How did this game manage to revive itself from death?

how did this game manage to revive itself from death?

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It's actually pretty fun to play with all the different operators and the prep phases. Ubisoft suck suck a fat dick though

DLC done right basically.

Sales and free weekends. no one wanted to pay 60$ for the base game

It's satisfying as fuck to play with a full team.

it's fun

A combo of surprisingly good post launch development, free weekends and sales out the ass, being a fairly unique game, and some luck.


when did it die?

It appears to be popular on youtube. It has a niche.

Ubisoft supporting it and the people who were calling it a generic FPS at launch actually played the game

I thought this video made some good points

It's fun

The devs cared enough to listen to the community feedback.

>The devs cared enough to listen to the community feedback.
you mean listen to reddit

DLC is literally what's killing it now though.

Because they sold out to the Jewish Defense Forces

You mean DLC is what is keeping it alive. Even the fact the DLC Ops can be acquired through playtime instead of money is great by itself.

Sadly Ubifuck is actually removing content because of consoles.

Bought the game on PS4 on launch, it's quite fun, but eventually got bored of it.
I bought it on steam during sales and started playing it at the end of operation health.
I focus on it's gadgets play instead of shooting part, it's much more fun that way.

They removed maps because of pro league. I think he was talking about the new DLC ops being OP and broken. Ela, Zofia and Dokkaebi are all shit.

its like the only game out there with widespread brand recognition that isn't bending over backwards to appease casuals. So word of mouth of got out

I haven't played this shit in a few months.
Booting it up now.

What am I in for?

it was never dead though

Not much of a difference. New season and new ops come out on the 5th of december.

The character bios are shit but gameplay wise they're bretty gud.

There's literally no other shooting game out there right now other than Siege and PUBG that gives you an exciting feeling anymore.

Ela is blatantly OP. Her gun has way too many bullets.

Zofia is stupid. She gets 2 Ash charges, 2 stuns and the ability to self revive (the only attacker that can do this and the only reason behind it is because STRONK FEMALE).

I honestly don't know because Ubisoft are the least likely company to not only strike gold but not fuck it up and turn it to shit.

I think the DLC model is great, the characters at least feel unique, the starter edition (while cucked beyond belief) was a great move to hook players in.

I've hit my 1000th hour, I've hit Diamond, I love this game

Here’s a serious question; Is it weird that I’ve slowly fallen I love with IQ? Ass aside, she always seemed spunky and cute for a character that’s barely a character.

That said, for all this games popularity, I’m pissed that there hasn’t been any new Spec Ops vids like they did for the OG’s. I’d expect maybe some fan made stuff at least but no, there’s only Anthony pit memes to watch.

Because Zofia is REALLY TOUGH
Enough to revive herself AND the entire game
Her toughness transcends the 4th wall

>mfw I Fuze an enemy to force him to run into my teammates arms
>mfw I Twitch drone someone to insanity when my teammate rushes in
>mfw enemy doesn’t notice my Valk cams and I can give my team perfect intel about what enemy is doing, rendering a flank attempt into certain death

It’s so unbelievably satisfying when all the pieces of a plan come together.

Right before Season 3 and about half-way through the health update I believe were it's lowest points. The first because they were still using the shittiest anti-cheat around and nearly everyone was hacking in the game, and the second time because they were fucking more shit up than they were fixing.

Somehow even worse servers and more call of duty meta.

My favorite is when a cheeky defender plans to do an outside flank and jumps straight into a claymore. Can’t get denied harder than that.

People is happy with games that have lots of retard characters, lots of retard gadgets and lack of customization.
Dont believe me? Look at all this MOBA trash movement, R6 and Overwatch is a new perspective of the fps games from MOBA trash point of view (hero with powers/gadgets and a totally lack of possibilities that the player create his own character with his own powers/gadgets from various options)

i play exclusively single player
i am scared of online and have no mic

cool story bro

siege isn't perfect and ubisoft has fucked up immensely, but it's such a solid framework that is replayable. an amazing community tho keeping it alive.