ITT: Characters you couldn't save

ITT: Characters you couldn't save

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rip stage 3 cancer man


What is this from this looks like my fetish


The actual game counts too. It sucked.

She was kinda a bitch no matter which story you were in.


Only the left two

All three of them desu



But he's alive user



I know the dude technically deserves his sentence but goddamn let him live one final life with his friends and girlfriend ;_;


Still the best lord in the franchise to this day.


>Not Sister Fucker

I have no idea what is going on in this image

Myself. T_T

Can he solo his game? Does he start with a horse?


Also Sigurd can't solo his own game because Chadvis stopped his run

He's up there with Seth as the most broken unit in the series. The only reason I'd rank Seth higher is because he's around for the entire game, though if you aren't playing FE4 Ch6 as a "turn Celice into Sigurd" training montage you're doing it wrong.


A massive upgrade





What happened to her right nipple?

Delete this.

because it's from a yt video
Of course it's going to be censored.

I cry every night.

Fuck, why did you remind me you shitty bastard.

I-Is this real? Can you prevent it?

Wait what the fuck? Is this from the third game. Nigga you best be fucking with me.

Technically speaking in a manner you could

Should've posted the kid shade and his robot desu

The robot survives though

what game is this?

Boss avenged him good though.

>Remember, when you look in that trunk, that you should have offered me more than 20 percent

the most heartbreaking death in alundra

all of them

anons, I...
it gets much worse

It's real. You turn her soul into a sword

Third game

What is this


They should have allowed us to remarry after her death so we could get Kanna's oppsite gender as a sibling


Sad !

this isn't out
so where is the cg from

Thanks for letting me know. Guess I'll end the series with 2. I'm not watching one of my favorite characters die for 'muh edge' and sweet loots. Fuck this shit.

Fuck this shit, I'm never buying anything made by Falcom ever again

the youtube link was already posted

>I'm not watching one of my favorite characters die for 'muh edge' and sweet loots.

that loot is a plot token needed to beat the final boss and the sword is for Valimar

Great taste. Black Flag was pure kino. I just wished they had given you Bonny as your First mate sooner. The Haitian nigger was a little bitch the entire time "muh assassins."



>tfw you couldn't save any of them

what game is this
it looks interesting

Cold Steel 3


>Best girl gets knocked up by that dipshit Rackham and then gets PTSD from losing the baby in prison
It's not fair, Edward should have just sailed off into the sunset with her



Yeah great and all, I even get why they would do it but out of all the characters from class 7 to kill off they had to pick her.....They could have killed that spear cunt that hardly ever spoke or twin tails shit. I had a feeling ever since I finished 2 that they were going to pull this shit in 3. I had halfed hopped they'd have the balls and kill off the main love interest but oh well.



Yeah, instead he sailed back to England to raise his ungrateful faggot son who would later work for his killers. Only to then get killed by his edgy emo half-breed.


from what remember from reading of spoilers:
Spear guy gets some plot power-up off screen. Something about becoming a Dominion
Twin tail slut is relevant again because her dead dad is not really dead and is assisting the main badguy


I had heard about twin tails dad coming back. Didn't know about the spear guy. I hope Fie, Laura, Machias, Jusius and Emma are still somewhat relevant in some way. Especially Emma/Fie/Jusius since they were my main team in CS1&2.

also they do kill off other characters.

Geroge (who is suddenly evil) mentions that he killed Angelica offscreen
The king and queen are assassinated.
Toval, Oliver, and Laura's dad die to a bomb planted on the airship by George

It still hurts that you didnt even have an option to save her

Never trust a fat fuck....I hope it's all a ruse especially killing Angelica....

Grab the drama CDs the VN is only the the start of the suffering

There was a bug that rendered me unable to save her,i remember pressing the interaction button for like 45 minutes after just giving up and moving on.I kept playing that game for a while but i decided i couldnt play it knowing i left her to die in there,that was like 4 years ago and i still dont finish cave story

I tried my best...

oh jesus christ
i dont think i could handle it
are they in english?

what character

Oh shit just realized it's supposed to be Hornet in OP's pic


>just realized
you out of the loop?

Yeah, there's a translation out there, shouldn't be too hard to find at all.

time to make my fucking night worse i guess


A dead one


Might as well post the entire population of Helman because everyone is going to save either Leazas or the Free Cities first.

who's that?

It's not fair
fuck dude I cried bitch tears

Lucca's Mom



Only a cutscene could possibly kill Sigurd.
