Did you buy any vidya this Black Friday?
Did you buy any vidya this Black Friday?
inb4 autistic underage spics circlejerking
hell no, there were no good deals, not even on amazon
Im waiting for cyber monday
Canada Black Friday is shit, I'll wait till Boxing Day
Mario wahoodyssey
The switch arrives in 2 weeks
>black friday
si te refieres a la vil estafa del buen fin, no, ni loco compraria algo en esos dias
Not really.
We had some good deal here in Brazil but nothing really tickled my fancy. I also wanted a new PC because my notebook doesn't even work properly anymore, even playing TF2 on it is a struggle.
Callate el hocico, pendejo de mierda.
128gb microsd card for my shitch and thats it. Amazons """""deals""""" fucking sucked
Amazon Mexico and several store had black friday deals
I'm still looking through Steam's sale.
Maybe i'll get the latest Deus Ex, but i'm not really interested in the whole robot apartheid thing. Is there more to the plot to it?
31 years old ehre, stay angry 18 year old faggot
Got me a Casio and some books and a power bank in buen fin/black friday
>amazon mexico
cierto, olvide checarme ahi
casi siempre solo visito y compro en amazon de estados unidos, el de mexico siempre que busco algo o lo tienen a precios ridiculamente altos o no lo tienen en stock
Daily reminder to report spic threads, go to your spic chan to discuss with other beaners
>el de mexico siempre que busco algo o lo tienen a precios ridiculamente altos o no lo tienen en stock
Al contrario, tienen buenas cosas ahí, al menos vidya related
fightan stick
evh amp
bought wow again for the boost and a faction change
wow books
a cute cat that steals money
feels good man
Ya valiste pura verga pinche morro.
fuck dude I wanted one of those cats, give it back, baka
murrilard pls
>only burgers hate beaners
You smelly subhuman...
Estupido posteador de ranas
no mames, la ultima vez que cheque tenian figmas y nendos arriba de 3000 pesos cuando en amazon usa no superan los 1600-1800 ya con envio
en fin, volvere a probar mi suerte con algunas cosas en amazon mexico
It was $100 dude, are you some poor imbecile from df? get the fuck out of my board.
I bought LISA and Crypt of the Necrodancer. Just started LISA did I make a mistake picking Pain difficulty?
Tu tambien por pendejo.
Pues nunca he visto esas figuras a ese precio
Pero si hay buenas ofertas en Amazon Mexico
Pretty sure they were out of stock, you goober.
Now give it back
t. le 56% face murrimutt
Ya es hora?
Figmas and nendos in amazon wtf is wrong with you.
Did the buyfag thread teach you nothing, silly Sup Forumsposter?
No escaparas tu destruccion, adorador del diablo
Seras destruido con todos ellos por oponerse a Dios
Bola de pendejos
bought Uncharted lost legacy for 20 bucks on psn
come and get it.
Fuck off, faggot.
a new screen protector for my phone
also day of infamy but i'm getting a refund
This year was disappointing, nothing they offered was tempting.
Y-You mutt don't fuck with me!!!
>sucking the cock of those shitposters
negro please, ni idiota voy a importar figuras desde japon a mexico, me comeria vivo la aduana con los impuestos
Total War Attila and a bunch of Ass Creed stuff.
got a PS4 headset for free due to store credit and some xbox 360 games like skate 3 being like $11 a pop.
Pidelas por EMS/correo regular, ellos pagan los impuestos. Si eres wey y usas dhl o fedex entonces valiste madre.
yeah I got all of this
a mi me da miedo amiami, a pesar de que muchos hablen bien del sitio aqui en Sup Forums, conozco un par de personas irl que tuvieron problemas con la aduana precisamente al comprar en amiami
Pollo pollo kh and yakuza get a thumbs up from me.
Hacksaw is pretty good...
...then the battle comes
bought ori and blind forest. Sucks. Getting refund on steam.
>pedi en amazon la figura de Dukemon
>nunca llegó
Es la primera vez que me falla una entrega, ya me da miedo volver a pedir algo y tirar mi dinero a la basura
Solicita un reembolso
Always ALWAYS go for sold by and fulfilled by Amazon!
baka baaaka~
amazon tiene sistema de reenbolso, no?
un hilo, y no tengo cheve pero si voy chance y lo borran.
Cool games but you are probably a huge tool.
>Always ALWAYS go for sold by and fulfilled by Amazon!
except when the product tells you "this item does not shit to your city" right before you pay for it
>Cool games but you are probably a huge tool.
how so?
Dumb avatarposting spic erper
>tfw en mi ciudad hay una tiendita local de vidya que te consigue figuras y otras pendejadas de buyfag
And they are originals, or just fake shit?
Ah, merican Amazon?
Please don't tell me you went for some chinese seller.
How rude.
I'm not erotic at all.
I don't picture the same guy playing puyo puyo or yakuza as someone that actually buys movies on 2016+1
en mi ciudad había un wey que hacía eso y le pedí una figura y hasta le di el dinero pero por meses se me desaparecía y no me respondía. Iba a su puesto muchas veces pero siempre lo encontraba cerrado hasta que un día di con el y me regresó la mitad, cuando fui de nuevo por la otra mitad se había cambiado a otra parte. Ojalá le vuelvan a entrar a robar cartas yugi, pendejo se merece eso y peor
what's wrong about buying movies?
Are you stupid? Why didnt you got the figure online on mandarake or amiami? Are you an indio pata rajada? It looks like it, by the way you speak spanish on an english chan
Rudeness is not allowed itt.
Who is this guy and why do people use different pictures of him on here?
originales mijo no sea pendejo
no pos ta cabrón we
only got mankind divided.
he was a spic comedian back in the late 90s-early 00s, he was pretty popular with the lower classes in mexico, thats why many retards like him. He is the larry the cable guy of mexico, and its fans are the rednecks of mexico
What's ok about buying movies?
What kind of retard would buy "original" figures in mexico when amiami, hlj, hobby1999 and mandarake exist?
But why do people put his pictures on Sup Forums?
Hes closer to a Louis CK. Brainlets liked him thinking they were smart because they get all teh fuhnny jokes or rick and morty for that matter.
Poor people get triggered when other people use their disposable income on original movies, because they can only afford to torrent them or even worse, buying them for $5 pesos
not everyone (specially in this third world country) will have good internet speed/signal to just tune in to netflix
>he doesnt know about the taxes for international imports
>he does know about the menace of the SAT and Hacienda
Ignorance is bliss I guess
>Hes closer to a Louis CK
No way, only low class scum liked him, everyone not poor enough would not bother with mexican television when you could watch Saturday Night Live every week on Sky
I bought the battle costume pack for street fighter V
Just for the lulz
Maybe he wants to support the artist, specially someone like Mel Gibson who deserves it?
Por que me gustan las cosas originales we, por eso. Cual es el puto problema.
>mfw friend buys computer software
>for fucking 100 pesos
I really should start s a business selling pirated software
Nope. I did pirate a lot though. I have one proper physical release for the PC coming in the mail though.
>he doesnt know about the taxes for international imports
Oh look, a retard that has never bought anything from Japan...
Hey indio, are you aware Mexico and Japan have a trade agreement that allows for every product from each country to be tax exempted?
I've been a buyfag for almost 10 years and I have never paid any taxes on japanese products
>Ignorance is bliss I guess
You must be happy as fuck
Here in Guadalajara people set up their stands in "Baratillos" and sell hundreds of pirated games and software for like 50 pesos a game
>Worshipping american low tier scum instead
Laffin, so superior and high class, stupid spic that sucks the american dick
Apparently Amazon is doing their video game deals Monday (Sunday evening for people shopping via Alexa)
Bought Cawwa for my brother from Best Buy. May buy it again from Amazon Monday if it goes cheaper and then return Best Buy's copy.
dejalo, es un pobreton que se cree superior por piratear cosas
>supporting millionaires
good goy.
>Por que me gustan las cosas originales we, por eso. Cual es el puto problema.
That you could get the same products online from japan without paying some local spic to get them for you, and no, you dont pay taxes from Japan, like this retarded indio said
>compra cosas originales
que pendejoooo
Si tu eres un pobreton que se cree superior por comprar basura que descartan los gringos y europeos en su lugar pagando impuestos de 15% para mantener a peñejo rico
>80s-early 00s SNL
Oh my god, I bet you went to a public school, didnt you?
I was going to get a PS4 but every place I checked was sold out.
idk, i was a teen back then without SKY and i remember most of the classroom watching him the day before school.
Also the only 2 kids with sky who where also my friends were poor and they only used it to watch south park and porn.
esta madre vivo en us y no sabia que hablaban español en Sup Forums mamon quesestawea
>pobreton por comprar
Private school
Keep sucking the amerian dick, kiddo
>hahaha I love mc donalds even if the rat meat keeps me having gastrointestinal problems
>give me coca cola to keep me diabetic and fat too, americans drink it so it must be good for me
Chinga tu madre chileno pendejo.