This computer inhabits a home alongside an Xbox One X and a PlayStation 4 Pro.
Am I doing it wrong?
This computer inhabits a home alongside an Xbox One X and a PlayStation 4 Pro.
Am I doing it wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Xbox One X
>that fucking RAM
>both 60Hz monitors
>going into the poor house to own high-refresh rate monitors
>wangblows 10
>not playing Forza Horizon 3
Best skyboxes in the business.
Fucking meme RAM
be gentle
>shitty 6bit TN no contrast garbage
No thanks
Better purchase than an XBoneX.
Also, move the goalposts more.
>complains about TN when he has two monitors @ 1080p
Nice upper mid range rig. Why so much of relatively slow memory though?
Pretty good entry level machine. Sorry, but 1050Ti doesn't qualify for anything more. Still it's a neat little box, would play vidya on it.
Great mid range PC user, it'll last for a long time with a GPU upgrade a few years down the line.
Did you OC the CPU yet?
I'm not him.
Just telling you that an actually good screen > meme TN 144 gaymur monitor.
The point is it's infinitely cheaper than an XBox. There aren't any 144Hz monitors with IPS at that resolution.
>monitors at 60Hz
Your point is invalid. It was just posted to point out that OP wouldn't be breaking the bank getting a 1080p@144Hz monitor.
Here we go again
I could let a 1070 slide, but buying a 1080ti for 60Hz is beyond retarded.
>Why so much of relatively slow memory though?
Probably something mismatched. Frankly I don't really care. 16 of it is mine, 16 of it was a gift.
>buy high end CPU and GPU
>don't even invest in a decent monitor
who the FUCK needs 32 GBs of RAM??
Retards who buy XBoneXs.
I actually did buy a decent monitor.
You know, with great color accuracy, contrast way above any TN/IPS screen, no backlight bleed and at a size that doesn't feel like a tiny rectangle.
Not that you would appreciate any of it.
This system was partly built with the intent of also housing a couple of VMs from time to time.
Pointless when it makes your PC a console.
Is that supposed to mean something?
I don't think so. He seems to be completely off his rocker.
Yeah it means you're no better than a retard audiophile.
The ironing
Look at the babby throw his bottle.
>BenQ PD3200Q
>decent monitor
It's a good monitor, but it's pretty overpriced.
>hertzfag mentioning audiophiles
this has to be bait
>poor house
>from someone who bought an XBoneX upon release