>The Nintendo Bonus isn't rea-
The Nintendo Bonus isn't rea-
Well of course you lose points when playing it gives you a fucking migraine.
VR is objectively better.
>Even game 'journalists' aren't falling for the VR meme
I've had a brain aneurysm before and almost died. I feel like playing vr would end up killing me.
>Person 1 reviews a game on Platform A
>Person 2 reviews the same game on Platform B
For a handheld game it is pretty good.
It got lower scores, though. So it's actually ~objectively~ worse, if you want to bring ~objectively~ into this, autist.
That's skyrim vr you dumb faggot
Still not a fair comparison when the Switch doesn't feature VR.
PS4 Special Edition has a score of 81, XB1 Special Edition has a score of 82, and every other version of Skyrim is higher than the Switch version excluding the PC Special Edition.
Also, if you're going to bring objectivity, remember that Skyrim VR factually has a lower general score than the Switch version.
The reviewer wasn't objective because he's being paid by Nintendo.
shut up
Switch doesn't have any of the superior alternatives PC and PS4 does so of course it'll look better in context.
Nintendo bonus doesn't exis-
>Thinking graphics means everything.
This is the state of butthurt sonygers.
If anything the Nintendo tax is real, so the actual score ten points higher and Skyrim should be a 94 and Doom a 9.5.
Wait is the entirety of Skyrim on VR now? Where have I been?
My only experience with VR has been Oculus and it was actually a shit load of fun.
It's only for PSVR but they promised a PC version.
>The reviewer wasn't objective
If you are seriously trying to argue by citing MC scores, then neither are you, you fool.
Gave me a hearty chuckle. Your (You) good sir
But the controls for Skyrim VR have been universally panned.
>It's Nintendo fault that VR make people throw up
How is Scrimbim on Switch? Worth it at half price?
Normalfags like portable versions of shit they can take aboard public transportation when they do normalfag things. News at 11.