Will EA survive this backlash from the gaming community?
Of course they will, you delusional imbecile. Their assets exceed their liabilities by a HUGE margin every year.
Will EA survive this backlash from the gaming community?
Of course they will, you delusional imbecile. Their assets exceed their liabilities by a HUGE margin every year.
>the gaming community
Reddit is not the gaming community. That's why they will do fine. The majority of gamers don't user reddit or know what it is.
handegg and divegrass already padded the fiscal year for them.
Sup Forumseddit is still buying card packs while calling lootboxes a gambling scam.
They have Madden, Fifa, and marketing
They'll be fine
The worst thing that can happen to them is losing the Star Wars license
FIFA players are boycotting now. You were saying?
>Their assets
No, the assets of their incalculably greedy shareholders. Who will leave with their dosh as soon as EA does not poop money anymore, and invest it in some other crime.
EA does not have large operational capital, the people whose money is used want the securests of invenstments and returns, and EA is not doing that right now, even worse, they are under extra close scrutiny right now, which is another bag of worms the people whose names nobody knows will not want.
This might actually be the beginning of the end of EA as we know it. There might be a huge license loss followed by investor migration, leaving the company in shambles.
It would certainly survive, but could change drastically.
The real question is did they learn a lesson from this?
>They have Madden, Fifa
neither of those licenses belong to them, but to organisations much larger and powerful than them, and Fifa is even more cutthroat than EA when it comes to severing its ties with people making them look even worse than they do themselves.
> and marketing
Doing a terrible job right now, so that is hardly an asset.
Weren't they only boycotting the lootboxes and not the game itself?
The FIFA outcry seems to be picking up these past few days too. Losing that license will be a huge hit to their revenue stream.
That is false, EA has inadvertently caused their own death sentence when the inevitable 21 and older restriction on games with predatory lootboxes. More states are already in the talks with classifying it as gambling and you can bet that the U.S government want's to take the billion dollar industry of loot boxes. EA is beyond fucked once only adults can buy their games with their shitty loot boxes and they are taxed up the ass. It's over for them. If you don't see this you are fucking stupid honestly.
>browsing reddit
Without a doubt, yeah. BF2 will still get them in the black. I overheard three dudes at the gym last week talking about how great it looks, and this was at the height of the reddit downvote brigade, and hell, even a friend of mine who is well aware of the mtx bullshit bought the game because of reasons. Places like Sup Forums are a very vocal minority, casuals will still schlop this game up. AAA gaming is too big to fail.
I really fucking wish EA lost their license with the NFL.
You are fucking stupid. Anectdotal evidence isn't evidence. Sales are down 61% in the UK and the playerbase on ps4 is abysmal as fuck and I can only assume it's even lower on PC. This was on mainstream news outlets like CNN, people are sick of MTX in games and sick of EA. Sure people will buy it, but not as much as they would've if it was a good game.
I doubt they'll lose it. FIFA itself is an insanely corrupted organization that makes EA seem like little babies, their reputation cannot get any lower, I doubt they give a fuck.
Why don't they just not make games with loot boxes and instead focus on quality? Whoa, crazy concept.
casuals aka reddit.
reddit will hurt the fuck out of them.
Because andrew wilson created lootboxes with the first Ultimate team game years ago that had a similar system. Once they implemented this they started getting insane profits like 800 million dollars a year just last year or some shit. He wants all games to have these microtransactions and is the sole cause of this bullshit.
>Sure people will buy it, but not as much as they would've if it was a good game.
Did my post say anything different? I never said it would break sales record, just that it'll make more than it cost to develop, especially when they put back in the mtx shit in a few months. Sorry you got triggered your online petition isn't as impactful as you thought.
Microtransactions aren't coming back. That's for damn sure, if they do then they will face backlash again, MTX are already being moved on by governments to be classified as gambling. You can bet the government wants to tax this shit similarly to how they do with gambling.
Once this happens EA is beyond fuck and they will go out of business because the only reason their stock rose was because of Ultimate Team. Once kids and teens can no longer buy the latest soccer game without being 21, it will be over for them.
Somewhat sure, but plenty of redditors will cave and get it down the road. Why do you think the cycle of preordering, getting disappointed, bitching about preordering is so prevalent there?
What did Jill Stein get fucked for?
You're delusional or trolling. Probably both.
>MTX are already being moved on by governments to be classified as gambling
Wrong. Get outside of your bubble on /r/gaming sometime, pal. Governments aren't doing shit, just like they didn't when all of those YouTubers went to court over promoting their CSGO skin websites. Nobody gives a fuck about gaming like you think it does. You'll understand when you're older.
40% of EA's revenue comes from FIFA and the Ultimate Team microtransactions bring in more money than sales of the actual game.
And FIFA players are boycotting the game now.
How does that make Andrew feel?
no clue, as just an observer, I'm somewhat surprised it's actually the players of EA games that are having an effect. I always thought this bullshit was just rando internet losers like me.
>industry has been jewing for years
>normies only notice now when it happened to their ironic geek AAA game
Except they literally said they were gambling and are moving to classify it as such. And the U.S is already moving forward with this line of thinking as well. Once Europe does it, then the U.S. will quickly follow suit and EA will be done for.
You do know that belgium literally said it was gambling right? The highest justice figure already stated this, it's only a matter of time before it's official.
Again, you are retarded.
Look up the statement by the Belgium authorities, or hell the state reps in the U.S. who called Battlefront 2 a "Star wars themed casino"
Give it a year or 2 and lootboxes will be gone completely.
The slippery slope sure is fun huh
It's unreal.
They have a literal perpetual money making machine, owned by the most powerful media company in the world.
And it still wasn't enough for EA.
This level of greed is legendary, near fictional.
who gives a shit about a buch of neckbearded redditors when you are making millions from whales on top of the regular customers lmaooo
I don't beleive this anymore. Reddit gets namedropped on normie tv and radio all the time, it's in the news, and tons of youtube personalities do AMAs and have subreddits. The internet isn't as foreign to people as it was a fe years ago.
People bought and defended the fucking game anyway like the drones they are.
>Reddit posters thinking that their shitty site somehow carries weight across the world
EA will simply turn the lootboxes back on a week or so before the new movie release and everyone will forget this ever happened, the status quo will be maintained. If anything, the time to buy EA stock is now.
Ok now you must be trolling. Actually read the link that I posted.
>but politicians said they'd save us all from the evil video game men!
Kek, you're so delusional, I assume you're underage. Politicians always comment on the hot button issues of the week to save face or look informed. There's no way somebody is going to waste time and manpower investigating le evil EA xD unless they want the actual adults they represent to get them out of office ASAP. Especially considering what they did isn't illegal or corrupt in any way. Is it shitty to build your game from the ground up to make money off of kids and whales? Sure. Is it a national crisis? Fuck no.
Nice reddit spacing, btw.
Moreover they have enough money coming in from their short term assets to pay off their major expenses.
EA ain't going anywhere.
>The worst thing that can happen to them is losing the Star Wars license
Good enough for me
They aren't investigating EA dipshit. They are investigating lootboxes. Politicians and lawmakers don't give a flying fuck about gamers, but they do care about the potential profits they can make by taxing it with laws similar to gambling.
>A report linked by the site acknowledges in its conclusion both the spread of loot boxes in videogames, and the difficulty in regulating them using current laws. As always, online translation is rough, but the report indicates that game operators can be "aggressive" with in-game sales and often target "young people." It also calls for "closer cooperation between governments, software developers, and rating agencies," and says that "with the right rules and consistent enforcement," it should be possible to "protect players from the harmful effects of gambling without compromising" the games themselves."
You are fucking retarded.
>You are fucking retarded
Nice defense, glad you're not just relying on ad hominem and restating "no, they'll fix it! redit said so!" in every reply.
>they are investigating!
Until something actually happens, which it won't on anywhere near the scale you think it will, you're dead wrong. Microtransactions have been just as predatory in mobile games for years, and nothing has been done there. Your little downvotes aren't changing shit, pussy, but at least you're getting a lot of (You)s tonight.
Except this time it has finally got the attention of lawmakers. These old fucks are slow as shit on technology and the realization that these in game mechanics and especially lootboxes can be a form of gambling is icing on a cake.
Candy crush isn't gambling, it's free to play microtransactions, it isn't a lootbox. There is no random chance, generally you are paying to buypass wait time.
Again you are are retarded mongoloid.
>people thought this little spectacle would affect EA enough that they would be in trouble financially
Not even after the disaster that was TOR which caused their stock to plummet could kill them.
Once lootboxes are legally gambling they will be killed.
>th-this time it'll be different!
Just stop, it's embarrassing. Wishful thinking on your part does not constitute an emergency that politicians are going to rally behind. A few will look into it, realize they are up against billion dollar corporations that aren't actually doing anything illegal, and back down. Exactly the result of even shadier shit by CSGO lootcrate websites and YouTubers/streamers.
Good luck in Algebra this year though, hope you finish the second quarter strong.
It is in nowhere near an emergency retard. This has literally never happened before in video games, it's unprecedented and this time lootboxes are done for. Even if nothing happens developers will fear the backlash from the community if they decide to add these in. Lootboxes in CSGO flew under the radar because it was generally only cosmetic, but they run by the same system and will be considered gambling as well. Never underestimate the greed of governments who want a slice of the pie.
Again you are retarded.
Holy fuck this guy really needs to kill himself
No you need to kill yourself. Or better yet you existing is probably worse than ending your life. You are garbage.
I wasn't even the guy you were typing to. You do need to die though. Your ideas are dangerous.
Reddit IS the gaming community for the most part. If you play games, you go on Reddit.
That's why they have such a voice, such an impact. Sup Forums's just mad because the last thing they did of any worth was predict SWTOR's demise, and even then SWTOR didn't need any help doing that.
Lootboxes need to go no matter the cost. The only thing government intervention can hurt is western games which are shit anyway. Let it all burn but specifically once lootboxes are considered gambling by law I can't wait to see EA and other studios who rely on it go down.
Sorry shill but this aint going any other way.
Quality takes effort for profit.
Easier to expand markets out to retards than it is to expand them up.
Granted that's horrid long term business practice that causes a massive crash when market inevitably hits saturation point, but that's nowhere near now and the investors who control the company will bail before then anyways.
EA is going to fucking die from this, I can feel it
Have we started the fire?
No, reddit started it. Sup Forums is the cummugin in this one.
Who cares who did, we have to finish it. Fuck EA at this point, and fuck western games. It's time to crash this industry....