and proud:
he was born completely finished,
walking alone and knowing what he wanted.

Man wants to be fish or fowl,
the snake would like to have wings
the dog is a disoriented lion,
the engineer would like to be a poet,
the fly studies to be a swift,
the poet tries to imitate the fly,
but the cat
only wants to be a cat
and any cat is a cat
from his whiskers to his tail,
from his hopeful vision of a rat
to the real thing,
from the night to his golden eyes.

There is no unity
like him,
the moon and the flower
do not have such context:
he is just one thing
like the sun or the topaz,
and the elastic line of his contours
is firm and subtle like
the line of a ship's prow.
His yellow eyes
have just one
to coin the gold of night time.

Oh little
emperor without a sphere of influence
conqueror without a country,
smallest living-room tiger, nuptial
sultan of the sky,
of the erotic roof-tiles,
the wind of love
in the storm
you claim
when you pass
and place
four delicate feet
on the ground,
all that is terrestrial,
because everything
is too unclean
for the immaculate foot of the cat.


I think my cat has ovarian cancer. She has a hard lump only on one side of her lower belly and it's gotten to the point that her belly almost touches the ground when she walks and she isn't fat at all.

Oh independent wild beast
of the house
vestige of the night,
lazy, gymnastic
and alien,
very deep cat,
secret policeman
of bedrooms,
of a
disappeared velvet,
surely there is no
in your manner,
perhaps you are not a mystery,
everyone knows of you
and you belong
to the least mysterious inhabitant,
perhaps everyone believes it,
everyone believes himself the owner,
of a cat,
or friend
of his cat.

Not me.
I do not subscribe.
I do not know the cat.
I know it all, life and its archipelago,
the sea and the incalculable city,
the gyneceum and its frenzies,
the plus and the minus of mathematics,
the volcanic frauds of the world,
the unreal shell of the crocodile,
the unknown kindness of the fireman,
the blue atavism of the priest,
but I cannot decipher a cat.
My reason slips on his indifference,
his eyes have golden numbers.


Well jesus fucking christ, maybe have it checked out and not sit on your ass for years while the cat suffers?

Cats suck. Get rid of those pests.

>focused on the game
>cat starts sucking my dick

every fucking time

She's ten and I don't have the money to afford surgery.

Maybe don't own pets if you can't afford to take care of them

>A cat is fine too

The feels will never stop. This is the price of sapience.

get .22 and give her a good hug

Then atleast make an end to her suffering and have a vet put her down. Instead of having a cat with a tumor half her size, for fucks sake.

Took care of her fine for ten years, I've made peace with it months ago. You need to grow up, if a cat's death bothers you so much, just wait until your parents go soyboy, they won't last forever.

She isn't in visible pain or discomfrot just always tired and sleeping than usual for a cat. I'll keep her until the last moment, a cat isn't a toy you get rid of willy nilly.

>Tfw I witnessed my dog being put down
It fucking hurts, man. It hurts so much.
I miss you, Tintti.

We had a family cat for 13 years that recently died. I'm still very sad about it. My way of coping is realizing how shit my cat's life would have been without me. I had to take her to the vet to put her down because she couldn't even move anymore (some type of cancer, forget which kind at this point). One of the hardest things I ever did. I made sure the last thing my cat saw and smelled was my hand over her face, petting her.

Letting an animal suffer because you're a dumb poorfag is nigger-tier

Mine'll watch vidya. She really loves to watch my friend stream art, though. Which considering said friend usually drew cute girls, maybe she's a lesbian cat

Is it really lesbianism if it's another race though?


Also here she is napping after arma 3 got boring and we all died horribly.

I'll take any excuse I can get to post my kitter in a blanket

>tfw the only way to not outlive your pets is to get some kind of turtle or parrot
>tfw turtles and parrots are kind of shitty pets

They just want to be loved, user
I mean they might steal your shit when you're not looking, but still


don't you dare talk shit about birbs

I wish cats didn't leave so much fur behind whenever I pet them.

Could try for a shorthair, but yeah that's why my desk in that pic is so dusty. I cleaned it and three days later there was already a film of dust. Part of that is due to this house since it was nowhere near as bad at another house and apartment, part of it is becuase of cat.

dogs > cats

PCs are cat attractors

Then you need to brush them more often.

Sleep tight kitter