What did Atlus mean by this?

What did Atlus mean by this?

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Loli feets are meant to be on an adult erected penis.

That bully lolis are love and best

me on the left


>Loli feets are meant to be on an adult erected penis.

Listen to this then


Pretty good.

Nice. I hope Watsuki got the same treatment from his daughter before being v&,
the man deserved that much at least

It was a bold choice to include them in a game many normalfags will play.I hope there's a route for them in the eventual re-release of the game

Was the unedited version of this ever saved? The vocaroos are long since dead.

loli once again abusing an innocent man
remember to avoid suspicious girls



To this day I'm still salty we can't Romance Lavenza

We want the [REDACTED] audience


You tell me.



[x] lick tummy

Loli ruined my brain.

source? artist name?

>tfw depressed when they fusion danced and we no longer have tsun eyepatch loli

I should've just stopped playing at that point, the game was unbearably shit afterwards anyway.


The idea of someone being strung along by his daughter to partake in sexual activity while under the persistent impression that they were intending to play Monopoly is funny, and some phrases relating to Monopoly being relevant as well to the legality of the situation at hand can be highly amusing, but the man's consistent and senseless insistence that what he was experiencing was unpleasant, though he continues to participate, struck me as a petulant attempt at maintaining a moral high ground despite the humorous intent of the video, detracting greatly from its value.

Dude just enjoy loli cunny.

Twin loli belly sandwich onahole!

I can do that.


You mean enhanced it.

I love little girls so much now its all I have on my mind.

Don't worry, you get used to it eventually.

Come on user. Don't be one of those fags that let their sexual desires define them. That's what furries are and you don't wanna be a furry.

It's ____ time

I understand how difficult it is to deal with that, and I'm sorry you have to suffer through it. Being in a constantly longing state of mind can really fuck with you. I hope that you can find a balance in your life between your undying affection for the loli and regular goings-on so you can return to a semblance of healthy living.


Double loli blowjobs!


>Used to hate loli
>Had a wet dream where I got loli dommed
I now understand. I have seen the light

He's just going through the initiation phase relax. It's not even the worst stage of lolicon.


Blowjobs and rimjobs



Giving or receiving?
I want to give.

user, don't be a pleb. Receiving is superior because it means that little girl really loves you that much
Or maybe she's just a degenerate

I just want to lick Caroline's butthole.

>I liked girls between the ages of upper elementary school students to about the second year of junior high.
a true patrician

Can you romance them?

If by romance you mean they rape your asshole in your second playthrough then yes.

This. Afterwards you can claim their cornhole for your own, but up until they make the first move, it would just be predatory and improper to claim the anus for yourself.

Personally I like JS of all ages and JC1-2 but that is some fine taste too.

Later stages get weird. I'm more into fashion lolis then lewd lolis right now



>tfw want to save that because I like the art but the FBI is already keeping tabs

Why did Sup Forums have to make me a lolicon?

Theymeant that you need characters like this

I'm so fucked up

They don't

His game always so fast so fine

Sweet jesus

>thinking the FBI will care about weebs jacking off to lolis when they have bigger fish to fry

Don't worry user, you're already on the list.

Sup Forums didn't do shit. They just made you realise how sexy loli could be.

You can't really become a lolicon, user

Brace yourselves, unlimited subway works incoming

Last time we got the Jarredccelerator spam, the based jannies were on our side
All we need to do is keep the lolis vidya related

That's the wrong kind of thicc for loli.
This is the right kind of thicc for loli
Personally I like the more delicate type

>those Futa animations

>tfw when I realize just how deep I am into depravity
I just kept moving on when something started to get stale.

>Futa animations
Where would you find these animations

>you will never be her strapping young swimmer
Who do I have to kill to incarnate into the RIGHT universe?

>tfw so depraved that i now get off to vanilla


I'm not following.


>not getting off to the other people in the world getting of to vanilla RIGHT NOW


>fashion lolis
The best. I always buy a cute gothic dress for my imouto, my parents think it's a bit out of vogue but she loves it.

Yourpet goldfish

those bigger fish to fry are literally their own business ventures. what better way to inflate your own budget with something as incredibly easy as chasing weebs?


You've killed me. You are the reason I am going to die tonight.

hey atleast its still females, wait till you get to our stage

What else do you do with your imouto?

>when you realize that the "vanilla/holding hands is the most depraved" meme isn't ironic.

A literal god




I sleep.

>hey atleast its still females

>our stage
Forgot your 9S pic user? Desu he'd make a cute bff

into the depths of hell i go

Magic Kingdom.

Aside from the comically huge penises, what's the problem?


I just get off to fantasizing about being a elegant loli in a hand holding yuri relationship with another fashion loli and we just get each other fancy homemade cookies that we're too embarrassed to admit we made for each other

i doubt going after weebs will add much to their pockets

thigh too thick


Don't even think about having sex with a loli. They are dangerous predators who prey on grown men and need to be contained. Don't believe their promises of beer and music. If you see a loli, run away.

I just take care of her every now and then when my parents go on a trip. She's a very cute and nice girl but very strong willed too, I'm kinda sad I won't be there for her at all times but my parents aren't bad by any stretch of the imagination.
>who is the best capcom loli and why is she pic related