So this is cancelled right?

So this is cancelled right?

No they do it slowly

They never said we don't do it

so no, it's still being made

Is it gonna be prerendered like REmake?

no, games take time to make. stop being impatient

no they do it. can't you read?

>Licker breaks the window

since fucking when?

Jill best girl

well then post more jills, what are you waiting for?

Doesn't in the original, but it does pass over.

They know Resident Evil is one of their biggest cash cows, they also know they're playing with fire in terms of royally pissing off their fans if they fuck it up, what with the GIGANTIC expectations people have for it. Therefor, they're obviously going to take their fucking time making it good.

>but it does pass over.
no shit


How hard is it to do EXACTLY what REmake did?

Wait until 7 finally dies down. They'll need something for the anniversary next year.

I wish they'd update the puzzles to make more sense in game world sense, Why does a Police Station ahve a diamon and cryptic clues and movable statues?

Extremely hard

Has the 2017 movie come out yet?

>make more sense

I forbid it.

This nibba right here...

Vendetta been out

>streamer controlled zombie

it will be shown at psx


Is it good? Does it explain why Chris is working for umbrella?

>Why does a Police Station ahve a diamon and cryptic clues and movable statues?
did you people even play the game?
The whole place was an old museum originally, and the chief was a total nutcase, paranoid art-collector, who enjoyed crazy paychecks and "presents" from Umbrella.

>John Wick 3

will they bring back akuma?


You ask that like REmake was no effort. REmake was amazing and is still to this day my favorite RE game because they did everything that a remake should do. Revamped everything (graphics, puzzles, gameplay), added extra content (extra rooms, new gameplay modes) and most obvious upgraded the graphics and dialogue. Essentially they made an entirely new game based around an idea of the original and polished it to the point of near if not complete perfection. Whenever I think of remakes, REmake is the pinnacle of that idea. It goes without saying, but I and many others expect that same level of quality with RE2 remake.

why are they just shooting at the floor?

At least back in the days shitposting was some OC shit

hopefully they wont make ada ugly again

I swear to god you fakkin faggit if you lied I gonna find you and cut yeer up fer letin my hops go up

It's plot is stupid, but it has good action scenes. Also, no it has no explanation why Chris is with Umbrella.

That's not Chris, silly

I'd like to see a modder put this into RE2
People are already doing more complicated mods than that so it should be feasible

She just needs to look a LITTLE Chinese, thats all.

she wont be 45 years old in this game

Resident Evil 2 Remake will be shown at PSX in December.
It will be a third person shooter with limited fixed camera areas.
>retconned lore and added lore to tie into Resident evil 5 (Wesker/ Ada during the events of RE2) RE7 and 8
There will be 3 scenarios
>Claire A
>Leon B
> Jill's Last escape

To be honest at this point I would be happy with just an HD version of RE2 for PS4. Exactly how MGS2-3 had it on PS3.

Where's the Elza scenario

No way fag

>Jill's Last escape
They won't do that. If this remake is successful, they'll eventually make a 3 remake. Gotta keep that cashcow milked.


id love a nemesis remake, that fucker could use one

nope, 3 will be built into REmake2
Code Veronica is next.

>REmake 2 comes out
>includes RE Outbreak 1 & 2 as a bonus

Wrong answer


Elza is Claire, maybe you’ll get a biker suit if you ask Uncle Capcom nicely

Is emulating Resi 2 on PS1 the best way to play it?

code veronica is so shitty what the fuck would the point even be to remake it

unless they are going to substantially change progression works and maybe get rid of most of the respawning bandersnatches

The first remake was slow and clunky as fuck compared to 3, if they're gonna do 3 they need to bump the movement speed back up.


It was never a question.


Updated with online multiplayer

Idk about best, but it's the easiest to emulate imo.

Aye fair enough.

one of the leaks said its in third person, i hope that means classic camera, im not so hyped for it in first person or over the shoulder

Honestly one game where you play a random dude who escaped Raccoon City and you have huge sections of the city to explore. Just some beat cop or paramedic or something starting out in a suburban area and winding his way through the station, zoo, hospital, city hall, back streets, etc.
I don't believe a straight remake of 2 can be over the shoulder. It's all really tight corners and is a very small map, it only felt big because of the camera. You'd blow through an RE4 style game in like an hour.

I believe REmake 2's setting in the game can only be done properly in first person VR. How else are you going to have the player experience the claustrophobia of wandering around a police station, sewer, lab, etc?

i thought Kojima got fired? did i miss something

vita oled screen

>just announced earlier this year
>people already expect it to be released

Dude it was announced in 2015, shortly after the FFVII remake was announced.

I've been waiting for Elza Walker Claire and Rally Vincent Jill forever.

It's incredibly stupid and has blatant product placement for fucking Breaking Bad of all things, but I didn't hate it and Becky is pretty cute in it at least.