Current VR games are to future gaming as games like FFVII and Super Mario 64 were was to modern gaming

Current VR games are to future gaming as games like FFVII and Super Mario 64 were was to modern gaming.

Prove me wrong.

You prove yourself right first, fag.

Time will prove me right.

More like the shitload of Atari and PS1 shovelware
VR is going to be a miracle someday but it doesn't have a "killer app" yet.

>but it doesn't have a "killer app" yet.
What is Skyrim

A 2011 console game?

Yes, but in VR. If you don't see the significance of that, then you need to try VR. This isn't just skyrim on another console on your flat-screen TV. It's a different experience entirely.

Have you actually seen it though? The weird fov thing and the same clunky controls of the ps move are not VR. Lol

How retarded are you..i own the game and have put 18 hours into it so far.

The FoV blinders are entirely optional. The controls are fine. None of that changes anything.

>yes but in VR
Do you know what a killer app is? Nobody is spending 300/600 bucks on a Rift/Vive for Skyrim. All the fucking neat gimmicks in the world won't make it a good game. The closest thing VR has to a major VR-exclusive title right now is probably Robo Recall.

and for the sake of showing my biases,
my Rift is arriving Monday.

>Nobody is spending 300/600 bucks on a Rift/Vive for Skyrim
It's not even playable on those platforms. Also, if the success of the skyrim PSVR bundle is any indication, yes they absolutely will and are.

Not retarded enough to strap a screen to my face and call the ps move VR.

My dude you are clearly retarded beyond measure, and your dumb posts make that painfully obvious. Whatever issues you have with the move controllers, they don't make it somehow "not VR".

The move has been out for years. Putting a screen on your face to play it doesn't make it VR. Especially not on a console that has such low fps you need to make the fov the size of a quarter to play. Sorry dude.

LMAO you just keep digging yourself that stupid hole.

It's VR. You would know that if you tried it. As I said before, the fov blinders are ENTIRELY OPTIONAL. Not that they have any fucking thing to do with frame rate in the first place, but of course what should I expect from a braindead console warrior than a tendency to blow up irrelevant crap in order to make it sound like a big problem.


Get mad all you want user. I'm not the one who fell for the knock off of a gimmick. lol

>the knock off of a gimmick
That's a funny way of spelling "one of the coolest gaming experiences I've ever had." You're not gonna get what you get from VR from any other platform. Your incessant need to find anything and everything to criticize it over says more about your sour grapes than it does about VR.

You stay mad while I immerse myself in Skyrim's world in a way that you never will.

You act like the moveā„¢ is expensive or something. It's just a prank dude. Don't break your cyber dildos.

>he's still mad

>I immerse myself in Skyrim's world
you'd have to be literally underage to think skyrim has a world to be immersed in
this is good memes, keep ranting please

So you never played skyrim before, huh kiddo?


>I'm just gonna keep shitposting since I have nothing worthwhile to say
Go eat your tendies

why would i post my screencaps when you've done nothing but meme for like the past half hour

Games along the lines of SM64 and FFVII were immediately recognizable shifts in how the scale of things you could do with and in a video game were exploding, and neither required any hardware outside of what consumers were used to purchasing at that point.

VR will get there, frog poster, I really believe that. But right now, all VR feels like is a new type of monitor, controllers with imprecise action, and a severe reduction in in-game maneuverability, both in ability to flat out move in in-game space, and the amount of places available to explore. All of this, and you have to buy specialized hardware that runs the risk of being outdated in favor of which may very well be the gateway to a VR experience that is actually worth pursuing full-time.

Time will probably prove us right, but that time is not now. Maybe later.

>all VR feels like is a new type of monitor
Have you even tried it.. It's not like playing on a monitor at all my dude

>and a severe reduction in in-game maneuverability, both in ability to flat out move in in-game space, and the amount of places available to explore.
t. never played skyrim VR

Don't blame VR for lazy devs who want to rip people off. Bethesda has shown that full open world RPGs and their entire content CAN be brought to VR and enjoyed.

If you're going to shill VR at least pick a game that takes advantage of it like Subnautica or Elite Dong.

I understand you really like your Skyrim VR setup, but it did absolutely nothing for me. Skyrim is still not a game I enjoy playing, and losing controller precision made it incredibly frustrating on top of a game I just do not enjoy.

>Bethesda has shown that full open world RPGs and their entire content CAN be brought to VR and enjoyed.
I don't see what you mean here. Morrowind would look like shit in VR, and as far as I know Bethesda has never made another open world RPG.

Current VR games are derivative trash that could be done exactly the same minus one needless gimmick 20 years ago.

Could be done? Try literally already have been done.

Skyrim... except you look with your head instead of your mouse! For fuck's sake.

Skyrim is about as open world as it gets, my dude

Yeah but it's not an RPG.

Nowadays, yes, which is a sad reflection of the current state of gaming.

>but it's not an RPG.
Surely you can't be this stupid

>Skyrim is an RPG
Surely you can't be this underage.

You just proved that it is possible via personal demonstration. Don't be too surprised.

>you share a board with people this fucking stupid

I love RPGs and play them exclusively. Skyrim is one.

Hey now guys, don't bully the kid

You no longer play RPGs exclusively. Nothing wrong with broadening your horizons. Lots of people like Skyrim. You are not alone.

Just because you're a retard with an excessively narrow definition of RPG doesn't mean skyrim is not one.

Yet somehow you aren't a retard with an excessively broad definition of RPG? Cool logic.

There's nothing excessive about it.

So why did you call me a retard if I'm not being excessive?

>excessively narrow definition of RPG
you're the type of faggot to consider CoD an RPG
You've never played an actual one in your short life

>you're the type of faggot to consider CoD an RPG
Uhhh no. See this kind of crap is pure retardation. Skyrim and CoD are not even similar in any measurable way.

Not by your logic.

no matter how you look at it, CoD is a first person shooter. Skyrim is not.

But they're both RPGs, yeah?

Both have about as much RPG mechanics as the other.

No. Skyrim is an rpg, cod is an fps

They're completely different games. CoD is a multiplayer FPS with a single-player mode, skyrim is an open world single-player RPG.

Why are you being exclusive with RPG and FPS? Do you not know how this works? Of course not, because you're still insisting that Skyrim is an RPG, yet somwhow Call of Duty isn't.

CoD is a multiplayer FPS with RPG mechanics
Skyrim is a single player FPS with RPG mechanics

Skyrim vr is exhibit "a" for why vr will never succeed. Enjoy your nausea, shit resolution, wonky controls, and tunnel vision.

>Skyrim is a single player FPS
Oh my god this stupidity hurts my brain. There aren't even fucking guns in skyrim and you can play entirely as a melee character if you wish. End your life.

>needs guns to be an FPS

Get real, kid.

You can play knife exclusively in CoD
You can play bow exclusively in Skyrim
The weapons don't fucking matter retard

Skyrim's combat is completely action oriented its RPG elements are so fucking watered down that they may as well not even be there.

How old are you kid?

>Oh my god this stupidity hurts my brain.

Old enough to convince mommy to buy him the latest Call of Duty. Not old enough to identify video game genres yet. It's not a school night, though, so he's got a lot of free time.

Not even a thing for me because I've gotten used to VR, literally all you have to do is take OTC motion sickness meds to prevent it for the first few hours then you can play all you want with no problems. And motion sickness is NOT unique to skyrim.

>shit resolution
It's fine, and frankly, you're a retard gor judging VR graphics by flat standards.

>wonky controls
They're fine for the most part, and if the move controls bother you, then just play with a regular controller. Problem solved.

>tunnel vision
FoV blinders are FULLY OPTIONAL. I have them turned off completely.

Just more of the same dishonest console warrior bullshit from you, eh?

>Nioh is a TPS

You can not excuse that fucking resolution. You need high resolution in VR. You're a VR shill, you should know how important proper resolution is. You wouldn't need fucking third party medication to play your game if it was developed properly.

You dishonest fuck.

>literally all you have to do is take OTC motion sickness meds
Now this is a brand new level of shilling.

>Sonygro VR setup is so shit they have to literally medicate themselves to keep from dying while playing it

>You wouldn't need fucking third party medication to play your game
It's not a resolution problem you fucking retard. It's not skyrim, it's not resolution, it's VR fucking with your brain by sending it signalsthat conflict with everything else it's getting. It's temporary, easily prevented, and frankly irrelevant. Once you get usedto VR, it's never a problem again

First thing I've ever done in VR was play Doom 2. I laugh at all the fags that get nauseous in VR. Actually all the fucking anti-nausia shit devs try and put into their games makes me get disoriented and thankfully I can turn most of it off.

Yes I will buy a PC vr headset for Skyrim and flight simulators. Motion controls is the only way to fix Skyrim combat, so then I'll only need graphics and content mods to make it perfect with no script extender needed