Sup Forums's top 100 (or 50) shooters of all time

ITT: Sup Forums votes on the best shooter vidya games of all time

>post a shooter (can be first person shooter or third person shooter)
>if it gets approved more than five replies, it gets nominated onto the list
>once we get 100 games or more, we vote on Ranker for the final list
>if 100 is too many then we can just do 50

The RPG list:

Original Doom

Earth Defense Force 4.1



Timesplitters 2

no one lives forever

Get this fucking Valve trash out of here.


Halo CE

Perfect Dark

Half Life 2

Killing Floor

Max Payne

>inb4 "durr that's not first-person and I didn't read the original post"

Modern Warfare 2 (unironically)

Quake 3 Arena (/ Team Arena / Quake Live)
CS 1.6
Serious Sam 1st Encounter
Left 4 Dead 2
Devil Daggers

CS 1.5


Rainbow Six Siege



Call of Duty: United Offensive

Battlefield 1942

System Shock 2

Left 4 dead



Yeah it deserves a place on the list


yo this

I'm leaving whether it should be the original one or 2004 up to you, but Unreal Tournament better fucking be on this list



Titanfall 2

hate Valve but these need to be on the list

Super 3D Noah's Ark


I spent so many hours playing this game with friends when I was supposed to be doing work in school.

I'm sure some of you can relate

Deus Ex

Left 4 Dead 2

These I guess

>rescue all the little sisters
>a group of little sisters helps you kill the boss at the end

>harvest all the little sisters
>a group of little sisters helps you kill the boss at the end

It's a fun game, though.

serious sam

Go on then.

and bioshock 2

Battlefront 2 (2005)

Halo 2
Halo 3: ODST

I love Halo but CE is overrated and people only put it on it's pedestal due to coming first. 2, 3 and ODST are better in almost every regard, objectively speaking, and Reach is for a lot as well.



Bioshock Infinite


>3, ODST, Reach

Bad Company 2

I'm posting all 3 of them, I'm just at work. If you wanna drop 3 next, it'd be appreciated.

Halo 2

This counts?


>ctrl f
>no yoshi story
Where is the respect for the greatest TPS of all time?


3 is better than CE but you are right. ODST and Reach are overrated as fuck.

Stephen Paddock


Incoming with the best multiplayer experience of all time.

We all knew it would be on the top 10...

I'll add CoD4

Halo 1

Everyone nominates just one? What are conditions?
Blood, especially Cryptic passage.



>3 is better than CE

That's not Starsiege Tribes

Nominate as many as you want but preferably one game per post


Duke Nukem 3D



Yes. Newbabbies have never experienced FPS batshit insanity like this.

seconded also add tribes ascend


I'm agreeing with this

This, but definitely the original one

>everything else in no particular order

While I have a lot fonder memories of 2's online, 3, for the campaign at least, was basically a combination of the best aspects of CE and 2, fixing a lot of issues 2 had, particularly on legendary.
I did love CE multiplayer, but it was a massive pain in the ass to spoof LAN into a private server to play, which obviously wasn't a game design flaw, so wont hold it against it.


Seconding RE4

Name one way that CE is better.

This. Original or even 2003/2004. All incredible.

Sup Forums's top? you mean reddit/neogaf's top 100 shooters. the fact that these cucks are actually saying cawadoody and no one cares proves to me this board is 99% newfags

you're not Sup Forums. you'll never be Sup Forums. you're just parasites infesting the corpse of this place

I'll second tribes ascend

t. cuck who loves black cock

Better multiplayer maps.
Better singleplayer.
Better story.
Better characters.

God I miss this game more than anything

>caring if you're 'Sup Forums'

Wolfenstein 3D
Doom 1/2
Marathon 1-3
Rise of Triad
Dark Forces
Duke Nukem 3D
Shadow Warrior
Redneck Rampage
Quake 3
No One Lives Forever

Fuck voting. Everyone who isn't a pleb already knows the best games.

Dead Space

These have a special place in heart



Imagine being such a retard that you consider RE4 a fucking shooter.




holy shit was this underrated


How is it not a shooter?


Kid Icarus Uprising is one of the only 8th gen shooters that didn't need to be designed with a twin stick option in mind.

These deserve my approval.

Hell, I'll also nominate HL1. I thought it was the shit back in the day and had a lot of fun with friends in HLDM.

Far Cry 2, also