Who's your favorite Youtube vidya reviewer?

Who's your favorite Youtube vidya reviewer?

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Who the literally who's in good

>i only know GM TK
feels good man



holy fuck OP is a faggot

>true neutral

Either that or chaotic neutral. It sort of comes down to Undertale, doesn't it?

Clemps doesn't belong on there

I dont recognize any of these stupid as fuck logos

Feels fuckin good man

He's a cutie boy though. Massive faggot, but his opinions are on point.

I can understand not knowing every single one except for Matthew Matosis. He is literally /ourguy/.

Youtubers are for soyboy cucks

You mean Joseph, right? Matthew hasn't been /ourguy/ since he called The Last Guardian GOTY.

What makes someone good or evil? How much bias they have? How they focus on mechanics vs. narrative? There doesn't seem to be any reason for the grouping.

I only recognize dunkey, but im glad hes chaotic evil even if i dont understand why hes listed as such.

No, sweetie. Joseph is a numale. Matosis is ourguy now and forever.

>anything but lawful good


Joseph is autistic enough to recognise the objective flaws of video games, whereas Matthew is all about the intended experience.

>Lawful anything
How fucking dumb are you?

I can recognise most
I like Game Maker's Toolkit

Super Bunnyhop has some interesting videos

But who's Neutral Good, Chaotic Good and Lawful Evil?

If he's our guy how come he's vanished without making a video in ages?

Neutral Good is Novacanoo, basically Matthewmatosis, without the humour and Irish accent.
Chaotic Good is Clemps. He's a huge gayfag cakeboy who has pretty fun game reviews. You just gotta have the right mindset to enjoy it.
Lawful Evil is TheGamingBrit, or Charlie. He's really fucking hot. I want to fuck him so bad. Has an unhealthy obsession with DMC and hack 'n' slash in general. Check out his Other M reviews or something.

He's like the only vidya """personality""" who actually tries to be entertaining rather than wank over how cynical he is

All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?

People like to meme but Superbunnyhop actually has autism.

What is the meaning of this OP?



dunk and bunnyhop

Literally our guy!
You sort of need to have either autism or OCD to be a Sup Forums approved reviewer.