Post games that saved franchises you thought died.
Post games that saved franchises you thought died
it is sad that morons these days thought RE to be even close of "dying", and that trash like 7 would be some sort of ""savior"".
If anything, you should be thankful for the re-release of REmake back in 2014.
When I say diying I mean being shit and never going back to former grace.
RE hasin't been good since 4 and RE7 brought back life to this dead franchise.
Also screw you RE7 was fantastic
7 is the worst in the series though, it actually proves that the audience has changed so much that we skipped a generation.
>Do I fit in yet?
The fuck you talking about, 7 is shit because it goes off-track with the cast. It's a reboot and many fans hated the swap, especially the change of design to characters like Chris.
>Muh stroy.
You have to be autistic as fuck to care about REs "story"
No you fucking imbecile. 7 was goddamn terrible.
MGS4 GotP was so horrible in every regard besides controls that I thought it'd kill the series, but Peace Walker was a return to form.
Hopefully DMC5
No it wasin't and I had more fun with it then anything after 4.
Plus it keeps true to what made RE great in the first place if feeling like your in a b movie horror filk
Also had some of the best boss fights this year.
But their was nothing wrong with 4.
You're right except for its story and missions not as good as DMC3 and Dante back tracking.
Dante and Nero should of had completely separate missions & bosses. Nero should have multiple weapons like Dante aswell.
Other than that. It's good but room for improvement
I agree, I really enjoyed 7. Only part i disliked was the very end with that retarded girl. Besides that it was fantastic.
Yep pretty much everyone agrees the ending was sucky.
Its a shame because everything else was near perfect.
I've played the game four times but I would of played it seven if it had a better ending.
Everything you just typed out sounds like a rambling of a complete lunatic to me. Your existence must be a threat to the mankind.
>Your existence must be a threat to the mankind
Go back.
I feel like horror games do that a lot where the ending is just some completely random bullshit to try to explain the mystery of the game. The little girl was just too cliche.
I just don't understand why the final biss was on rails. It'd be a 10/10 if eveline was a real fight. Jack was basically the last boss and you fight him 2 hours before the end.
But the little girl being a psychic projection of a 1000 foot tall tentacle monster chambered inside of an elderly lady isnt THAT cliche.
*tips fedora
but user peace walker wasn't very good
lol nice bait
Not him, but you are wrong.
MGS:PW was not only VERY good, but also extremely FUN.
>RE7 are such underaged X-bots that their only "arguments" are literal bottom of the barrel may mays.
RE7 managed to do something I thought to be impossible: make RE6 seem like a "good game".
>dude crazy white people that don't live in urban areas am i rite
so progressive
that's mostly true
It never died, even with the critical failure of RE6. But it certainly took an unexpected and much better direction since 6.
6 is easily the worst, that game is more like the Hollywood movies than anything.
the absolute state of Sup Forums
you haven't met my family
PW, like the other user said was very good and extremely fun. I got over 400hrs on my PSP save file...
Seriously one of the most addictive games I ever played.
>I got over 400hrs on my PSP save file...
my nigga!
I couldn't really stomach it on PSP, but my PS3 HD port's OG save-file has over 350 hours clocked in. Still thinking of that Queen Bee achievement...
Why do you want to fit in to this place so much? you know that's not a good thing right?
When I say die I mean fall from grace I thought RE would never be good again after 6.
Do you seriously think I would want to "fit in" with literal GenZ kids that praise absolute diarrhea games like TLOU, nuDOOM & Wolfenstein games, and fucking RE7 ?
Not every long standing RE fan agrees with you. Many don't, I'm willing to bet most don't.
Your worse then that your the kind of cancer that wants to like shit like 6 to be different.
Pretty much everyone agrees 6 is shit but since most like 7 you got to defend that crap.
7 is the most RE styled game since RE0 yet you feel the need to cry about it because its new, just like Doom as well you hate it because its new and your sad.
I don't 100% disagree but it really loses a fuckload of quality after the greenhouse. Should have been all the house, no saw or ship bullshit
>7 is the most RE styled game since RE0
Yeah, and feces is the most like a pizza that's just been taken out of the oven.
>you just hate it because it's NEW
wew... Zenimax AND Crapcom shills literally got the same non-arguments! No mate, I've played tons of GOOD and NEW games this year. RE7 does not do anything right nor well, and is literally nothing like old RE trilogy.
I liked Luca's section it was the boat when everything began to fall apart.
>no saw or ship bullshit
the Ship was the only oldschool RE-like section in the whole game. I don't understand why bitches complain about that area.
>RE7 does not do anything right nor well, and is literally nothing like old RE trilogy
>The ship
>Not the mansion
The fuck is wrong with you
>the Ship was the only oldschool RE-like section in the whole game.
You know being slightly more open isn't what makes RE good right?
Its a nice thing to have but its not the most important part.
CV is very open and that game sucks.