Webm thread

webm thread
let's post some oc

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so much for that

>playing Andromeda


It's nowhere near as bad as people made it out to be.
That said, it's not very good either.

It's a garbage fire of a game, don't defend it.


I wouldn't recommend anyone to buy it but I had fun with the combat.

why do you have the carrier hook on the nose and pointed the wrong way

huh what game

That's a fuel intake

Really? I coudl tolerate ME3's story going bonkers after Tuchanka because the gameplay was good
I dropped Andromeda on the first planet, it's just so goddamn boring

Homeworld Remaster with the warlords mod

whats this called?


I'm strictly talking about the combat, anything else isn't worth talking about for MEA.

Are there any good free video editors? Lightworks is the best ive found so far but it locks 90% of its export options behind a paywall so fuck that.
I'm only making super short shit so i need to be able to delete everything but a few frames and openshot/vdsc dont allow that at all.

Davinci resolve is the best free one you can get

So am I

Just pirate sony vegas
As an alternative I've heard windows movie maker is ok but I don't know if it allows frame editing

thanks user

Well, I liked Andromeda's combat way more than 3's. Felt more fluid and as a Biotic I actually felt powerful.

Most professional editors don't support common filetypes that are common in downloaded videos. I tried. If I have to do anything but make webms I usually use Virtualdub or AviSynth. Not sure if those are as powerful as you need though. AVIDemux also works for some things.




Bloaty but I'll try it.
I dont want to get computer AIDS for something I'll use for 3 minutes a month user.
I thought that was a 3d modeling/animation thing?



>I thought that was a 3d modeling/animation thing?
it is, you render things into video files so its not that big of a step to an NLE, just interface, which it has:

It's actually Halo. Not sure how you could possibly confuse the two


>that nose
cool tranny

its clearly modded you fuck ass







after the first ten seconds I was expecting a "we brake for nobody" sticker




i fucking love destroying space arabs and jews with my space ninja mecha wizard thing



>getting into a gunfight with only two shots in your gun
Your fault.

It's a nice relaxing game, since I play alot of overtuned korean games.
Just kick back and murder a few waves of mindless enemies.

the lore is pretty good too

What game?!

I feel like they're over-emphasizing the potatoes for fighting, but the story bits are still great.


VRChat, it's free

this guy has some videos






these webms suck...


my life fucking sucks let me enjoy some vidya webms for fuck sake


What kinda webm do you want to see?


that actually looks fun, too bad no VR.




non-sucky ones

no wonder your life sucks if you enjoy these webms... they suck...



Your not getting any webms with that attitude.


Holy shit, that is juicy.

Kawaii des

wouldnt want your trash suck webms anyway.

Post a good one then and we can go from there.

nah... not gonna waste my webms on this sucky thread



really bad bait dude

It's in your hands. I can't do more than this.

c u c



What game is this? Looks neat.

hasnt everyone seen all of these by now



>Squids are quick to recognize lewdness.

That's not blood borne what game is it? Looks like Cabal 2