What's your excuse for not playing this timeless cult classic RIGHT NOW?

What's your excuse for not playing this timeless cult classic RIGHT NOW?

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got stuck at the graveyard guardians and got sick of playing the entire level over and over for another shot at them

Replayed both of them during Halloween, like i always do desu.

Wtf, the game is piss easy how can you get stuck

I save it for Halloween.

Played it for the first time a few weeks ago on adderall finished it in a single sitting. It was pretty fucking awesome.

I wish there was an NTSC-U eboot of MediEvil II that had working sound. The PAL version runs like shit on a PSP.

How's the PSP version?

No it's not. It's definitely not hard as fuck, but the game can certainly be challenging.

It's difficulty was just right IMO.

i played the shit out of the demo disk

Medievil 2 was a lot harder.

Bad. They changed a lot of cool stuff...

My play station is at my brother's house.


Gameplay is fine but they went overboard with the bad "humor". Artstyle is also annoyingly goofy. The original medievil was pretty light-hearted too but still had this grim atmosphere which is missing in the psp remake.

I've beat tons of ps1 platformers and the game wasn't hard at all until that point but for whatever reason I cannot beat the wolves.

too spooky

I sold my psx 11 years ago

Playing the new DF update

PCSX-R PGXP Windows, Unix

Replay it every Halloween.

Pretend that shit doesn't exist. One of the worst remakes i've laid witness to.

I beat em by charging up the hammer and smashing them just as they appear. Don't recall ever actually dieing on the fight.

There are at least two points in this game where "piss easy" doesn't come anywhere near applying. Probably three or four points depending on the person.

The REST is piss easy.

>MediEvil 3 never
Maybe that's for the best though? Also it's nice that MediEvil threads almost never get shitposted desu.

>Pretend that shit doesn't exist.
At least it's something desu. There can't be enough of Dan, no matter if it is shittier than the original game desu.
The hardest level for me was the asylum desu. Just non-stop fighting with limited potions desu. The rest was ok desu,


>At least it's something
Nah, fuck that noise. Remakes and reboots without the original devs, or proper respect are all cancer in my book. If it wasn't for the PSP remake, maybe we could have had Sir Dan not looking like a motherfucking Pixar character in PSABR.

To be fair, Dan was still the most tolerable character in the game, outside the OG Hall of Heroes fellows.

Ain't that the fucking truth.

II was better, get fucked.

>The random boxing match in second game

Yeah, but for the wrong reasons. Like "health fountains being a one time use" or "those abhorrent camera angles in The Descent that make PotAD look elegant in comparison" levels of wrong reasons.