>tfw only 28 and years of PC gaming at a desk has given me pain in my neck and legs
Tfw only 28 and years of PC gaming at a desk has given me pain in my neck and legs
Cool blog post user! Do you want me to respond with a similar anecdote or say something to relate to your situation? Would that make you feel happy?
How about stfu?
So much for master race.
Console wins again.
>tfw only 28 and already lost interest in everything
kys asap op fuckin homo faggot
You are just not healthy
>tfw only 28 and PC gaming made me impotent.
This but unironically.
Not like I was gonna have kids anyways though
1 push-up
1 squad
1 crunch
For every Death you have after every game of dota, that's more than enough to keep you healthy enough to play vidya until you find something better to do with your time.
What are squad and crunch
how long do you play without moving/pausing?
Hahaha this!!
Get an adjustable, ergonomic chair, adjust it properly and sit in the correct position.
chocolate bars I think
A good chiro lad will easily fix you up
It depends feom person to person. Some can sit utterly shit for years without problems, others have straight up problems even with correct posture
I sit like a fucking dog in my chair but never had problems
grow up, seriously
You mean 1 set to failure.
Also crunches are worthless, replace with raised legs chin-ups, together with the push-ups it's gonna work your core plenty.
I'll give you some tips, retract your head push your chin in a couple of times while you're playing. Also you're probably sitting on your ischiadic nerve, causing pain in the legs, get up and move dem legs every 30 minutes or so, adjust your position as well.
Lastly, long sittings can cause heart attacks.
thanks doc
Sort your life out.
do some pull ups. Best exercise there is.
>tfw sit on $1000 steelcase chair at work
>still have lower back pain
What do
i tried to do one and hurt myself
>tfw only 29 and no aches or pains whatsoever
>tfw metabolism slowed to a crawl
Is it properly adjusted to provide comfortable lumbar support? Do you have proper leg posture and/or leg support?
There's no credible peer reviewed scientific or medical evidence that "gaming chairs" are anything more than a con. Put "gaming" in front of anything and people will buy it. They'll have "gaming toilets" next.
>his toilet doesn't have LEDs
Get a load of this fucking pleb
Should have got one of those pc gaymen chairs you like to complain about.
Comfy as fuck bro. My back and neck are chillin'
I think the lumbar is adjusted properly. I try to keep my back straight and feet flat on the floor but it's hard to resist the urge to lean back. In recliners I can lean back without issue, not sure why it hurts my back to lean in an office chair.
Just work out more and build up lower back strength