The great debate: Prey or Dishonored 2 + Death of the Outsider or should I save my $20?

The great debate: Prey or Dishonored 2 + Death of the Outsider or should I save my $20?

Dishonored 1 didn't excite me much, heard lots of people saying that if you like Deus Ex you'll like Dishonored, but that hasn't been the case for me.

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you could buy a real good meal with that 20

Tell me about the meals I could get for $20 in Brazil

They're uma delicia

If you like Deus Ex you'll like Prey

Why do Spaceman and Assassin man look same?

Same studio

I hate sopa though, no matter the flavor

I know the twist, still worth it? The black goo monsters don't seem that exciting to fight at first glance.

does it have to be one of those two
if you want a game that's somewhat akin to deus ex, alpha protocol is the closest i can recommend

Prey is very solid and satisfactory if you`re a fan of Bioshock and Deus Ex. The exploration and fully connected levels/hubs makes poking around looking for loot and stupid little semi-secret areas a fun time. And even if you know the twist, playing through multiple times seeing how small things change the story and reactions you get can be entertaining in its own right. I have about 70 hours in it so for 20$, seems fair.

If you want maximum overfun, try doing it blind and go for the 'no needles or leveling up allowed' achievement on the hardest difficulty.


Prey is a fucking gem.

Prey has a lot more in common with Deus Ex than Dishonored does. It's an amazing game, honestly a masterpiece.

Prey is basically System Shock 3

If you didn’t like the first Dishonored you won’t like the second. The formula was only improved, not changed.

Prey is a mixed bag. It’s atmospheric, the level design is fantastic and rewards you for exploring and being creative with the gloo cannon. The alien powers are pretty novel and do a good job at making you feel like a god. Unfortunately the gunplay is stale and the enemy variety is meh, and the main story itself is dumb.

I absolutely hated Alpha Protocol when it launched on PC back in the day, bought it day 1, which is very weird because it seems like a game I'd love.

Lots of Prey love, no Dishonored 2 love?

I'm this guy I haven't played 2 but loved the first game, just waiting for it to go on sale. Prey is Arkane's best game ever though.

>Tfw birthday weekend, but stuck alone in my dorm with no one here
>Doesn't matter anyways, because of Thanksgiving no one ever remembers my birthday
>The sales always cheer me up though, but I'm not working right now and can't afford Dishonored 2

Maybe the winter sale

PREY, 50 hours on this. Dishonored was kind of meh, although I went back to it just after Prey cuz I still wanted my immersive sim fix.

$20 for two amazing games!? That's a good deal, OP.

Dishonored 2 has fun powers, great level design, and a really interesting lore. But Emily is horribly written, the plot is pretty much a copy of Dishonored 1’s dlc, and in the end it’s still very much like the first game.

I could get both, but then I wouldn't be able to get Skyrim Remastered on PS4 and, to be fair, I still have to play Dishonored 1, which I own. The problem is that I always stop right after the intro, tried starting that game three times already, but I always get bored.

Really wanted to like Dishonored. I'm leaning towards Prey now, specially with all the love it's getting in this thread. I thought the input lag was horrible on PS4 at launch, judging by the trial, but that it was patched soon after, anyone here has that version? There was also this weird bug in the trial where the electronic combat song would play and never stop, it was mixed really high as well.

Most of the praise I see directed at Dishonored 2 seems to be related to level design, lots of people say it's some of the best level design they've seen in years.

Who is they.
I hated the design. Styx shards of darkness was dripping with good design and dishonoured 2 doesn't hold a flame to it for stealth game play or design.

And that kind of level design made its way into Prey for the most part. As for the input lag they fixed it, but now they made the deadzone so small that you’re prone to drifting if your controller is old

It's on the PS4 Digital Store.

Yeah, I'm feeling like playing some Immersive Sims, even got both Mankind Divided DLCs for $5.

Ever since the game launch I see the vocal fans of D2 saying the level design is incredible, even some of the people that felt the rest of the game was subpar had high praises for the level design. Is D1's level design similar to 2's?

I haven't played 2 but Dishonored 1 at it's best reminded me of the greats like Deus Ex. It got me really excited to play Prey and they totally delivered on the level design front with that game. If D2 is actually even better then I'm stoked.

You wouldn't like Prey if you didn't like Dishonored. The game mechanics are pretty similar except Prey is a fps.

Let's add that the zero-g sections are much better than the ones in Alien Isolation for example, it feels very satisfying and cool, you really have some little neat things to get and discover in space around the station. Last time I had fun with that was in the Dead space trilogy.

This guy made Dishonored 2 look really good...

get one now and the other one in the winter sale

>playing on console
Play it proper with a mouse, and Use on right click, and then you'll have the right experience.

unironically see

>Ever since the game launch I see the vocal fans of D2 saying the level design is incredible
there's two levels that are constantly fellated. the jin dosh mansion because it can "shapeshift" and crack in slab because you can time travel at will between two variations of the level which introduces some very minor puzzle solving. both of the levels are technical marvels but in the end you just wonder if they're not backdoor demos for other games. i thought the highlight of the game was the conservatory because it actually felt like dishonored again rather than a techdemo.

Dishonored 2 is mechanically superior but the writing is horrible.
Haven't played Prey yet, can't comment.

I played Prey and it was pretty boring desu. If Dishonored is as good as the first, it's probably the better option.

I thought prey seemed boring. The enemies looked lame and unsatisfying to fight. Am I retarded? Should I buy it?

you know there's a demo for it

Prey. Dishonored 2 is overrated trash. If you have played Dishonored 1 you will be severely disappointed.

Everything Arkane has made is overrated trash.

Dishonored 2 does have the obligatory handicapped minority woman

Dark Messiah, sure, everything else, no


Oh. Thanks, user!

>shards of darkness
Worse than the first one by miles. Way too easy, and plays like it's made with a budget of 3 dollars. The story is fucking horrible and the levels are so easy to go through because of horrible enemy placements and too many paths to circumvent all challenge. Shit game.