Ahh Kos, or some say Bloodborne threadsm.
Ahh Kos, or some say Bloodborne threadsm
Some say Iosefka but I say Fauxsefka
I've finished my third playthrough hoping that I would get bored of it and move on, but no such luck. How do I scratch my bloodborne itch for good?
>Fought the Moon Presence for the first time today
That was an underwhelming secret final boss fight
You can’t because there are no games that achieve the feeling and atmosphere it had
>secret final boss fight
There's the explanation, secret =/= overwhelming fight, it's the reveal which is supposed to be overwhelming
>Bloodborne is dead and old so barely players
>Dread Souls 3 is cancerous nonstop and anything non-PC gets a shitpost response
Release me from this nightmare
Right around my 4th playthough I got bored of Bloodborne. It was because I was trying to make an arcane build and I got fucking disappointed at how shit it was and just put the game down.
I now only play MOBA genre, God help me escape this hell
On NG+ 6 here
You're in for a longer ride than you would ever imagine.
I downloaded a 107 page document on this fucking game, something about its universe just makes me want to know more.
Paleblood Hunt?
>107 page document
I've played through it probably 12 times and I'm pretty done now. Enjoy it while you can user. Now I have a Bloodborne-shaped void in my soul no other game can fill.
I've played through the game with a str character and then a dex character, how do I go about dabbling in the other stats?
Arcane is pretty fun.
you level them up at the same place (the doll) using the same currency (blood echoes) and then equip the weapons that scale accordingly (what the hell do you think user)
I'm not sure how they work
>big ass weapons
>small precise knives
I think the other souls games have consumable spells but I'm not familiar with those either. do spells use up bullets? how get more bullets?
Being a a great one doesn’t sound all that cool. you’re an ayy lmao and can’t do normal things like eat food probably
Only game I've got over 1000 hrs in. Played it through an insane period in my life and it's irrevocably effected my aesthetic sensibilities since.
This is how Arcane works.
>invest in stat
>equip weapon that benefit from it
>attack things
Truly a bewildering stat system
true, they're probably bored as fuck considering they actually answer people's prayers
They exist in multiple places and times at once, as well as multiple planes of existence at once. The shit they must see and do for fun is probably impossible for beings that only exist at one place, time and plane at all times to understand.
>Friday, Uyj of the 275th Plane, 56th Layer
>Dear diary, today I vibrated my leftmost leg and caused an entire sentient species to go insane and end up blowing up their planet. How quaint.
>Uyj of the 275th Plane, 56th Layer
>Friday of timeline D7, from within the dreams of the joint consciousness of the Urugak species of planet Daruba
>only 6 dimensions in here
>mood of the day: frenzying
>3rd playthrough
>Abandoned Old Workshop
>Looking around the workshop shack
>Notice the Plain Doll in the corner
>The doll fucking turns her head as you walk around the room and taps her fingers
I wonder if there's any /lit/erature that explores the point of view of a grand, multidimensional being.
There might be? I'm not sure it's even possible though, even on those posts it's written as if the being is considering only the evens of one place and time, while I doubt such a being would even know how to think in such terms.
those beings probably don't think in ways that humans could understand, let alone legibly read
there's a reason why lovecraft's characters always went insane upon meeting these things
if you want something really good that kinda delves into the same ideas, check out Zygote by Neill Blomkamp on youtube
Yes, Paleblood Hunt.
fuck me, i don't know why i always reddit space things, i don't even go on that site, it's like taking the equivalent of a breath in between sentences for me idk
what builds made kos difficult?
I got him on the first try with blades of mercy skill build, and I literally did not get any other boss first try except the wet nurse, which was also stupidly easy.
I felt like the difficulty on this game was way off. I don't think I can 1v1 the cainhurst spiders but I'm confident I can do kos first try again (with the same build).
>Arcane build
Let me tell you about the time I dealt 7.2k damage to Amygdala with one attack
Why does everyone hate Oedon?
Difficulty in BB is weird. Once I got LHB no boss posed a challenge except the Orphan. The vast majority of enemies didn't either. Moonlight Greatsword as well.
Yeah those posts don't really do it. Obviously it would all be fabricated by the author, but I imagine there are some authors out there that could make it believable and incredible.
I thought Oedon was one of the more nicer great ones though?
What? Everyone worships him
Thanks for the suggestion, user.
I remember wanting to die the first time I fought him so I could help others and do some stuff before NG+
Stood in front of MP for 35 seconds with both of us at a sliver of health before he decided to kill me.
All the other great ones want to kill his offspring
you absolute patrician
Oedon fucks bad bitchez, he be rollin thru the dough, he be fuckin bad bitchez bad bitchez down lo
he knew and wanted to keep you in perpetual torture, before realizing you'd just pull the plug if he kept you there too long
Can't you just look it up?
So basically this is all because of some fucking ayylmao babby
From what I gathered the only Great One interested in that was the Moon Presence, but then again correct me if I'm wrong
What a douche
this, they're jealous that oedon gets cainhurst panini
The great ones are neither good nor bad. I doubt they even possess a concept of morality, or at least one that we're capable of comprehending. Oedon simply is. He's become more similar to conceptual being or perhaps a semi-omnipresent presence than a physically existent creature. The only thing we can really say he does is "seek blood" and impregnate Arianna, and its difficult to interpret these events as even good or bad from our perspective. He's just kind of...there.
>tfw the ps4 black friday deals means a flood of new bloodborne players who want to be spoonfed (and then argue about) the lore
mommy kosmos best girl
The MP is hostile against Kos/Oedon because they messed with humans.
And I still want to fucking know how the fuck did Kos die.
how fucking overlevelled were you?
>$200 for ps4 + $30 game
is it worth it?
I paid $400 + $60 for it, and yeah, it was worth it
>You can wreck shit with a gigatic wheel.
Godamn I love this game.
Didn't the Hunters and members of the Healing Church kill Kos when she washed up on shore?
Isn't that the whole reason that OoK curses the hunters?
I didn't grind, and I had a lot of trouble with most other bosses.
I think attacking grounded human-shaped and human-sized things are exactly what the blades of mercy are for.
Kos was already dead when she washed up on shore.
Nope, it was a carcass when it washed up. The Church and their hunter retinue massacred the village followers and stole the orphan to experiment on (where the umbilical cord pieces came from.) Because of her eldritch nature, her lasting presence separate from any physical body became the curse.
>she's in a nightmare
your face when
I'm pretty sure what happened was that the fishing village killed Kos, by hunting her in whaling ships or something, we see tons of shipwrecks around the village. That or Kos died naturally somehow. But Kos' death infected the village with parasites, turning them into fish people. Byrgenworth scholars went to the village because willem was searching for a way to get more eyes, and there are references to skulls of villagers having the insides scratched out, implying someone checked for eyes on the inside. Maria and probably gehrman as well went and killed the villagers, and took the orphan's body back to willem, or else they killed it and took it back. But gehrman was almost certainly there as well because he was close to maria, and we see him in the village in the trailer. The church probably didn't even exist at this point, because the orphan was brought to byrgenworth, and maria was an important early figure, and either her or gehrman probably led the first church hunters after everyone left byrgenworth.
Really. It's like fighting some shitty half-assed fusion of Cleric Beast and Blood-Starved Beast with an AYY LMAO reskin
Welcome to hell buddy. Hundreds of hours in the game. Have done about anything and everything there is in the game. I just got done with doing random chalice dungeons for secrets and to post findings a week or so ago, thought i was done. Just started another play-through with Simons bowblade again... Help...
the ludwig boss theme is incredible
>unzips kos parasite
Are you telling me fucking whaling ships were able to kill a Great One?
I call bs in that, no offense.
Do you think she tastes good?
>having enough str and skl to use HMLS
that's not arcane
>gherman fight
>Gherman raising his arms towards the moon
>the choir kicks
I don't know, it explains all of the shipwrecks and how kos died. I suppose it's possible she died naturally, or due to childbirth or something, but there's really no given answer
kos could have been drifting in the ocean as a corpse for centuries without decomposing for all we know
And still doesn't explain how She was able to die while being one of the big three Great Ones.
Oedon is formless.
You become the MP so it doesn't die.
How did Kos die? I legit think it could be important.
>the beast remembers his glorious days as a hunter when seeing his companion, the one that has been on his side all along
>he regains consciousness and stand upright, as he once did as a proud hunter
>the music changes, becomes grand and proud compared to how it was before
I heard the doll is the only NPC in the game that has white blood.
wasn't it fault of the kosm parasite?
>Be a Great One
>Get killed by fucking humans
The parasite is basically a part of Kos so nah.
I'm on my 4th playtrough and trying a Chikage+Bowblade Bloodtinge build for the first time. I'm finished at BL135 and just fucking destroyed Defiled Amy. I'm having a ton of fun and really excited to go deeper into root chalices.
I believe FROM's intention was for the player to beat MP on first try to give the sense of being more powerful than a great one and ascending to one. I beat MP on my second try because Gherman was such a rough fight the first time around.
>finger tapping
I didn't see it, I did see her head move at the beginning though.
still didn't get btfo'd as hard as the moon presence at least
look at the index finger
>There will never be another Bloodborne level game
I mean, a hunter can kill Great One's, at least physically so I don't see how a full group of fisherman can't kill one.
>befriend shithead minigun guy in Old Yarnham
>his buddy downstairs still tries to kill me on sight
okay fuck this fuck the agreement I'm not stopping hunting until all the beasts are extinct
kill me, pete
About to play it for the first time, I don't have dlc though, is that OK?
see: true allant
Fuck, it is so subtle...
So, guys, just what the fuck is going on in the game ? I've beat today this larvae on the moonlake, all the amygdalas has revealed and right now i just feeling like playing xcom2 in the medieval setting, especcialy with all this schizo-hunters.
Yes but I suggest not finishing the game until you buy the DLC or plan to start a new character. The DLC is brutal in NG+. There's still a difficulty spike in NG going to the DLC but the scaling in NG+ makes a big difference.
Did you know eyes on the inside are possible?