TBC green-ish logo = expansion was good

>TBC green-ish logo = expansion was good
>WotLK blue-ish logo = expansion was great
>Cata red-ish logo = expansion was shit
>Mists green-ish logo = expansion was good
>WoD red-ish logo = expanion was shit
>Legion green-ish logo = expansion was good
>BfA blue-ish logo

Are you ready for another great expansion?

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I want wotlkucks to leave

>Playing WoW in 2017+
When will soyboys stop posting on Sup Forums.

>TBC green-ish logo = expansion was shit
>WotLK blue-ish logo = expansion was shit
>Cata red-ish logo = expansion was shit
>Mists green-ish logo = expansion was shit
>WoD red-ish logo = expanion was shit
>Legion green-ish logo = expansion was shit
>BfA blue-ish logo
>Are you ready for another shit expansion?

>wotlk good
>pandafag xpack good
>legion good
c'mon dawg

It's funny because during WOTLK, it was widely criticized for being too easy, and the start of the dumbed down, casual game it is now. People who played during WOTLK were often referred to as "WOTLK babies" but now its considered good?

The only good expacs were TBC and cataclsym. Wrath babies are to blame for all of wows problems. This was scientifically proven in cataclysm.

Nah fuck you WoTLK was great and Legion is pretty great as well. Typical rule of thumb will always apply post WoTLK, Every other expansion is great.

name one memorable dungeon in WOTLK


1. TBC
2. Cataclysm
3. Wrath of the Lich King
4. Mists of Pandaria
6. Warlords of Gaynor

9001. Lelgion

Artifact weapons, class orderhalls and No flying on the most annoying zone since Vanilla EPL was a mistake.

t. Assblasted Warrior stuck with Vykrul memes

Wrath was fine, was one the expansions where they bothered to make classes feel good to play. That being said I miss old Lava Burst.



>anything after wotlk
>bonus: wotlk being any better than just good
Get the fuck out of here

You should kill yourself as soon as possible

>being a warrior and hating on vrykuls

Do you go to church and scream that you're an atheist?

That's what Pandafags say about MoP and the deletion of the talent system.

>Cataclysm above anything
>expansion where talent trees were removed, LFR was introduced, half the abilities were purged, flying in nu azeroth killed what little world pvp was left

Dire Maul

>expansion where talent trees were removed
the fuck are you talking about retard

good things in wrath:
that troll warlord and his questline

everything else was shit. ICC was shit. DK's were shit. Class changes were shit. Every fucking thing in the expac was total garbage outside ulduar.

So can you play without expansions?
Like if I just installed wow and went to play it, would I not be able to connect?

The retcon of Northrend ultimately made me hate WOTLK.

Classes did have good identity, you're right. But Wrath was the first time they removed a lot of progression elements that were critical to the game in the past. Such as dungeon keying, raid tier progression (i.e. having to start at tier 1 and clear it before you could move onto tier 2, etc), and making class resources less important (i.e. ret paladins had a mana bar but it literally served no purpose since you were always at 100% mana anyway), and many people at the time felt like it had made the game a lot easier and casual as a result.

These anons get it. Cata was a great expansion that got spoiled in the end by casuals whining about the difficulty. At launch it was absolutely fucking GOAT

Thechnically, he’s right as that was part of the pre MoP patch. But I’d still count it as part of pandaland.

Expansion trees were simplified in Cata and removed in Mists, you fucktard

cata was good because it proved everyone was a turbo casual shitter spoiled by lich king titty suckling

The current WoW base game includes all the expansions apart from Legion, so you would be able to play to level 100.

The first three heroics of the Icecrown patch were shit. ICC itself was really fucking cool.
>industrializing necromancy

>Legion is pretty great as well
Legion is a complete fucking mess. Number inflation that would make Zimbabwe jealous. Argus is the worse thing ever made. Suramar was pretty good, since then it's all be down hill.
No one wants to do mythic raids, just log on do their daily qu... world quests like it's a face book game hope the RNG will give them an upgrade and collect more billions and billions of AP. Then sit in Dalaran or log off.

Archaeology hunting in Cata was good for a few dozen mindless hours of Netflix.
best expansion definitely

>not liking Vrykul

you probably don't even have a beard you fag

>more bland than Naxxramas

You mean the rehashed vanilla raid?

>legion was good

>WotLK was great
Atleast try to hide the fact that you're a massive wrathbabby

Lol op believes cataclysm was bad, eat shit

that's the one
at least it had unique interiors

i bet the battle for azeroth logo turns more purple as n'zoth becomes the primary antagonist

cata didn't remove trees you fucking mong. it trimmed them down which ultimately achieved nothing because previous system had very little variability in class choices/talents, it just gave you the illusion of having choices. any good player identified superior choices immediately.

Wrong. Every dungeon in wotlk was garbage.

Cataclysm had wonderful content all around except the very final fight in which you stabbed a dragons toesies.

Artifacts were horrible for basically everyone, I want my fucking Intellect Fist and Intellect off-hand for my MW Monk, FUCK Staffs.

>remove half the talents in cataclysm
>hurr talent trees weren't removed

>people actually praising Cata ITT
Warms my heart. Vashj'ir and Deepholm are the coolest zones ever made, and the initial set of dungeons were the peak of 5-man content in WoW

Finally, someone else who calls bullshit on Icecrown.

I fucking hated Icecrown. Bosses? Not so bad. The actual design of the place...What the fuck. It was the first raid that had like 0 doodads in it. Like they just carved out the hallways and said fuck it that's good enough. I know undead don't need tables and chairs and shit but it didn't even look like a tomb or like it was laid out for war. It was just a dungeon with a bunch of monsters in it.

>moving the goalposts


>cata didn't remove trees you fucking mong. it trimmed them down which ultimately achieved nothing because previous system had very little variability in class choices/talents, it just gave you the illusion of having choices. any good

Nice parroted meme

>removing all the "+1 yard to Fireball range" talents
In what universe?


I will never understand how people can take Kung Fu Panda seriously

Other than ruining about a dozen specs, Cata was okay until it was aborted halfway through.

daily reminder that wow classic is never going to happen.

daily reminder that kelthuzad is still out there and is going to be the final boss of wow

If you actually played it you would understand why it was literally the pinnacle of WoW

>hating best expansion

t. Didn't play pre cata

You got a nigga praising dragon soul in here too, reddit has really taken ovet

>Just wanted a cool class orderhall about being a front line soldier or maybe the fury stance quest style fight club
>Stuck wit hthe Vrykuks.
>Stuck with Odin - Lord of retcons
>Stuck being the shortest person in the entire hall but somehow Odin's grand general.

Why would it be so hard to just make me some frontline grunt? I don't play warrior because I want to be a special snowflake. I liked being mundane.


While some did not like the setting, in terms of content it was pretty good. At least panda land felt like a land, as opposed to the cramped tiny island that legion has.

Can't wait for classic to hit.

Can't wait to see Ion Hazzikotas get BTFO by a bunch of interns emulating at 11 year old version of the game in term of player activity, unless he gets morheim to pull the plug prematurely.

BFA has potential for a good foundation, but of course they're squandering it by focusing on more diablo 3 shit.

t. retard who fell off the back of the dragon.

>implying I won't play on both

I was in a top 100 guild in TBC and the old talent trees fucking blew dick. Dumping your points into +1 yard range or +1% damage felt incredibly uninspiring and it was so transparent that each build revolved around ~5 specific talents which were often 1 point each.

>seriously wanting Buttfuck Azeroth
It's going to be an abortion. Only Classic is worth playing.

we never did any such thing
>how do you know it was his if we did
>how do you know he only had one

man can you imagine the classic atmosphere coming back, rain, nights, cant wait

>"if a game isn't difficult its IMPOSSIBLE to be fun"

anyone who complained about "muh difficulty" literally had nigger-tier IQ. plus ulduar/ICC gave far more difficult shit than ever seen.

I was a 4 time bg9 gladiator and enjoyed every offered talent.

You will play both, but this is how its going to go
>Log into BFA to do your daily shit, which takes 20 minutes, maybe your weekly raids on tuesday
>Then the rest of the week you'll be grinding on classic because classic actually takes time

>implying classic won't be a case of go though all the content again, as it was.
>except for the gameplay, that's all modern.

This a million times. I don't know how they gave a pure martial class whose entire identity is just being a regular angry guy with no powers the least grounded class hall. I fucking hate that place. My undead warrior has absolutely no place there. I like vrykul, but the VALOR JAR are fucking retarded and so is this stupid gold glowy valhalla. All I wanted was a barracks full of familiar NPCs. They didn't even do the thing they said they were going to do, where it's full of dead warrior NPCs. There's literally zero familiar faces there besides Eitrigg and he doesn't belong there either.
Every time I play my rogue or hunter or paladin I just get mad about Skyhold all over again.


Rate my spec

Wuxia is the best setting/genre, that is how.

It also helps that the place got the most lovingly crafted zones visually, honestly the biggest stroke against it isn't LOLPANDAS but more SoO and its "plotline" derailing the flavor and not quite going the distance with some of the story elements (Like the Shado-Pan torturing and being a ruthless Thought Police.)

MoP definitely got flaws, but it ended up having unique strengths that easily puts it leagues above Cata, WoD and Legion.

>ywn rp as Enzo and Cass with a gnome and Kul'Tiras human

That was the plan, yeah.
BFA will probably be out long before Classic so I have plenty of time to level up my Zandalari and complete most of the quest/rep shit by then.

>It also helps that the place got the most lovingly crafted zones visually
Counterpoint: WoD leveling zones. All of them besides Shitshowmoon Valley are gorgeous and wonderful and fun and I loved WoD leveling the first time. Hell, I even liked building up my first garrison. Frostfire is the comfiest zone in the entire game, sorry Grizzyly Hills. Pity about absolutely everything else though.

Did we ? I remember that in Naxx(80) we did no such thing and he swore he'd be back and then looted his remains and no Phylactery dropped like he should've during the 60 days.


Pretty much Kel'thuzad is still "alive" somewhere.

please don't include ICC with ulduar. There were people who couldn't beat yogg much less alganon but facerolled icc.

ICC was kusogame.
Also the only good part of pandaria was some of the raids. Every single dungeon was hands down the worst in the series and its absolutely a fact that the same woman has been designing them ever since then. They're all garbage.

The only time he didn't have a contingency plan was when he was counting on Ner'zhul to corrupt Arthas.

Halls of reflection

y did TBC have to start with the linear dungeon shit

Frostfire Ridge is the worst zone ever made, it blows my mind that there is someone out there who likes it.

>WOOOOW it's Everquest for casuals

>Nice loot hallway dungeons and welfare epics, arena and flying kill PvP

>let's introduce a class that's OP at everything, then halfway through the expansion kill server communities with the dungeon finder

>Turning all the overworld shit into solo content, replacing all the old quests with spicy memes, caving in to casuals with LFR and dungeon nerfs

>nice daily quests and jack black pandas fags, also goodbye talent trees

>facebook games, the MMO

>RNG and stat inflation so high it'd make son of dob blush

what'd I miss

The only thing even remotely hard about WotLK dungeons were the bosses, trash mobs died by the tens at least and never should have been labeled as elites.

Heroic sindragosa 25 and LK25 without any memebuffs.

yeah ok pal, we never got LK25 but sindragosa was fuckin awful.

Yeah I sure do miss getting lost in Wailing Caverns and Mauradon

most people do, yeah

That zone is pure cancer, and I play a tank.
Sharding and LFD for dailies ruined what little appeal world content had.

Because casuals still cry about Blackrock Depths to this day. Every time in the history of WoW the devs tried to make something that felt like an adventure rather than a smooth mindless grind the casuals complained, so eventually they stopped.

>No one wants to do mythic raids, just log on do their daily qu... world quests like it's a face book game
That sounds like a choice made by the players, not a design flaw. I mythic raid.

And there's Mythic+, which is pretty fun, and still something you can do on a whim. In fact, it's supposedly more popular than raiding.

People that complain there's nothing to do except dailies have made the choice themselves. And if you choose not to do the content, only the upkeep, then you're pretty much a retard for not just unsubbing.

>muh 5man!!
>I want to bring 3 CC classes again and single target DPS HP sponges that do 0 damage! 50 minute slogs with absolutely 0 challenge is fun! cause it takesa lot of time!


You are weak like baby.
Try fucking sunken temple or black rock depths on launch. The only hard part of maraudon was explaining to retards how to zone in.

mop had about as many dailies as wrath and cata, not sure why it gets labeled the daily expansion

Not the reddit spacing.

>liking the expansion that literally killed everything that made WoW good
reminder that wrath started the following:
>raid gating
>required split raiding for high-end progression
>limited attempts memes
>class homogenization
>bring the player not the class XD
>normal/hardmodes to cater more to bad players
>listening to casuals re: balance

Even if you know exactly what you're doing it still takes roughly 100x more time to do anything in vanilla then it does live.

>Turning all the overworld shit into solo content

They did that in TBC though.

>Thinking Vykrul are bad
>Not being a priest and get stuck baby sitting the shitty Naru who completely ruined the whole lore of the Light

>vanilla is fun cause this brainless, unskilled task takes 5x longer than modern wow

You must think very highly of sweatshop laborers.

>not faking your achievements to get into pug raids and ruin their fucking fun

>uh bluh you mean I have to know where I'm going???
the modern WoW audience, ladies and gentlemen