How is he compared to Iwata?

How is he compared to Iwata?

He helped us finally understand.

>Hahaha... The chinamen deserved Nanking.
How did he get away with this?

Yakuza know how to run a business, man is good. He is still sticking with Iwata's principles of game design, but making bank usuing alternative revenue streams that don't really impact the games.

Iwata planned the switch and the smartphone apps fyi. He's just following his plan.

He said he was a business man and he proved it, marketing is improved over the wii u era. I for one am glad he became permanent while others hoped it was temporary.

better desu, allowing mature games to nintendo

He has a better face for reaction images, he has my vote.

He is responsible for the Switch's success though, Amiibos are bigger than I thought they would be and they are exoanding their first party line up again.

Kimishima is fantastic and everyone was worried because he wasnt gonna be a face of the company in directs.

Nobody can replace Iwata. Kimishima is doing him proud.

I only came here for Nintendo gun edits.

Better businessman and it shows in Nintendo's current success.

The Switch is still Iwata's baby.

Iwata did amiibos.

We will have to see in the following years when he actually has to make some proper decisions.

Iwata was such a cancerous asshole

I'm only just now reminded of those thousands of videos of grown men crying over him on jewtube

We get dual audio and uncensored releases thanks to him.

Kishima's favorite thing in the world besides his white Cresta are cute girls.

I really miss Iwata asks. It feels like there's no one at Nintendo that could do something similar. It might not even be something they ever want to do In honor of his memory. I wanted him to talk about mechs with Takahashi again.

>when everyone realized why they did the puppet skits at E3

Iwata was shit. I always associate him with being responsible for the absolute worst period of Nintendo (Wii DS Era). Under Iwata's reign we got the most casual console (Wii), the shittiest console (Wii-U), we got three of the worst Zelda's ever made, no Metroids, shit Paper Mario, and the worst Smash Bros, absolutely no 3rd party support, and heavy doses of autism injected into the fanbase like MiiVerse and amiibos. Ever since he died things have been looking up for Nintendo. Coincidence?

>Yamauchi, Iwata, and Kimishima were watching a gaijin, waiting for it to understand. But time passed, and the little gaijin would not understand.
>Gaijin, you CANNOT understand, said Yamauchi
>Gaijin, PLEASE understand, said Iwata
Gaijin, YOU WILL understand!, said Kimishima

>RIP Iwata ;_;
never understood this. not one man makes the games you loved him for and I doubt any of you ever met him let alone knew him.

worst era was 64/gamecube though.

Melee's for fags.

He's not directly involved with game development
If anything, he's a businessman first and would probably implement more microtransactions and lootboxes given the chance

No wait, I'm sorry. "Professional" Melee is for fags.

He has been with Nintendo for a long time and wanted to see it succeed. He ordered his Yakuza goons to poison Iwata to save the company. After Miyamoto's shameful release of Star Fox, he threatened him with the same unless he agreed to scale back his involvement in games, which is why we ended up with a good Zelda and Mario game free of gimmicks.
Nintendo will be a force to be reckoned with. He will make everyone understand.

>that interview with Aonuma and joking about replacing him with the cute girl who was a walking Zelda encyclopedia
I really gonna miss those

It was a different time.

That's not how the Yakuza works

Nah. The GameCube had third party support and some good hidden gems. N64 I can kind of agree on but it had two of the greatest games ever made (Super Mario 64 and OoT). What games were on the Wii and Wii U? Dogshit like Skyward Sword, Sonic and Mario at the Olympics, and loads of waggle shovel ware?

At least Nintendo on the 64 and Gamecube era attempted to actually compete with current consoles instead of doing a pussy sidestep with gimmicks.

I'm waiting until he actually says "you will" understandu, probably will never ever speak dirty gaijin English though

This is not a man who would let his console fail.

God why did you have to remind me.
Sup Forums was practically unusable straight after his death with all the fucking crying over a dead businessman.
The only fanbase that came even remotely close to that level of pathetic corporate celebrity worship was maybe steam users with Gaben but even they seem to have wised up after the whole paid mods fiasco.
That said, Kimishima is doing a great job so far. I've been thinking of getting a Switch for Christmas since, unlike the wiiu, it has games I actually want to play.

lmao the wii had more third party support than the n64 and the gamecube put together.
actual real good stuff like Monster Hunter too, and not just throwaway multiplat garbage.

DS is also literally the best handheld ever made.

He's opening the borders walled off by puritans of the Wii and U era. Switch isn't the most powerful console on the market and it wasn't Kimishima's plan, but he is allowing the console to stretch it's library which brings a far larger user base.

He wants the business to succeed and he's off to a great start. Nintendo's old principles caught up with them and this guy is going to get them out of that hole.

You have no right to complain nazi frog poster. Amiibos are fine just because they are designed to be used with multiple games. If they get locked to the first game you use them on, which is something EA would do. Then we'd have a problem.


They're kinda grooming Koizumi into their new outwards facing personality.

This. People thinking that he is the one who’s responsible for what Ninty is doing now don’t understand the timescale tech companies operate on, what we’re seeing now is fruits of Iwata era still. Can’t judge the new boss until years later, when his business decisions start to finally materialize.

>I really miss Iwata asks. It feels like there's no one at Nintendo that could do something similar.
That's because Iwata was a developer himself so he could connect with the people he interviewed with for those segments.

And we got gold like this.

Iwata was a great programmer and developer, but perhaps not the greatest business man, Kimishima is the opposite and I think that's what Nintendo needed after the PiiU

I havent seen that smarmy cunt Kaz in a while. What is he even doing? You'd think he'd show his face every now and then considering that Playstation is the only thing that keeps Sony afloat.

Anyone who thinks Iwata shouldn't be a treated like a saint for keeping the shareholders from revolting so they could turn Nintendo into a shitshow like EA is a damn fool.

Yes, Nintendo finally succumbed to DLC, season passes and smart phone games. But they're doing it their own way and not nickle and dime bullshit like loot boxes and they did consider profit vs players, And they tend to side with the players

Oh fuck off. You all would bawww and have a sticky if Gabe died.

And it would be full of Half-Life 3 memes and fat jokes.

Long term IP strength > Short term fuck all your IP's into oblivion to later fuck you in the ass.

You probably think fun is an artificial quality of video games.
Such edgelords.

He's not wrong.

Shareholders don't give a shit.

Iwata Asks went from a really interesting idea to a fucking terrible one because it happened right at the time when the quality of Nintendo games was at its lowest, exposing all the hackery and retardation behind the development of abortions of games like Other M and Sticker Star.

>You WILL understand.

Based Kimishima. Literally /ourguy/.

>crying over someone you didn't know personally
I mean it's not a happy occasion by any means, but seriously crying? Just say "how sad" and move on.

I appreciate that he does good work behind the scenes as the business man he is, understanding that he makes a poor "face" for company, leaving that to Miyamoto and co. It's nice that even as a business man he hasn't jumped into the microtransactions bandwagon that plagues Western AAA, preferring to keep it to mobile like it should always be.

It explained how those things happened. Also just because you aren't happy with them, doesn't mean it's bad.

I mean people keep whining about Nintendo rehashing stuff, so Sticker Star was made. You're just butthurt because it's the rehash you wanted.

>Sticker Star was turned into what it is so as not to be a rehash
>the new, shitty style of game is immediately rehashed into Color Splash

Iwata had more soul and personality and made things livelier in the directs and all that, but kimishima seems to be getting the job done pretty well, nintendo has pulled through this year.

I really can't tell you about him as a person cause we pretty much know nothing about him since he's never really done any public statements (aside from the switch reveal i think?) but based on how the company's doing I'd say he's a better CEO than Iwata


>Kimishima is married and has two daughters; one lives in New York City and the other in Japan. Kimishima enjoys outdoor summer activities, his favorite of which includes golf and tennis.
Daughters, huh.

lol i remember when neo Sup Forums thought iwata was their best friend

>one lives in New York City and the other in Japan
I wonder which one takes more dicks on the regular.

How many foolish young men has he had to drown for it is the real question

>Japanese resides in New York
Isn't that how Asa Akira's bio goes?

He's following the plans left by Iwata and acting according to Iwata's policies. I don't think you can really compare them, considering that everything being released now was developed under Iwata's leadership.

the absolute state of nu/v/ soyboys

Doing what was set for him well. The real question is how to do things when Iwata's plans are finished.

>Iwata asks
>Kimishima tells

He seems very serious. I like that.