I killed the Powder Gangers (even the ones in the correctional) because I thought they were the bad guys...

I killed the Powder Gangers (even the ones in the correctional) because I thought they were the bad guys. How much I fucked it up?

Not much desu. They have a couple questlines you could have done and one of their members can be used for the Primm sheriff quest, but otherwise you didn't fuck up much.

You’re fine. Plenty of more factions to decimate.

Powder Gangers is the games "baby's first moral choice", just there to give you an idea of choice and consequence.

Did the find the ones in the vault?
I went through so many plays before I even found the cunts inside the vault.

There's only one quest for the powder gangers at the NCRCF which usually ends with them getting wiped out regardless if you side with them or not. You can still use Meyers as the sheriff, Boxcars will still give you Booted and you can still do the Vault 11 quest. Only difference is the NPC assholes littering the I-15 are hostile

They do have a merchant, though I forget if he has anything good. It's probably more profitable just to kill everyone and loot all the weapons

You did a good job, they are the NEETs of the wasteland

Lanius would be proud.
Keep putting the torch to those degenerates

The legion is what the wasteland needs, only fools disagree.

You did fine. No one likes the Powder Gangers, they're scum.


Nothing of value was lost, Great Khans have a super cheap armory where you can get massive amounts of all calibers in the game so I always side with them but otherwise I dont really see any outstanding benefits with beoing alied with any faction.

Followers of Apocalypse are pure

The legion gives you the lucky shades, which I think is the only one of its kind
But if you're with the NCR you can get a million 308 rounds for This Machine

powder gangers felt really underdeveloped desu

Powder gangers and good springs quests are still tutorial tier shit.
Besides, you're suppose to play through more than once, so next time don't massacre them.

>tfw never went evil karma in NV because I feel too bad about virtual pixels

I have like 400 hours in NV too.

How do you even do that? Does that mean you never finish the game with negative karma or do you never even get negative karma at all?

>install new vegas
>launch game
>blah blah blah name
>blah blah blah character
>character stats
>always pick the same fucking stats
>also make a guns/explosives character
How do I stop doing this

Play Dust.

I barely ever get negative karma. At most I steal shit if I'm playing with mods that make the game more difficult but that doesn't have a outward effect on the game world. I don't really do the "evil" options, like blowing up both NCR and Legion or whatever.

So what about when the Followers of Bright or whatever they're called attack you? Or do they only attack people with negative karma or something like that

My problem is always putting points in speech.

Must be because they are always cool with me and I always have good karma.

I always put points in intelligence. Fuck, I need to do a retard run one day.

Yeah I don't know the circumstance for them attacking me, but I hate when it happens because it always drops my karma even though I had no other choice

I always just shoot up the fuckers with the energy weapons. It takes a while and I usually die a few times but it's worth it. I do the same to one of the gun fuckers in new Reno in fallout 2 and that gives me good mid-game shit.


Karma is just broken in new vegas. There's no reason for it when the faction system does it better

looks like right libertarian is the best option

I always do 9 in intelligence

if only such a thing actually existed

>9 points in luck
>5-6 points in perception
>8 points in endurance
The patrician spread

I don't know about 8, but seriously fuck runs with low endurance I hate feeling like a piece of paper

Is the person on Authoritarian Right supposed to be the Lone Survivor or a companion?

>high luck
>head right to new vegas at level 1
>max out all the casinos
>level 2 bane of the wasteland

Do a dickass thief run.

I did my first run with 3

In my current run I only have like 4 or 5, however much gives me 225 health because that's how much I have

Not at all, really.

It's Nora

I like the robit

fuck jewsanagi, those prices are too high

You're straight up gimping yourself if you don't have high endurance. Less endurance means less implants, which means even less points in stats. And no sub dermal armour
8 is for implant grx, which is the most broken perk in the game. Who doesn't want to act like a celerity abusing vampire?
Free money is just the icing on the cake. The real reason you get 9 luck is to max your crit rate and start tearing bitches up with finesse/better criticals

>max luck
The joys of living

I want to try and fit rapid reloads in for that. Hunting shotguns are so much fun and can turn a deathclaw into red mist in record time, but they run out of ammo way too quick

How fun is a melee/unarmed + explosives run? What are good weapons to start with?

Wait, you can spare the Powder Gangers at the start of the game? How?


Easy Pete is your lord and saviour

I like how whatever idiot made that image has no fucking clue what libertarian means and uses it in place of liberal.

>Not explosives + explosives

It triggers me that you don’t reload the gun on the ballistic fist or the displacer glove’s energy cell

Make satchel charges. You can make them at the start and they're hilariously powerful. They're also absurdly dangerous to you, so be careful
When you get further in MFC clusters and MFC grenades are even more fun

I don't get the karma system. Is it faction based or is it universal?

So liberals like rape?

Universal, but it's mostly just a holdover from 3 and doesn't actually affect anything. Its only use is if you need an in-game quantifier for how evil you are, depending on roleplay circumstances.

Its also worth noting that Cass can’t be made a companion with Evil Karma and will leave if you dip into Evil from Neutral

Who needs Cass when you have best husbando

There are so few enemies in the game and so little to do that you might as well kill them as otherwise you'll never get to use any of your guns. At the point at which I acquired the automatic grenade launcher there was NOT ONE enemy to use it on in the whole fucking map beyond a bloatfly.

I actually kinda like Cass. Then again, I have a thing for abrasive mouthy bitches who are actually decent people so I’m probably biased. Too bad she’s a terrible combat companion

>implying best husbando isn’t Raul

>mfw i take great pleasure wiping out the khans as a melee main every playthrough

pls resbond :DDDDDDD

I don’t get the hate for the Khans. They’re not complete assholes like the Powder Gangers, they’re just a higher tier of tribals, its only natural that they’re abrasive and rude considering they’re living in land that the NCR is gunning for. If you tell them to leave after breaking the alliance with the Leigon they make a thriving civilization too so they’re not retarded.

Well, you can side with them. That bar owner even tell you what would happen if you side against that Crimson Caravan guy/Goodsprings.

High luck/VATS/laser builds are absolutely insane. You can get a 30% crit rate floor with lasers.
>10% from luck
>5% from finesse
>10% from laser commander
>5% from VATS crit boost

You thought correct, they are the bad guys

Define spare. You mean not have them be hostile to you after Ghost Town Gunfight? Just let the townsfolk do all the shooting for you, a reputation of “shunned” minimum is required to make them not shoot you on sight

I'm trying to decide what my tagged skills should be, originally I was just going to do melee, unarmed and explosives but now I'm not so sure

How can I side with them before the Goodsprings fight?

You go to the prison and work for them

Find Joe Cobb leaning up against a sign somewhere, I don’t remember where

I did a playthrough like that and it was really fun. Either things are just far enough that you use your thrusty 40mm grenade launcher or stronger, or things are close enough you just punch the shit out of them. Make sure to get stealth too and that mod that lets you open locks based on explosive skill level.

>Have like 3-4 character ideas in mind
>Once I start one I just get bored in Goodsprings

He's leaning up against a white house near the road out of goodsprings

Either side with Joe Cobb or don't attack any of the Powder Gangers during the fight, which is easy if you gear up all the townspeople with armor, guns, and dynamite.

don't plan too much. Get a general idea and just start wandering and whatnot. Also getting mods keeps it interesting.

>spend several hours getting my mods and load order together
>make character
>more modding because the fucking hair isn't working right
>make character
>play through goodsprings
>get bored

I figure I'm going to have to tag at least 2 of the 3, maybe melee, explosives and repair or something like that

>5.56 NATO is the standard cartridge found instead of the actually more common American .223
>.308 and it’s variants exist but 7.62 NATO does not

It shouldn’t trigger me as hard as it does. Is there a mod to swap all instances of 5.56 and .223 with each other?

Melee OR unarmed
Don't tag explosives, you can dump points into it once you're well off. They're still strong early on, just don't trip on land mines.

There's a mod called CaliberX, which adds quite a few new bullet calibers and variations. Don't know if it changes what you want but you could probably message the mod creator if he's still active and ask him to add it

Raul is the best

A small side note, you can get chances knife by taking a shovel north of goodsprings, walking on the hills to the left to avoid the cazadors. It's a really, really good melee weapon to start off with

>one of their members can be used for the Primm sheriff quest
Get a load of this retard. He thinks Meyers is with the Powder Gangers. I bet you killed him along with the Powder Gangers when you broke into NCRCF.

Literally follow him out of the bar and start plotting to kill everyone

Yeah I usually get chances knife even without doing a melee run. Guess I'll tag melee, repair, and something like sneak? Still working on the third one

I usually just farm them for XP early on in every playthrough, they're pretty trash. Only reason to support them is if you just want to turn the Mojave into a shithole. Even if you wanna go against NCR for Legion, they're a bunch of degenerates that need to be put down anyway.

So I just farm them for XP.

Chances knife and the laser rifles off the dead brotherhood members is the perfect way to start a run

>Kill Joe Cobb in the bar to start conflict between Goodsprings and the rest of Powder Gangers
>Leave and never come back

Indeed. Primm Slim is my sheriff

Doesn't meyers kill people?

You just wiped some insignificant faglords off the map, no biggie. They don't matter even a little bit.

This game is more fun if you drop the RPG decision flowchart out of your head and just think about your decisions realistically. Sure, going on a one-man assault against the NCRCF isn't a realistic decision at all, but whatever floats your boat. Try to invest yourself more in the happenings of the narrative.

It is actually close to impossible to finish New Vegas with negative karma, because the karma system is batshit retarded in this game and the only thing that was made worse compared to FO3. Killing perma-hostiles should never give you karma one way or another, but in NV, no matter how many atrocities you commit throughout the game, no matter how much you steal, you'll still end up with at least Neutral karma because of one or two feral evils labeled as "Evil" you are forced to kill. Unless you never kill a single Powder Ganger or have your companions kill all the ghouls, you likely will not have Evil karma.

Well user you missed out on a game breaking glitch but that's about it

He inacts vigilante justice when he thinks the law isn’t harsh enough or if the law prevents him from enacting justice.

You can get 100 in every skill with 6 INT you fedora tipping retards

Would she have made a good companion?

>Cripple their wings and they stop being a threat
>No armor and low health so even a varmint rifle can easily do it
>Huge targets which are easy to hit in and out of VATS
Why do people have trouble with these again?